佛山诺德首次公开大学早申放榜 OFFER FROM 2022 GRADUATES
12年级的Emerald同学是佛山市诺德安达学校的创校学生,也是第一个收到大学录取通知书的DP学生。她的第一份录取通知书是来自美国福特汉姆大学,并且获得超过30万人民币的奖学金。福特汉姆大学在纽约的知名程度仅次于哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学,在纽约拥有非常庞大且强悍的校友圈,包括美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普,现任纽约州州长的安德鲁·科莫,红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)创始人Donald T. Valentine。对正在为自己的梦想努力的学子,她是这样分享的:
——12年级 Emerald OUYANG
升学指导老师Mr. Philip让我们做了很多专业问卷,根据我们的特长、兴趣爱好,帮助我们选择最合适的专业。确定了专业之后,我努力学习专业知识。在经济课上,男生们吸收知识比我快,所以,遇到不会的问题,我会马上请教老师,直至弄懂。课后我会多做练习,巩固知识,因为知识在于应用。感谢老师们的辛苦付出,也感谢努力的自己。
——12年级 Scarlet WANG
——12年级 Qiana ZHENG
At the start of 2022, we are delighted to share some good news with you. Our first cohort of DP candidates are receiving many offers from around the world, including US Early Action offers!
Since the founding of NAS Foshan, the first DP cohort results have been eagerly anticipated, with all teachers united towards helping our students get into first-choice universities. No pain, no gain. Recently the gains are being realised with G12 students receiving early admission offers.
Emerald, who is a G12 student, is one of the founding students at NAS Foshan. She is the first DP student who received the university offer in our school. Her first offer is from Fordham University in the USA and she is offered a scholarship of over 300 thousand RMB. Fordham University is one of the famous schools in New York, with a strong alumni network in New York, including former President Mr. Donald Trump, current New York Governor Mr. Andrew Cuomo, and Mr. Donald T. Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital. She shared below message to other students who are working hard for their dreams.
We need to find a balance among IA, EE, TOK, CAS, personal statements and ECAs. In order to receive university offers, we need to manage our time effectively. I wish that all of us can go to our dream universities. I also hope that everyone can stay positive, quell self-doubt if rejected, or avoid complacency if getting a dream offer.
——G12 Emerald OUYANG
The early offer list might be a statistical sheet from one view, but at NAS Foshan, it is the result of hours of student planning, self-exploration, and personal and academic growth. From each university’s location, feature, type and major, you can see that each student has his or her own interest, strength, career plan and ambitions. Our Career Counsellor not only has the professional knowledge, but also finds each student’s unique strengths with great patience, guiding them to their first choice, best-fit university.
When our students receive offers, how do they feel? Some of them are excited, looking forward to university life. Some of them act calm as the result falls within their expectations. Some of them are happy for their own growth in academics and personal development.
Mr. Philip helped me a lot. I finished many professional assessments to find out the majors according to my interest and strength. After confirming my major, I have been motivated to work harder. In Economics class, the other boys are learning faster than me, so I would ask for more support from teachers if I have any questions. After class, I will do more exercises and projects to consolidate my knowledge. I would like to thank all my teachers for their effort, and I even thank myself for working hard.
——G12 Scarlet WANG
We need to submit a transcript with three years record and meet the IELTS requirement when applying to university. I will continue taking the IELTS assessment to reach a higher score. The offers means more than a paper to us, it’s also strong proof of our personal growth. Throughout the IB Diploma Programme, my leadership, analysing, and problem-solving skills are improving a lot. I also have become more self-disciplined and know how to behave better.
——G12 Qiana ZHENG
We look forward to next semester as we expect great news of university placements for later rounds of admission from our eager G12 students.