

上海宏润博源教师培训||是什么激发我们的学习动力?What Inspires Learning?




Often we talk about setting goals, or pushing students to reach their full potential. But for young people to sustain their enthusiasm, and to achieve in meaningful ways, they must be guided by a larger sense of purpose, by an understanding of the impact they can have in the world.



For two days before the start of the new semester, our faculty continued their professional development workshop led by Ross Wehner, the founder and Executive Director of Boulder, Colorado-based World Leadership School, in an exploration of these questions.

在新学期开始前的两天里,上海宏润博源学校的教师们继续参加了由Ross Wehner先生领导的职业发展研习会,探讨以上问题。 Ross Wehner先生是世界领导力学院的创始人兼执行董事;世界领导力学院位于美国科罗拉多州的博尔德

“We can’t give what we don’t have,” Ross explained, as much of the workshop focused on faculty members’ own explorations of why they taught and of the gifts they bring to the classroom.


Faculty worked in pairs on an activity known as “Golden Thread,” which allowed them to reflect on the contours of their own lives—moments of accomplishment, as well as periods of frustration and growth. “This means being vulnerable, which is hard,” Ross said, inviting everyone to find confidence in the larger journey in which they’ve embarked. Only through such stories can we find sources of direction and meaning, and better identify the strengths we have to share.



Ross also helped faculty draft a purpose statement, a brief, abstract conceptualization of why we do what we do. The exercise brought forth a wonderful distillation of the talent present at SHBS, and helped clarify how each person can adapt their skills to their work.

Ross还引导教师们起草了自己的“意义”宣言: 一个简短抽象的句子,概要地说明我们行事背后的原因和意义。这个练习帮助上海宏润博源学校教师们提炼出了他们身上所拥有的才华和礼物,并且帮助他们明确了如何将自己的技能运用到工作当中。

The second morning helped link purpose to teaching, and how the two can be combined in creating an engaging environment for students. Ross shared the psychological basis for why we need to move beyond simply “thinking” as learning, and to integrate heart—our emotional selves—as well as hands—our doing, moving bodies—with heads—our analytical minds. The fullness of experience that comes from hearts, hands, and heads, together, expands the basis of students’ relationship to their work, and how they understand achievement.



Ross also explored how these trends are shaping the future of educational assessment, which has been accelerated all the more by the Covid epidemic. Colleges and universities are seeking self-directed students who can articulate their own learning vision, more so than tests or transcripts. The ability to demonstrate mastery and impact beyond the classroom, especially as we move from an economy of standardization to one of personalization, is becoming the greater means for assessing past work and future potential.

罗斯还探讨了这些教育趋势会如何影响教育评测的未来, 新冠病毒在全球的蔓延更是加速了这一过程。相较于标化考试和成绩单,学院和大学越来越青睐能够自主学习并且能够表达自己的学习愿景的同学。能够展现出超越课堂之外的能力和影响力正成为评估学生过去的学习和未来的潜力的重要手段,尤其是当我们正从标准化经济向个性化经济转型时。 

Faculty used time to discuss concrete ways of developing curriculum and lessons with this in mind, enabled by specific tools provided in their WLS workbooks.


From this beginning, SHBS looks forward to continuing to inspire a purpose-driven community—one that embodies and enacts our values of life-long learning and sustained self-reflection. 











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