
国际课程体验营Orientation Camp|健康关系讲座&急救知识培训





On the evening of August 23rd, in the auditorium, Chloe delivered a captivating lecture to the students titled "Love on the Left, Friendship on the Right." Approaching the subject from a psychological perspective, the talk delved into the intricate balance between romance and friendship that adolescents encounter. This exploration holds significant and far-reaching implications for boosting emotional awareness among teenagers and nurturing their psychological well-being.



Amidst the evolution of society, adolescents encounter unprecedented emotional challenges. In this age filled with uncertainties, the decision between love and friendship often leaves teenagers perplexed. Chloe analyzed various forms of love using the renowned "Love Triangle Theory," unveiling the underlying logic and psychological mechanisms. Additionally, through vivid cases, she delved into the potential confusion and challenges teenagers might face in emotional relationships, aiding students in better understanding their emotional needs and cultivating healthy interpersonal skills. Through this engaging lecture, students will gain practical advice on emotional management, comprehend the intricacies of emotional relationships, and approach emotional issues with greater composure and rationality.



On the evening of August 24th, the school organized a highly significant lecture for all incoming students titled "Prevention and Management of Adolescent Accidental Injuries," which is closely relevant to students' daily lives. The keynote speaker was Ms. Zhao, the President of Shanghai Zun Ran Hospital.


With her extensive professional background and innate charisma, President Zhao established seamless communication with the students. In a sincere, caring, and warm atmosphere, she successfully imparted her expertise, using her love and concern to teach students methods of self-rescue and aiding others. She emphasized the importance of cherishing one's body and life.


President Zhao began by introducing several common types of accidental injuries, such as choking from foreign objects, various traumas, febrile convulsions, and burns.

着重讲解了海氏手法, 用于施救呼吸道堵塞窒息:“一手掌紧握在握拳之手,用力在病人腹部向内向上挤压,每秒约一次,做5-6次。” 同时,赵院长还着重讲解了用“仰卧腹部冲击法”来排出滞塞物:“两手合力向上、向内5次冲击脐上两横指的位置”。如果遇到心脏骤停的情况则需要用到“胸外按压”的方法进行施救。同学们也在边听边实践,并积极呼应与反馈。

She emphasized the Heimlich maneuver, used to rescue someone experiencing a blocked airway due to choking: "Place one hand clenched in a fist against the person's abdomen, just above the navel, and perform upward and inward thrusts with force, about once per second, repeating 5-6 times." Additionally, President Zhao highlighted the "back blows and abdominal thrusts" technique for dislodging obstructions: "Deliver five upward and inward thrusts with both hands to the area just above the navel."

Furthermore, she explained the procedure for performing "chest compressions" in the event of cardiac arrest. The students actively engaged in practical exercises while listening, responding attentively and providing feedback.


In the event of various types of trauma such as injuries from accidents, falls, sports, compression, and fractures, how should one handle the situation? President Zhao taught the students methods like using a triangular bandage for splinting, applying cold packs, and immobilizing with rigid materials. She emphasized the importance of seeking medical attention promptly. In case of burns, she explained the steps of "flush, remove, immerse, cover, and transport" for providing aid.


In a joyful and warm atmosphere, the students not only acquired relevant first aid knowledge but also gained an understanding of the significance of physical well-being in life. This helped them enhance their self-protection awareness, which is perhaps even more fundamental. This valuable lesson is one of the precious gifts that the school imparted to the freshmen through the Orientation Camp.


文 | Xu Wu , Tony Wang

排版 | Jang

图 | Jason









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