

Primary Years Art in Action|小学部艺术之旅

03-19 15:29发布于广东


March 11-15

Primary Years|Art in Action

Song Credit: Good Good Thing by Anders Sohn

Grade 1

Grade 1

The Grade 1 students delved further into their mathematical journey by strengthening their multiplication skills. They dedicated time to mastering the 2 and 3 times tables, laying a solid foundation for their future mathematical endeavours. In Literacy, Grade 1 students enthusiastically engaged in the Spelling Bee contest. This event provided them with a valuable opportunity to not only review and reinforce the vocabulary they have been acquiring but also to foster camaraderie with their peers and educators. It was heartening to witness their eagerness to participate and their joy in learning.



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Grade 2

Grade 2

In Grade 2, students engaged in designing their own logos by first sketching their ideas and then using a variety of markers and coloured pencils to decorate and bring their creations to life. 



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Grade 3

Grade 3

To commemorate this year's Pi Day celebrations, in addition to participating in the greater Primary Pi Day activity, the Grade 3 students created their very own Pi skyline artwork. Using the digits that make pi, they created a sequence of skyscrapers in their artwork's foreground. Each building's size reflected the chronological sequence of values using the appropriate number of squares.



为了纪念今年的圆周率日,Grade 3的学生们创作了他们自己的圆周率轮廓艺术作品。他们用圆周率的数字在艺术作品的前景中创作了一系列摩天大楼。每栋建筑的大小都反映了他们使用适当数量的正方形并以时间顺序排列的价值。

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Grade 4

Grade 4

The Grade 4 students visited the Dongguan Meteorological Museum before combining their newly acquired knowledge and artistic skills to design posters that showed how to prevent natural disasters. The posters were an excellent example of the students’ personal artistic styles.                               



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Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5 students explored the different types of natural disasters, what causes them, and how humans are affected by them. Students looked at compass points and designed their thinking routines to show their knowledge to others.               



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Grade 6

Grade 6

In Grade 6, students immersed themselves in the world of art through science. They designed and drew circuits in electricity for the Unit of Inquiry and created visual representations of tenses in Literacy to enhance their understanding for future lessons.   


六年级的学生们深入了解了信息通信技术的世界。他们在自己的设备上为调查单元研究电学问题,并通过TT Rockstars磨练他们的数学技能,为即将到来的全球比赛做准备。

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This week's Art classes were characterised by a concerted effort to incorporate natural elements and minimise material waste. Across different grade levels, students embarked on varied artistic endeavours aimed at both fostering creativity and promoting environmental consciousness. 

Kindergarten 3, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 students underwent a tactile exploration of homemade play dough crafted from flour, salt, and water. 

Grades 4 and 5 created digital artwork intending to raise awareness about the collective efforts of communities in mitigating the impact of natural disasters.

Meanwhile, Grade 6 students delved deep into the intricate art of Batik, gaining insight into the cultural significance and craftsmanship behind this traditional practice, exemplified by a member of their own community. 

Through these diverse activities, students not only honed their artistic skills but also cultivated a sense of responsibility towards the environment and community engagement.



Kindergarten 3、一年级、二年级和三年级的学生体验了用面粉、盐和水制作的自制橡皮泥的触觉探索。




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In Music class, the students enjoyed a week of enthusiastic learning.

Kindergarten 3 and Grade 1 learned about two very different musical instruments, the piano and the drum. Additionally, they experienced how to play them in the right way. 

Grade 2 focussed on a musical movement that they created to go along with the pitch that they were singing. 

Grade 3 attempted for the first time to choreograph a song by themselves.

Grade 4 continued working and polishing their cup songs, excitedly looking forward to performing that on stage. 

Grade 5 kept concentrating on the concept of a ‘Bullying-Free World’, whilst learning how to sing the song ‘Don’t Laugh at Me.’

Grade 6, focussing on numbers in music, learned how to sing a ‘π’ song.



