
NAIS活动 | 诺美学生再次登上施坦威之家的舞台



G10程海盈 Ying Cheng,G10胡芸祎 Cindy Hu,G9王威翔 David Wang

2021年1月15日,上海诺美学校音乐大师班的12位小艺术家们再次登上了斯坦威音乐厅的舞台进行精彩的演出。我们特别邀请到上海诺美学校艺术中心主任Dr. Nikita Mamedov为我们讲述此次小艺术家们的台前幕后故事。

On Friday, January 15th, 12 students from NAIS Music Master Class were invited to perform at the Steinway Hall for the second time. We have invited Dr.Nikita Mamedov, Director of the Art Center of NAIS, to give us an introduction of the Steinway Art Performance.


Dr .Nikita Mamedov




钢琴独奏学生为:陈姝思和单佳怡。陈姝思对李斯特的《E大调第五首练习曲》进行了细致而有技巧的诠释。单佳怡则充分展示了来自Op 37a的柴可夫斯基《十二月》和莫扎特的《钢琴奏鸣曲》(第18号),其创新,抒情和音乐鲜明的艺术风格。高佳韵和何沐蓉演绎了邓紫棋的《光年之外》,清楚地概述了作者想要通过作品传达的涵义。


G11何沐蓉 Ruby He




The beginning of 2021 commenced on a positive note for music students at the North America International School, as a series of events in January to conclude the semester last Friday with a recital at the Shanghai Steinway Hall.

The program encompassed twelve works from the western and eastern repertoire, including solos, duets, and trios. 

With a sole exception, all performances utilized a piano. Twelve students attended, performed, and received awards at the recital for their hard work and dedication.

Foundation 单佳怡 Amelia Shan 

Solo performers included Bella Chen and Amelia Shan. Bella offered a delicate yet technical interpretation of Liszt’s Etude No. 5 in E Major, while Amelia excelled in her innovative, lyrical, and musically-contrasting artistic construal of Tchaikovsky’s “December” from Op. 37a and the first movement from Mozart’s Piano Sonata No. 18. 

Jasmine Gao and Ruby He performed Tang’s Light Years Away, clearly outlining the composer’s expressive intentions. A thought-provoking work at the recital was La Vie En Rose, a popular song from the mid-20th century. Ruby He’s zest and musical passion translated into a marvelous performance, while Julia Qiu’s piano accompaniment provided a peaceful and comfortable harmonic support. 

Alex Ma continued the concert with his interpretation of Nathan South. Alex’s ability to produce an equilibrium between his accompaniment and singing allowed him to grasp the full control of the work and provide his musical comprehension of the text. 

Perhaps one of the most challenging pieces on the program was the first movement from Bach’s Violin Concerto in E Major, performed by Sherman Zhao. Sherman clearly outlined his expertise in bringing out the Italian characteristics of the concerto, musically-elaborating on the work’s structure and Bach’s harmonic adventures throughout the movement. 

Foundation 郭子君 Linda Guo

& Foundation蔡宜诺 Chloe Cai

A contrasting performance to Sherman’s music-making followed via a duet for piano and violin by Linda Guo and Chloe Cai. A melodic and tranquil interpretation of Someone Like You by Adele with a light and delicate accompaniment by Chloe Cai and an evocative and eloquent sound produced by Linda Guo was one of the recital’s artistic apogees. 

The program ended with a trio’s bright and dazzling performance – two singers with a piano accompaniment. A vivid interpretation of One Has Another in Mind and Wonderful U was the perfect way to conclude the concert with Ying Cheng, Cindy Hu, and David Wang showcasing their musical proficiencies, ravishing singing, and divine playing. 

Overall, such a positive experience for the students combined with an excellent performative atmosphere proves to be a splendid learning opportunity. Concomitantly, using the piano for musical purposes other than solo performances displays its diverse nature and its use throughout history, thus providing students with practical education.

Steinway Hall Program

Light Years Away               

G11何沐蓉(Ruby He)&G11高佳韵(Jasmine Gao)

Etude No. 5 in E Major, "La Chasse"     

Foundation 陈姝思(Bella Chen)

The Seasons, Op. 37a, December 

Piano Sonata No.18,K.576,movement I 

Foundation单佳怡(Amelia Shan)

La Vie En Rose                   

G9 邱问玄(Julia Qiu)&G11何沐蓉(Ruby He

Nashan South                   

G12马晓阳(Alex Ma)

Lost Boy                     

Beautiful Dreamer               

G11何沐蓉(Ruby He)

Violin Concerto in E Major, BWV 1042,movement I           

G8赵非同 (Sherman Zhao)

Someone Like You             

Foundation 郭子君 (Linda Guo) & Foundation蔡宜诺(Chloe Cai)

One Has Another in Mind     

G10 程海盈(Ying Cheng), G10 胡芸祎(Cindy Hu ) & G9王威翔(David Wang)

Wonderful U                       

G10 程海盈(Ying Cheng),G10 胡芸祎(Cindy Hu) &G9王威翔(David Wang)


Dr. Nikita Mamedov

金芝妍 Zhiyan Jin

杨扬 Cassie Yang



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★ Edutec China授予“2020年度国际教育智慧创新开拓奖”

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