

Nov 6-9 Primary Years Inquiry in Action|小学部本周探究之旅




Nov 6-9

Primary Years|Inquiry in Action

Focus: Inquiry本周焦点:探究

Grade 1

Grade 1

In groups, the Grade 1 students embarked on a colourful journey of inquiry, crafting flags as a gateway to understanding the rich tapestries of cultures from different countries. This hands-on activity not only heightened their awareness of national identities but also sparked curiosity about the stories and histories embedded within each flag's design. As the students meticulously pieced together colours and symbols, they began to appreciate the deep cultural significance and the diversity of the world's nations. 


Grade 1的学生们以小组为单位,通过制作国旗作为探究不同国家文化的第一步,开启了一段多彩的探索之旅。这次实践活动不仅增强了他们对国家的认知,也激发了他们对每面国旗设计中蕴含的故事和历史的好奇心。在精心拼凑颜色和符号的过程中,他们开始理解国旗深层的文化意义以及世界各国多样性。

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Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2 engaged in research activities, utilising iPads and books, and examining small models of artefacts from the past. During the exploration of this concept, students had to develop and answer their own questions based on their research. Our learning objective was to develop a deeper understanding, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills. 


Grade 2学生通过使用iPad、书籍和检查过去的文物小模型进行探究活动。在探索这一概念的过程中,学生必须根据自己的研究发展并回答自己的问题。我们的学习目标是加深理解,培养好奇心和批判性思维能力。

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Grade 3

Grade 3

In line with their current Unit of Inquiry, the Grade 3 students have worked towards designing, testing, and creating their own number system for the future. By exploring the ancient number systems of previous civilisations and discussing how we use numbers today, the students created success criteria as the initial starting point of their project. They could also utilise some of the positive attributes of other systems in their designs. 



根据本单元的探究线索,Grade 3的学生们设计,测试和创造了他们自己的未来的数字系统。通过探索远古文明的数字系统以及讨论当今仍在使用的数字,学生们创建了一个可衡量成功的标准来开始他们最初的项目探究。他们还参考了其它系统的优点,以利用到自己的设计上。

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Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4 students put their research skills to use to explore the history of the Neolithic Revolution. Students also practised their presentation skills to share their findings with the class.                                                                                           


Grade 4的学生们运用他们的研究技能来探索新石器时代革命的历史。学生们还练习了他们的演讲技巧以便于在班级上分享他们的发现。

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Grade 5

Grade 5

As part of the inquiry process, Grade 5 students researched the major turning points throughout history. Students investigated how humans may have contributed to global development and how this may shape our future. 


作为探究过程的一部分,Grade 5学生研究了人类发展历史上的重大转折点,人类是如何促进全球发展的,以及这将如何影响我们的未来。

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Grade 6

Grade 6

Throughout the week, the Grade 6 class embraced the spirit of inquiry across all subjects, fostering a deep understanding of the topics at hand. During our Unit of Inquiry, the students explored the fascinating concepts of adaptations and evolution, immersing themselves in the research of various animals and their adaptive traits that enable them to thrive in their habitats, and further delving into the theories that underpin this captivating field. During the research process, students had to develop a set of questions and answer them based on facts.         


在整个星期里,Grade 6在所有科目中都积极探讨探究的精神,促进了对手头主题的深刻理解。在他们的探究单元中,学生们探索了适应和进化的迷人概念,沉浸在研究各种动物及其适应性特征的过程中,这些特征使它们能够在其栖息地中茁壮成长,并进一步深入探讨支持这一引人入胜领域的理论。在研究过程中,学生们需要提出一系列问题,并根据事实来回答这些问题。

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Throughout the various grade levels, students diligently dedicated their week to advancing their art projects, and honing their artistic skills to the best of their abilities. They exhibited a keen focus on the ultimate aesthetic outcome of their work, paying meticulous attention to details. Despite their commitment to individual projects, students also found opportunities to engage in inquiries for further learning.



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Throughout their learning experiences, students put effort into advancing their playing skills as well as their research skills. Grade 1, Grade 4, and Grade 5 students demonstrated how to be knowledgeable thinkers as they reflected on their project creation by asking questions and researching through books and the internet. In other grades, students showed a positive attitude towards engaging in inquiries for further instrument learning in an ensemble.


在学习过程中,学生们认真提高他们的演奏技巧和研究技能。Grade 1、Grade 4和Grade 5的学生通过提问和通过书籍和互联网进行研究,展示了如何成为知识渊博的思考者。在其他年级,学生对在合奏团中进一步学习乐器表现出积极的态度。

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From artificially intelligent robots to encoding Morse Code, exploring stop-motion animation, programming with blocks, and Using Apple Keynotes and Book Creator, Grades 1 to 6 students applied their critical and creative thinking skills as they showed curiosity, asked questions, and analysed the world around them.


从人工智能机器人、编码莫尔斯电码、探索定格动画、积木编程、使用 Apple Keynote 和图书创作者,1-6 年级的学生通过表达好奇、提出问题和分析他们周围的世界,展现出了思考者和开放的思想。 

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Mandarin FL



Grade 1 students learned about the two compound finals ‘ie and üe,' the special final sound ‘er’ and the two fully-formed syllables ‘ye and yue.’ Furthermore, they also inquired about the characteristics of clothing in ancient China and the Xia, Shang, and West Zhou dynasties. 

Grade 2 students learned the text ‘A Letter.’ 

Grade 3 students spent time correcting their exam papers. Students also explored a new text and tried to complete an inquiry activity. They first focussed their attention on one specific item and then wrote down their observations in a related form. 

