

主题专访Feature Interview | 由学生主导的万圣节Livehouse音乐秀




Event Motivation: Student Planning, Infinite Creativity


This year's festivities at SHBS for Halloween night brought about a radical change in the school's traditional celebration, propelling the campus atmosphere to new heights with a remarkably different Livehouse music festival. Student-led, this event was brimming with creativity and endless possibilities.


万圣节活动前两天,就看到10年级的Jack Wu拉着老师和同学在艺术广场上反复丈量和讨论场地安排。Jack参加过往期的万圣节活动,觉得之前的音乐现场虽然也很欢乐,但还有改进的空间,于是向负责老师Grace表达了自己的想法,主动请缨,希望能打造一个更有品质、更具吸引力的校园活动,也为学校树立更积极正面的形象。

Days before the Halloween celebration, Jack Wu could be seen at the arts square, meticulously measuring and discussing the venue layout with teachers and peers. Having been a part of previous Halloween events, Jack found that the previous music events, while enjoyable, still had potential for improvement. He expressed his thoughts to the responsible teacher, Grace, and voluntarily took charge, aspiring to create a higher-quality and more appealing school event, setting a more positive image for the school.


Jack's vision wasn't just fueled by his love for music; it was also rooted in his accumulated experience from similar events. He understood that some schools hosted large-scale music festivals but lacked student autonomy. He wished for the SHBS livehouse to diverge from professionally organized events, being entirely led by students, displaying a unique youthful spirit.

“我希望以最少的成本,实现最棒的效果。” Jack谈到对学校的演出效果有了新的期待,同时保持着对资源的节制使用。他提及他们在设想阶段、组建阶段的经历,特别强调了学生会同学和嘻哈社在活动策划中的重要参与,共同商讨了活动地点、节目内容和更有效吸引观众的方式。

"I hope to achieve the best outcome with the least expense," Jack stated, expressing his heightened expectations for the school's performance while maintaining careful resource management. He mentioned their experiences during the conceptualization and formation stages, emphasizing the significant involvement of student union members and hip-hop society in the event planning, collaborating to discuss event locations, program content, and more effective ways to engage the audience.

今年的万圣节livehouse更具多样性,节目风格也由以往的单一hip hop扩展至不拘一格的音乐类型,招募范围更是扩展到全校。通过对节目的严格筛选,从60个节目中精选出了21个,确保了音乐节的质量。“Livehouse的舞台和表演可能还略显朴素,但却是各种才华的集结。”

This year's livehouse for Halloween showcased greater diversity in the program, expanding from the previous singular hip-hop style to various musical genres. The recruitment range also extended across the entire school. Through rigorous program selection, they handpicked 21 out of 60 programs, ensuring the festival's quality. " The stage and performances at the livehouse might seem somewhat modest, yet it was a gathering of various talents."


Preparation Stage: Challenges and Innovation Coexist


During the preparation process for the livehouse, the team encountered multiple challenges but managed to overcome each difficulty through innovation and collaboration.


"实际来看,这其实是一个很困难的事情。" Jack坦言,在策划过程中,面对的第一个挑战是大家都是第一次从零开始策划音乐节,缺乏经验。然而,他们逐渐吸引了更多同学的加入,通过共同讨论和摸索,逐步解决了筹备中遇到的问题。

"Truthfully, this was quite a challenging task," Jack admitted. During the planning process, their first challenge was that everyone was starting a music festival from scratch for the first time, lacking experience. Nevertheless, they gradually attracted more students to join, solving preparation issues through collective discussions and trial-and-error.


In the face of limited resources, the team devised innovative solutions. They suggested using pyrotechnics to create the desired auditory “punchline” for the music show, adding a unique audiovisual effect to the event. Additionally, in light of inadequate lighting effects, they experimented with using colorful lighting. Despite some difficulties in adjusting the lighting, they successfully created an ambiance for the music festival.

“我们最成功的一点是培养了团队的成熟度。” Jack认为,今年的livehouse在团队合作和流程方面有了显著进步,通过在社团内部的动员、寻找志同道合的同学以及探索吸引学生兴趣的方法,最终将一群学生凝聚在一起,共同策划并实施了这场音乐演出。

"Our most successful aspect was nurturing the maturity of the team." Jack believed that this year's music festival saw remarkable progress in terms of teamwork and processes. By mobilizing within the clubs, finding like-minded students, and exploring ways to pique student interest, they eventually unified a group of students to collaboratively plan and execute this musical performance.


Future Prospects


Based on this year's successful Halloween Livehouse, Jack proposed an array of expectations and plans for next year's music festival, particularly focusing on venue and program enhancements. Bruce, the Student Union President, proposed an interesting idea: to use ambient lighting in the indoor sports venue to create a genuine livehouse effect. He hopes to achieve the goal of excellent audio reception and a unique stage atmosphere for the music festival.


Regarding the choice between an indoor or outdoor music festival, Jack consulted foreign teachers for their opinions. Some teachers felt an indoor music festival would be better, while others considered an outdoor event more enjoyable. Addressing this, Jack emphasized the critical need for summarizing and integrating experiences to achieve better outcomes in next year's event.


Reflecting on Livehouse's success, Jack also touched on the role of teachers. He believed that the event's success was due to the teachers fully empowering the students, offering suggestions without interfering with student decisions. This collaborative approach has sparked the students' planning capabilities, fostering their independence – qualities that are highly sought after in the future job market. The school plans to continue providing more opportunities for students to independently plan, injecting more resources and support into their creativity and vitality."

访谈 | Jack Wu(G10), Flora

翻译 | Flora

排版 | Jang

配图 | Photography Club










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