Kindergarten 3和一年级学习了两种非常不同的乐器,钢琴和鼓。此外,他们还体验了如何以正确的方式弹奏它们。






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As students from Grades 1 to 6 have been improving their typing skills, this week they were introduced to the 'Top Row' of the keyboard. The top row keys consist of the letters Q, W, E, R, and T for the left hand, and Y, U, I, O, and P for the right hand. These keys have different functions and can be useful for quick actions and shortcuts, allowing the students to expand their typing vocabulary and become more proficient as technology users.



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Mandarin FL


First Language

Language is an art. As such, Grade 3 students have been learning about fables. They understood that fables are short in length and learnt how to analyse their concise language and highly educational language art. Additionally, they focussed on summarising the moral lessons gained from the fables that they concentrated their attention on. 

Grade 1 students learnt about one new punctuation mark: the exclamation mark! They understood its usage through text analysis and tried to read sentences containing exclamation marks vividly, conveying the emotions of the protagonist. Finally, they concluded that, when we need to express strong emotions, we use exclamation marks!      

Grade 6 students have been investigating Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces and discovered the power and artistic value of novels. This week, in particular, they experienced the vivid characters and fantastic storyline of the famous novel ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ discussing some of its excerpts. Furthermore, Grade 6 students also read ‘A Dream of Red Mansions,’ one of the four great classics in ancient China. In order to encourage students to read more books and cultivate their general interest in reading, the class analysed some of the names of the characters in the aforementioned masterpiece, experiencing the art of character names. In this novel, the author used homophones, literary references, flowers and birds to name them, thus conveying their special meanings. In addition, the students inquired about the cooking, poetry, clothing and cultural arts mentioned in this book, sharing their own opinions on these interesting aspects.






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In Library Club, the Lower Primary students explored the ‘power of yet.’ Students enjoyed the animated storytelling of ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance.’ Through this story, students learnt that having a ‘can-do’ attitude is a key component to achieving whatever they set out to do. Instead of saying “I can’t do it!”, students were encouraged to start using the phrase “I can’t do it, YET!”



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Chinese Maths

Chinese Maths

Grade 1 students learned subtraction within 20. In the process of learning, they discovered specific rules that can help them calculate the results more quickly. Students also referred to different methods to solve simple real-life problems and experience the art of mathematics.   

Grade 2 students explored averaging by learning how to recognise two types of averaging through drawing, circling, and dividing activities. Drawing exercises especially investigated the foundation for the concept of ‘averaging’, helping the students better familiarise themselves with this newly acquired knowledge.





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This week K3 and G1 played Clap Ball for the practice of throw and catch skills in the P.E. lesson. Students were sitting in a circle facing each other. The first child threw a ball up in the air and had to clap once before catching the ball. He or she then passed the ball to the next child who would do the same. The ball continued around the circle until it got back to the first child, who then needed to clap twice before catching the ball and passing it. Continue to increase the challenge by adding claps in between catches.

G2 and G3 students had the game Knockout Wallie in the P.E. lesson for shooting skills. Students took it in turns to kick a ball against a goal. If someone missed the goal, they were given the first letter of the word. The first person to receive every letter of the word was the loser.

G4, G5 and G6 had bandage Tag in the P.E. lesson. There were 4 taggers to tap the others. When someone is tagged, they would put their hand over the spot where they were tagged—that was the “bandage.” The second time someone was tagged, they had to put their other hand as a second bandage. A third tag and the player would go to the “Hospital.” —a pre-determined spot at the edge of the playing area. When all players are in the hospital, the game is over.



本周,K3 和 G1 进行了接传球练习,练习体育中的投接球技巧。课。学生面对面坐成一圈。第一个孩子将球抛向空中,在接住球之前必须鼓掌一次。然后,他或她将球传给下一个也会做同样事情的孩子。球继续绕圈,直到回到第一个孩子那里,然后他需要拍手两次才能接球并传球。通过在接球之间添加拍手来继续增加挑战。


G4、G5 和 G6 在体育运动进行绷带游戏。有 4 位同学负责“抓捕”。当某人被抓捕者标记时,他们会将手放在被标记的地方——这就是“绷带”。当有人第二次被标签时,他们必须用另一只手作为第二条绷带。第三次被贴上标签,玩家将前往“医院”。当所有玩家都入院后,游戏就结束了。

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