从本学期开始,每个月其中一周的周四,都将以NACIS Community活动日的方式,迎来各年级的家长,深度参与到学校对孩子们成长的规划当中,并进一步了解学生的学习方式,让学校的教育理念延展到家庭教育中。
—— Doris老师
—— G9 Fariy 同学妈妈
为了让家长对孩子的在校学习情况有更透彻的了解,本次参与到NACIS Community 活动中的家长们,重回校园,化身“学生”,沉浸式地感受孩子在学校“学什么,如何学”。
中、小学部各科老师以工作坊的形式,从学科背景出发,围绕课程设置、课程评价、学习要求及班级情况,分别给各位“家长学生”们进行总结和介绍,帮助家长了解不同年级、不同科目的教学完成情况、教学内容以及教学重点,解答家长们的困惑,使家长们对NACIS 的双语教学有更深入的了解。
NACIS一直注重孩子的多元化发展,各大体育项目校队也如雨后春笋一般,在NACIS这块土壤上茁壮生长。本次NACIS Community活动,来访家长也真切感受了一次水球这一集速度、力量、技战术于一身的水上集体球类项目的魅力。正在泳池里训练的孩子们奋力打出的每一朵浪花,每一次得分,都让岸边的家长们深切体会到NACIS公羊的体育精神:在做每一件事情时都投入100%的热情与毅力,并努力成为一个坚韧勇敢的人。
NACIS最新编排的音乐剧《SpongeBob: The Musical》也迎来了首次公开彩排。随着乐队音乐的起承转合,台词配合着舒展的动作,台上的演员们渐入佳境,台下的家长们也看得兴致勃勃。有很多家长表示,自己第一次这么近距离地融入到学校丰富的表演艺术项目中,看到孩子们的投入与专注,深受打动。
—— G3 Daniel同学妈妈
——G7 Berry同学妈妈
——G6 Benjamin同学爸爸
聚焦家长们关注的热点,倾听家长诉求,与家长们展开专题分享讨论,是NACIS 社区构建教育合力的重要组成。
刚踏进NACIS新生家庭与Anna校长就帮助孩子适应新的学习环境展开了一场“心灵对话”。家长们在建立孩子和对学校的归属感上,畅所欲言;Anna校长也敞开心扉,用自己多年的教学经验,帮助新生家长缓解压力。不论是在学校还是家庭中,用心倾听孩子们的喜与忧,及时地给予他们回应,让他们知道在新环境中,依然有很多人在接受他们,接受他们的好奇、紧张、不知所措 ……“其实孩子们的觉察能力很强,在家长、学生和学校三方的共同努力下, 我们都会在对彼此的了解中适应,在适应中改变,在改变中成长”Anna校长说道。
蔡元培先生曾说到:决定孩子一生的不是学习成绩,而是健全的人格修养。孩子的成长体现着家庭和学校合力的智慧。协助家长成为孩子成长路上的良师益友,帮组家长理解学生的语言和行为背后的原因,是NACIS心育课程中不断地探索和实践。借着本次NACIS Community 活动,中学心理老师Blair为家长带来了家校协同专题工作坊,用专业的指导与建议,撑起孩子们心理健康教育的蓝天。
“美好的教育,是一群人同频共振的回响。”对教育的执着和对孩子们的爱,不是互相彼此凝望,而是把目光投往同一个方向。爱在左,责任在右,少年成长正当时,就让我们在NACIS 社区,共筑未来,一起静待花开。
There is always a wider world for us to explore during the growth of children. Every effective communication between home and school seems to be an echo from education, responding to our opinions on education and knowledge and inspiring us to focus on the issues about the development of children.
During the learning journey, children need work hard. However, the smoothness of the journey is inseparable from the joint efforts of school and home. Raising a child requires the collective efforts of the entire community. At NACIS, it is not only a poetic expression, but also a reflection of our holistic education.
It’s said in Xue Ji: “You'll know what you lack after learning. You’ll know what you are confused with after teaching. If you know your disadvantages, then you can be self-reflexive. You know the difficulties, and then you can strengthen yourself. Therefore, teaching is learning. It is an important educational principle, which applies not only to school education, but also to home education. NACIS is always committed to creating a learner community and building home-school education synergy.
Starting from this semester, we will hold Thursday Event once a month. Parents of all grades will be invited to participate in the NACIS community event, so that they can get involved in planning for children’s development together with school, learn more about children' s learning style and extend the school education to home education.
The road of growth is like a journey of transformation. If education is a beautiful encounter between home and school, learning at NACIS is a deep awakening of education. After the subject workshops, parents came into the classrooms and explore the topic “Education" together with the form tutors. Parents communicate with the form tutors one-on-one, and our teachers also show children's homework and works to the parents, so that each parent can understand the teaching methods and teaching logic behind each class and extend school teaching to home learning.
