

莱克顿校长的新年问候 | New Year Greetings






2020年终于落幕,疫情带来的诸多考验,使其成为了我们许多人教育生涯中最具挑战的一年。值得自豪的是,在这样的一年里,我们所有教职员工和学生们都勇敢地迎接了挑战,战胜了它们,不仅如此,更磨练了自身意志和韧性。现在, 继《圣诞颂歌》在圣诞节大获成功之后,2021年给出了一个愉快的新开始,一个乐观、光明的新开始。


· 12年级的Cindy X在HOSA 生物与健康未来领袖挑战 2021 区域站中获得了全国铜奖。

· 11年级的Sherry X在BAAO英国天文学和天体物理学思维挑战(初级)中获得了全球银奖。

· 10年级的Linda H和Cathy X在全国ASDAN商业竞赛中获得第三名。


在这些成绩的激励下,我们的USAD团队,在陈老师和李老师的帮助下,正在为他们二月份的比赛做着积极的准备,我们也期待着他们能取得优秀的成绩。伴随2021年而来的还有A Level考试,12年级和13年级的学生们在圣诞假期一直在为1月份的A Level考试做准备。看到他们准备充分,我相信当我们收到结果时,学生们将为他们取得的成绩感到高兴。


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I would like to welcome all the children back from the Christmas break and warmly wish you all a Happy New Year! As 2020 has drawn to a close, with all of the trials brought about by the COVID – 19 pandemic, it was perhaps the most challenging year in education many of us have ever experienced. Proudly, we can say that it was a year in which all the staff and students have risen to the challenges that were presented and succeeded nonetheless, only developing our character and our resilience. Now, fresh from the amazing success that was the Christmas production, A Christmas Carol, 2021 presents a welcome new beginning, an optimistic, bright new start and we have high hopes for what the future may hold.

The new year is only one week old but it has already brought us much wonderful news, our students have achieved great successes in a number of academic competitions:

· Cindy X in Year 12 was awarded a National Bronze Award in the HOSA-Future Health Professionals National competition.

· Sherry X in Year 11 won a Global Silver Award in the BAAO Junior Astro Challenge.

· Linda H and Cathy X in Year 10 were awarded third place in the national ASDAN Business Competition.

It is successes like these from which we will build, and I am confident that 2021 will be a great year for our students, staff and parents. 

Energized by these successes our USAD team, with the help of Mrs. Chen and Ms. Li is eagerly preparing for their competition in February, and we look forward to their great success. The start of 2021 brings with it the start of A level examinations for our Y12 and Y13 students who were busy preparing for their January exams during the Christmas holidays. They were well prepared for these exams and I am confident that when we receive the results our students will be delighted with what they have achieved.

During the rest of the academic year 2020 – 2021 we have much to look forward to. The Chinese New Year, Spring Festival Celebration will soon be upon us and our staff and students have a host of activities and events planned so that we can celebrate the incoming Year of The Ox in style. I am also looking forward to our end of year Performance Showcase, where our students will showcase their individual and group talents. Through singing, dancing and TED style presentations our Luctonians will develop and hone their performance skills. One day in the Lucton calendar I always look forward to is the Annual Awards Ceremony where we come together to honour and celebrate our students’ and parents’ achievements. With all this and so much more to look forward to, I am confident that 2021 will be a fantastic year for all Luctonians! 

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Clement Parrish












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