上海诺美学校学术校长James Waldron受邀与三位诺贝尔奖获得者、哈佛、剑桥知名教授等嘉宾同台发表演讲并见证榜单发布。
NAIS ranks 59th in the 2020 China International School Competitiveness Ranking released by KingLead. NAIS also ranked in the top 10 for Shanghai private schools, NAIS is the only school in the top 10 established within the last five years.
2020 China International School Competitiveness Ranking
以下为上海诺美学校学术校长James Waldron的演讲内容:
上海诺美学校学术校长James Waldron于
诺美学校非常重视全方位教育,获得了众多国际权威资质认证。我们不仅拥有剑桥国际考试委员会授权、英国培生爱德思考试机构授权, 以及英国文化协会的认可。同时诺美学校还获得了College Board 美国大学理事会AP授权认证, 英国爱丁堡公爵奖中国执行中心授权,这意味着我们全方位教育也充分得到了英国权威组织认可。
更值得一提的是,我们是一所Cognia认证学校。中国目前Cognia认证学校是非常罕见的, 全国范围仅80余所,上海地区仅10所Cognia认证学校。在所有这些学校中,绝大多数是外籍子女学校。
谈到三年办学历史,我们已经把多数首届毕业学生送入了世界前50的一流大学。大家可以关注诺美学校的官方平台, 我们会及时更新最新的升学成果。
上海诺美学校Piano lab
此外,诺美校园比邻上海虹桥枢纽, 距离虹桥机场和火车站只有10分钟车程。学校配置有三栋住宿楼,寄宿设施完善,欢迎中国各地的学生来到诺美的校园参观。谢谢大家!
Welcome to North America International School.
Here at NAIS, we value our holistic education, but I want to talk to you a little bit about our massive number of accreditations, probably one of the highest in China. Not only are we acredited by some of the usual bodies, like Cambridge University, Oxford University, and also Pearson Edexcel, but we're also acredited by the British Council who'll hold exams here. We're also acredited by the College Board, which means that our students have got their own codes when taking the AP examinations. We are also a Duke of Edinburgh International award center, which means that our holistic education has been accredited by the UK establishment.
We're also, and this is the big one: We're also a Cognia school, but we're not just any Cognia school, we're one of the best. Now Cognia accreditation is quite rare in China. There are only about 80 of these schools in China, and of all these 80 schools only about ten that are actually able to accept Chinese passport holders.
So, of these ten, we think we've got the highest score, I certainly haven't heard of anyone else saying that they have higher, where our school is 348. Which for a school that is as new as ours is quite exceptional. For school with a 3-year history.
Talking about a 3-year history: We send students already to the world's Top 50 universities. This is something that we did last year and something we're repeating this year. Please have a look at our WeChat account or our website for the latest offers which are rolling in every day right now. It's a wonderful season for the university office. I'm very, very happy.
We also have amazingly highly qualified staff, all of our staff have accreditation from the world's best universities. I myself hold four different qualifications from UK universities.
Our site here we have 35 acres. On our site, we have two running tracks and football fields. We have a park with its own little golf course. We have an 800-seat theater in our performing arts venue which has fencing and drama attached to it. We have a massive gym of double basketball courts where we can hold six simultaneous badminton games on the six badminton courts inside and with indoor seating as well. It's a really huge campus and very, very beautiful. Come and visit us.
In addition, we are only 10 minutes away from the Hongqiao Hub, airport and railway station here in Shanghai. And so with our three boarding houses we are able to welcome students from all over China and we are interested in students from all over China coming to visit us here.
Have a wonderful conference. It is very good to meet you.
★ 上海诺美学校348分高分通过成为Cognia认证学校
★ College Board美国大学理事会AP授权及认证号CEEB Code:694144
★ 英国培生爱德思考试机构授权及认证号:92508
★ 剑桥大学国际考试委员会授权及认证号:CN428
★ 爱丁堡公爵国际奖项执行中心授权
★ 上海市闵行区教育局办学许可 许可证编号:教民131011270001120
★ Edutec China授予“2020年度国际教育智慧创新开拓奖”
★ 2020年IEIC国际教育创新大会授予“最酷炫的科学实验室”
★ 2020年APEC未来之声中国区授予“未来领袖培养基地”
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