





Last week, the PYP Homeroom Teachers' open letters brought us back to the wonderful memories of the school year 2021-2022. Which open letter touched you the most? This week, the spotlight is on the MYP Homeroom Teachers who worked tirelessly to deliver a robust Pastoral Care Program for each grade level.




时光飞逝,而本学年的一系列精彩庆典让人流连忘返。下午茶音乐会、学院运动会、游戏之夜……只是我们参与过的芸芸活动中的微小部分。于我们而言,能为才华横溢、能力拔萃的你们授课是一种享受。我们相信,你们会在人生的路途上茁壮成长。在人生道路奔跑之时,请持续吸纳新知识、持续成长,继续享受乐趣。我们期待在下一学年见证你们获得更大的成就,并共同为这些成就喝彩。 [译]


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Dear Grade 6 Students,

This school year was full of events, and we feel grateful for having this honor to be your teachers. We remember meeting all of you on the first day of school and having many hopes for your academic and social life at TWIS. Most of you were new to this environment and all of you were entering the independent life of MYP. 

We lived through this school year together and got to know you as energetic, friendly, curious, caring, and self-motivated students. As a group, you had your ups and downs. As your homeroom teachers, we feel extremely proud of those who outrode their academic or social challenges, and those who are working hard and steadily progressing to meet their goals.

The time has gone so quickly. Who could forget the events that took place this school year? Tea-time showcases, house games, and game nights are just a few of the events that the entire grade six has attended actively and successfully. For us, as your homeroom teachers, it has been a pleasure to teach every one of you. You are a marvelous group of talented students and we are sure that you will thrive on the path of life. As you continue with your life journey, keep learning, keep growing and keep having fun. We are looking forward to witnessing the great accomplishments of our wonderful grade 6 next school year and celebrating your success together.




美国哲学家约翰·杜威(John Dewey)曾经说道:“如果我们像昨天那样教导今天的学生,我们就剥夺了他们的明天。”这句话的意思是,我们所有的老师都在竭尽所能地将你们的优点与才华发挥出来,为你们未来的美好生活和成功事业做好充足的准备。我们督促你们在课堂的学习,但当你们离开教室时,学习不能因此截然而止。你们正跻身于一个数字化的时代,所以,好好把握这样的优势。

作为教师,我们也时常从你们的身上收获向上的力量。你们的努力、毅力,以及对于观点的不畏表达,都是值得赞赏的。所以不要害怕犯错,永远要学会尽力而为! [译]


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Extraordinary Grade 7 students, 

You are an exciting community of learners demonstrating leadership, communication, understanding and participation in every possible way. You showed your artistic nature, dedication to the active lifestyle and confident presentation of your subjects on stage. You learned how to express your concerns and fears and communicate with each other more efficiently during Pastoral Care sessions.

You are already more than halfway through your school life journey. However, there is still a lot to explore. Remember, a true IB learner is one who never stops learning. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Everything you do – hitting a keyboard on the piano, shooting a basketball into a hoop, presenting in front of the class, making a brushstroke or writing a code – is not a one-time activity but a diligent process of development.

John Dewey, an American philosopher, once said, "If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow." Thus said, all your teachers always strive to bring out the best in you to prepare you for a bright future life and a successful career. We facilitate your learning in the classroom, but it does not stop when you leave. You are immersed in the digital world, so make good use of it.

As teachers, we also get inspired and motivated by you and your actions. We praise your effort, perseverance and point of view. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, always try your best!




然而,请切记:天底下没有不劳而获的事。你们必须学会自己去寻找答案,去挖掘可靠的信源,去发问,去做进一步的探究。想要成为一位更卓越的人,则需要付出汗水、泪水。想要变得非凡,则要学会迎接困难。正如那句古话所说,一分耕耘,一分收获。勇敢地做出转变,比别人付出加倍的努力。在竞争中合作共赢。没有一位学生是一座孤岛,你们所在的群体是一片绿洲,洋溢着无尽的热情,蕴藏着无边无际的知识。尽情地分享和展示吧!即将到来的九年级也需要你们的汗水,祝你们在新的学年里一切顺利!加油! [译]


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Glorious Grade 8 students,

It seems like yesterday that we met in the bland homeroom and have since gone on to add splashes of colour along the academic year journey. Please accept the sincere gratitude of your homeroom team in supporting us to support you. There have been many lessons for all of us to learn along the way.