Grade 4 students learned the Chinese mythological story ‘Pangu Creates Heaven and Earth.’ Afterwards, they investigated the reasons for the emergence of Chinese mythological stories as well as how they are structured in the world. 

By learning the text ‘The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace’, Grade 5 students realised that the destruction of the Old Summer Palace was an enormous loss in the history of Chinese culture. At the same time, they became more knowledgeable regarding the history of the First and Second Opium Wars.  

Grade 6 students learned the text ‘Bridge.’ The students analysed the character's personality and excellent qualities through the description of the environment, actions and language as presented in the text.



Grade 1学生学习了复韵母ie / üe,特殊韵母er和整体认读音节ye、yue 和两个词语,还简单学习了中国远古时期和夏商西周时期服饰的特点。

Grade 2的学生学习了课文《一封信》。

Grade 3 学生修改了单元测试卷并学习新课《搭船的鸟》,通过留心观察完成了观察记录表的作业。

Grade 4的学生学习了中国神话故事《盘古开天地》,了解了中国神话故事产生的原因和世界神话故事的体系。

Grade 5的学生通过学习课文《圆明园的毁灭》,明白了圆明园的毁灭是中国文化史上不可估量的损失,同时我们学习了有关第一次和第二次鸦片战争的历史知识。

Grade 6的学生学习了课文《桥》,学生们通过课文里的环境描写、动作描写和语言描写来分析人物的性格和优秀品质。

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Mandarin AL


Additional Language

Kindergarten 3 students learned the initial consonants ‘j, q, and x’ and reviewed strokes and Chinese characters through games. They also read Chinese picture book stories together. 

Grade 2 students explored the story of Watt's invention of the steam engine and learned about his love for thinking and experimenting. 

Grade 3 and Grade 4 students explored the topic of 'climate' and learned not only to describe the characteristics of Hong Kong's climate but also to search for information about climate extremes. 

Grade 5 students learned about linguistic expressions useful in situations when things are lost and found. Additionally, they set up scenarios for a role-play activity and practised dialogues based on their own experiences.



本周Kindergarten 3学生学习了声母“j q x”的发音和书写并通过游戏复习了之前所学习的笔画和汉字,最后还一起阅读了中国绘本故事。Grade 2的学生探究了瓦特发明蒸汽机的故事,学习他爱思考,爱动手做实验的精神。Grade 3和Grade 4的学生围绕“气候”这个话题进行探究,他们不仅学习描述香港的气候特点,还搜索信息了解极端气候。Grade 5的学生学习了关于丢东西和寻找物品的表达方式,他们还依据自己丢东西的经历设置情景并进行对话练习。

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In Library Club, the Grade 2 students used their research skills to find out more about the five important story elements of a fictional story. The students then used this ‘new’ knowledge and applied it to a fictional story (such as Pinocchio) they found in the library —noting the plot, setting, characters, problem, and solution of the story. In groups of two to four, the Grade 3 to Grade 6 students embarked on a ‘Library Scavenger Hunt.’ Students were given book clues and needed to find a book that fit the clue. This activity helps reinforce high-level thinking, listening and speaking skills. It was a fun way for students to solve problems and give each other directions as they searched for books.


在图书馆俱乐部,Grade 2学生使用他们的研究技能来更多地了解虚构故事的五个重要故事元素。学生们将其所学知识应用到他们在图书馆找到的虚构故事(例如匹诺曹)中,记下故事的情节、背景、人物、问题和解决方案。Grade 3-6的学生以两到四人为一组,开展“图书馆寻宝游戏”。学生们通过书籍线索,找到符合线索的书。这项活动有助于提高学生的思维、听力和口语技能。对于学生来说,这是一种通过寻找书籍来锻炼解决问题的能力并互相指导的有趣方式。

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Chinese Maths

Chinese Maths

Grade 1 students learnt to add and subtract numbers up to 10 correctly using the components of said numbers. This new knowledge will be beneficial to the children so that they can further appreciate the connections between addition and subtraction. Additionally, they also investigated the process of abstracting mathematical problems of addition and subtraction from real-life situations, experiencing the value and joy of learning mathematics.

Grade 2 students were introduced to multiplication. They inquired about its application in their assignments while summarising the multiplication tables of 2, 3 and 5.

Grade 3 students focussed on the concept of multiplication. In particular, they focussed on the Chinese phrasing of ‘倍’ and ‘几个几,’ analysing them as part of their manipulative activities.

Grade 4 students applied their thinking and problem-solving skills to the analysis of the relationship between ‘unit price, quantity, and total price’ and ‘speed, time and distance.’

Grade 5 students learnt how to properly identify recurring decimals based on the approximation of quotients. They are now able to retain the appropriate number of decimal places according to the meaning of the problem.

Grade 6 focussed on solving fractions using word problems. Students investigated dividing fractions with different denominators.









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The Kindergarten 3 students learnt how to grip and release a frisbee. This activity will be used for their disc throw on Sports Day. 

Grade 1 to Grade 3 reviewed relay rules and the related process while improving the fluency between the baton exchange.

Grade 4 to Grade 6 learnt that the shot put must be thrown from the neck, and the correct standing position will improve distance.



Kindergarten 3的学生学习了飞盘的反手握法和如何反手掷飞盘,这项活动将会在运动会上举行。Grade 1-3复习了接力赛的规则和流程,提高了接力棒交接的流畅度。Grade 4-6学习了铅球必须从颈部开始投掷,并且认识到正确的站立姿势可以提高距离。

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