This event gave us the opportunity to have in-depth discussion with parents. Parents told us their observations and discoveries about their children's learning. As teachers, we analyzed our daily teaching logic to parents. Through the effective communications and exchanges, we have a more complete understanding of students’ extracurricular status, so that we can adjust the subsequent learning plans in a targeted manner. Parents can also put aside their anxiety and view their children’s learning and growth in a more scientifical way.
—— Ms. Doris, Secondary Teacher
We are touched by the sincere and professional attitude of teachers. The transparent and zero-distance communication method makes me feel that it is equal and barrier-free to communicate among teachers, parents, and students. We express our thoughts on children’s learning at school and teachers also give us responses and professional guidance. As a parent, I can also continue to learn and improve myself in such an environment.
—— G9 Fariy's Mother
In order to enable parents to have a more thorough understanding of their children's learning at school, parents came to the school and got immersed in experiencing "what and how” their children learn at school.
Based on the subject background, our primary and secondary teachers introduced curriculum setting, curriculum evaluation, learning requirements and class conditions through a variety of workshops, so that Parents could understand the teaching status, teaching content and teaching focus of different grades and subjects, and have a deeper understanding of NACIS's bilingual teaching.
NACIS focuses on the diversified development of children. We have created a variety of school teams. In the NACIS community event, the visiting parents also felt the charm of the water polo sport that integrates speed, strength, techniques, and tactics. Children were training in the swimming pool, where parents could feel sportsmanship of the NACIS RAMs. They put 100% enthusiasm and passion in everything they do and strive to be tough and brave persons.
Our newly arranged musical "SpongeBob” ushered in its first public rehearsal. With the band's music, the actors on stage were performing better and better and parents off the stage were watching with great interest. Many parents said that it was the first time that they were so closely integrated into the performing arts programs, and they were deeply moved by the dedication and focus of children.
Recently, the NACIS University Guidance Team has also prepared a series of exciting university sharing sessions for students and parents for grades 10-12. In this community event, admission officers from Boston University brought parents rich information about further education. As early application season is approaching, it is the top priority for parents to cooperate with the guidance team and master the rhythm of further education planning.
The immersive experience attracted more parents to get involved in the event and witnessed the most real state of NACIS children and teachers. The subject teachers have shown us a clear map of teaching, including integration and penetration of bilingual teaching, as well as how to complete teaching objectives, and support the children's learning progress at home.
—— G3 Daniel's Mother
In the NACIS community event, the NACIS Ram team launched a unique basketball and badminton games with "Parents Team”. Everyone was sweating on the field, and they cheered for each other. Parents and students were all performing at their best. The two teams not only enjoy the pleasure of the game, but also had the motivation to inspire and surpass each other. They applauded for each other and set examples for each other.
It is a rare opportunity for parents to compete with children. We are influenced by their youthful vitality, while children are also touched by our optimistic and positive spirit. As parents, we escort their growth with love and examples.
——G7 Berry's Mother
During the event, we experienced the environment and atmosphere of children's daily learning and saw how they got along with teachers and classmates, which gave us a common experience of 'going to school' with our children and allowed us to find more topics to communicate with them. The school has become a bridge for us to communicate with children, allowing us to get more involved in their learning as parents.
——G6 Benjamin's Father
Ms. Anna, National Head of Secondary, had a "spiritual dialogue" with new families, so as to help new students adapt to the new learning environment. Parents spoke freely about assisting children build a sense of belonging to the school, while Ms. Anne helped parents relieve pressure with years of teaching experience. Whether at school or at home, we should listen to children's voice, respond to them in a timely manner, and let them know that we accept their curiosity, nervousness, and confusion in the new environment. Ms. Anna said: "In fact, children have strong perception. With the joint efforts of parents, students and school, we can adapt to each other through understanding each other, change ourselves through adaption, and grow up through changes."
Ms. Wendy, Deputy Head of Secondary, brought a sharing session on "Secrets of the Secondary Exams" for secondary parents. She explained which national curriculum examinations would run through the secondary learning journey, how parents and children should view these examinations, and how to make the right decisions.
Mr. Cai Yuanpei once said: “What matters in children’s life is the sound personality cultivation, rather than academic performance”. The growth of children reflects the wisdom of the efforts of home and school. NACIS is committed to helping parents become good teachers and friends on the way of children's growth, understand the reasons behind children’s language and behaviors. During the community event, Ms. Blair, our secondary psychology teacher, brought parents a special workshop on home-school collaboration and supported children's mental health education with professional guidance and advice.
"The best education is the echo of a group of people resonating at the same frequency." During children’ s learning journey, we should look in the same direction instead of looking at each other and escort children with love and responsibility. Let us build the future together in the NACIS community and wait for children to grow up and achieve success.