By now, each of you will have discovered your strengths, and sadly your weaknesses throughout the year. The good thing in finding out your weakness, is that you can rise to the challenge, as we are certain that many of you shall continue to do so. You’re ambassadors now. You’re the big kids that PYP and the lower MYP kids look up towards. You can set great examples. You can be go-getters and pillars of support. You can be so much more than you are right now.

But, be warned: nothing comes to you. You must go to it. Seek out answers, ask many questions from reliable sources and probe further. It takes sweat, and tears (but hopefully not blood) to be better. To be the best, expect pain. That old saying, "no pain, no gain" is there for a reason. Put in a shift. Work harder than each other. Compete, but collaborate. No student is an island. You’re a class, a continent. And a wealth of passion and knowledge. Share it. Show it. All the best for the coming academic year. Grade 9 needs your sweat. Go for it!





作为你们的班主任,我们希望你们能紧随IB学习者的十大属性,并进一步磨练你们的ATL技能,从而成为一位全面发展的人。随着年级的增长,挑战和挫折或许会迎面而来,但请不要轻言放弃,努力去翻越阻碍,心怀抱负,保持胸襟开阔与耐心。 [译]


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Dear Grade 9 Students,

As your homeroom teachers, we want to congratulate you on completing your grade 9 studies successfully. When the academic year started, most of you were excited, being elevated from grade 8 to 9. Likewise, this is another milestone, as you are promoted further to grade 10 in the next academic year.

We are so proud of you because of the hard work you put into your academic tasks, and your unwavering discipline throughout the year. We encourage you to continue with this high level of self-motivation and aim for higher goals in your studies. You have discovered some of your strengths and weaknesses too. Use your strengths to make improvements in both your academic and personal lives. Rise to the challenge and be optimistic to overcome your shortfalls.

As you advance to grade 10, PYP students and the lower grades of MYP, will be focusing their eyes on you as one of the seniors of the school. Therefore, set good examples in the actions you take and the choices you make, and be good role models!

As your homeroom teachers, we want to encourage you to keep following the IB learner profile attributes, and further sharpening your ATL skills for holistic education. Challenges and frustrations may arise as you progress in your scholarly pursuits, but never give up. Strive to excel. Be ambitious, open-minded, and patient with yourselves.





你们是第一批进入DP项目的学生,我们为你们每个人及所取得的成就感到自豪,也衷心希望你们会爱上这段时光。如果你们能贯彻这一学年的学习态度,努力发挥自己的特长,那么你们的未来必定会闪耀而美好。你们是开拓者,祝愿你们一切顺利! [译]


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Dear Grade 10 Students,

It was an honor and privilege for us to be your Homeroom teachers and watch you all grow into fine young adults. We can not believe how the time has gone quickly but you know what they say - time flies when you are having fun. When people look back to the 2021-2022 academic year, they will inevitably remember it because of you. Your contribution across the whole school has been amazing and all of the staff talk fondly of you as a senior group. You have worked really hard and achieved a great deal and you should be very proud of yourselves for what you have achieved.

All performances you showed us during the year always put a smile on our faces. We enjoyed watching "Open-Minded Justin and Logan" performing dances with "Leading Erica". Seeing "Balanced Hao and Lily" rolling on judo mats was another unforgettable memory for all of us. We were also pleased to see you have shown great care and love to our new team member Chris. These events were unique and will give you memories that last forever as well as skills you will use in your future.

As next year's first DP students we are so proud of you all and all you have achieved, and we hope you will look back fondly on your time here. You are all set for amazing futures if you continue to work hard and apply yourselves as you have done this school year. Congratulations and best wishes to our trailblazers!










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