03-14 08:23发布于广东
On 11 March 2025, ASJ (Dongguan) and ASJ (Foshan) established a long-term educational partnership with three Irish institutions — Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), and Emerald Cultural Institute (ECI) — through the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) at ASJ (Dongguan) campus.
The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Anthony CHENG, Director of the Irish International Education Centre, representatives from the three Irish universities, and guests from University College Dublin and Munster Technological University. Our school’s leadership, including School Supervisor Ms. Grace AIK, Chief Principal Mr. Jonathan LAI, Executive Principal Mr. Samuel KAM, and Vice-Principal of ASJ (Foshan) Ms. Elanie TANG, witnessed the occasion.
爱尔兰国际教育中心主任Mr. Anthony CHENG、三所爱尔兰高校代表及都柏林大学学院、芒斯特理工大学嘉宾共同出席。本校校监易丽华、总校长赖炳华、执行校长金礼贤以及佛山暨大港澳子弟学校副校长汤凌艳等领导参与见证。
Following Executive Principal KAM’s welcoming address and Mr. CHENG’s remarks, both ASJ schools signed individual MoUs with the Irish institutions. Key provisions include:
Admission privileges for outstanding ASJ graduates through a Principal’s Recommendation Scheme at partner institutions.
Priority participation in academic events, conferences, and seminars hosted by either party.
A dedicated information session during the signing day, where Irish representatives outlined study opportunities, scholarship policies, and specialised programmes for ASJ (Dongguan) students.
在金礼贤校长热情洋溢的欢迎辞和Mr. Anthony CHENG鼓舞人心的分享后,两所港澳子弟学校分别与爱尔兰三所院校完成备忘录签署。根据协议内容:本校优秀毕业生可经“校长推荐计划”享受爱尔兰合作院校的入学优惠政策,同时签约双方将有优先权参与对方举办的活动、会议和研讨会。
Learn More about
the Professional Network of ASJ (Dongguan)
Technological University of the Shannon
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Emerald Cultural Institute
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