
捷报!哈罗上海2023 A-Level 成绩再创佳绩!



They’ll be dreaming of vivid red buses, ancient college buildings and the best art schools in the world tonight. Our wonderful Year 13 Harrow Shanghai students are getting ready for life in London and Cambridge.

在A level成绩放榜的今晚,我们的哈罗人将会梦见红色的伦敦巴士,古老的学院建筑以及世界上最好的艺术学校。我们优秀的13年级毕业生们已经开始为他们在伦敦和剑桥的生活做准备了!

This year’s A Level results have come in, and our students will once again be heading to their first choice universities in Cambridge and London. Over 70% of our A Level grades were again an A* or an A – this makes it three years in a row – and we’re delighted that we’re also continuing our Cambridge tradition. Yi Sum will be heading there to read Veterinary Medicine, one of the toughest courses on the planet to get into!

今年的A Level成绩已经出炉!我们毕业班的所有学生们都将进入他们的第一志愿录取大学—位于剑桥和伦敦的大学。在今年的A Level成绩中,哈罗上海A*或A的比例依然是超过了70%—这已经是连续三年,哈罗上海取得这样好的成绩。同时我们也在继续着哈罗上海的剑桥传统(每一年我们都有毕业生前往剑桥),今年的毕业生Yi Sum将前往剑桥学习动物医学,这是世界上入学难度最大的课程之一!

We’re also celebrating our creatives! Harrow Shanghai has a deserved reputation for the quality of its Maths and Science courses, and this year we’re also proud to see that our creative talents are taking their next steps into a career in the Arts. Finley is heading to MetFilm School’s London campus, one of the country’s best places to develop his skills; and Linda is on her way to Chelsea Art College, one of the world-famous art colleges that form the University of the Arts London.

同时,我们也为哈罗人的艺术天赋感到骄傲!哈罗上海因其高质量的数学和科学课程而享有盛誉,今年我们也很自豪地看到我们才华横溢的哈罗人正走向艺术领域的职业生涯,Finley即将进入MetFilm School的伦敦校区继续追寻他的电影梦,这是世界上最好的电影学院之一;Linda即将前往伦敦艺术大学的切尔西艺术学院,这是世界著名艺术学院之一。

50% of our Year 13 students achieved straight A* and A results, and every grade was an A* or an A in Chemistry, English Literature, Geography, History, Chinese, Music and Further Maths.

我们50%的13年级学生取得了全部的A*和A的成绩,而在化学、英国文学、地理、历史、中文、音乐和进阶数学中,更是获得了100% A*或A的好成绩!

And there’s more good news! Our Year 12 students look set to do just as well next year. Special congratulations to Kitty, Joe, Tianyi, Daniel, Karen., Henry, Kai Jun and Isabella, all of whom got 3 A grades or more. Kitty managed four As and an A* at A Level, and Karen walked away with six A grades, an astonishing achievement. I think they can start dreaming of far-off destinations too. And of course, because this is Harrow, preparing for a year of activity, leadership and a fair bit of hard work!Well done to all our amazing senior students!

当然除此之外,我们12年级的学生也在AS-Level的考试中取得了好成绩!特别祝贺Kitty、Joe、Tianyi、Daniel、Karen、Henry、Kai Jun和Isabella,他们都取得了3个A的成绩甚至更多。Kitty在A Level上获得了四个A和一个A*,Karen则以六个A的成绩走出考场,这是令人惊叹的成绩。我认为他们也可以开始梦想远方的大学目的地了。当然,因为这里是哈罗,在帮他们实现大学梦想的同时,也会为他们提供丰富的活动,培养他们的领导力与服务!为所有高中的同学们感到骄傲!

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