
Nurturing Critical Thinkers and Lifelong Learners 培养批判性思考者与终身学习者

01-15 08:33发布于上海


Written by Mr. Greg Siccardi

As the Head of Secondary School at NAIS Pudong, I am eager to share our commitment to fostering critical thinking and deep learning in the dynamic landscape of education. 

The insightful article, "Knowledge is Power," sparks a vital conversation about the role of memorisation in education, a topic resonant with our educational philosophy. Having taught Theory of Knowledge (TOK) within the International Baccalaureate (IBDP) for eight years and prior to that, delving into Critical Thinking for four years, I bring a wealth of experience in cultivating arguments and discerning reliable evidence. TOK, in particular, has empowered me as much as any self-help guidebooks, prompting a profound reflection on my knowledge and how I impart it to those around me. 

Preparing for University and 21st Century Life: 

In my role as a school leader, my commitment extends to ensuring our curriculum aligns seamlessly with the demands of university life and the challenges of the 21st century. To achieve this, we go beyond traditional paradigms.

Developing Understanding of Language in Persuasive Arguments: 

Despite technological advancements, language remains the fundamental link between knowledge. We continually develop an understanding of the power of language, emphasising key words, persuasive arguments, and expression. Platforms like the Debate League and debating lessons in our Key Stage 3 curriculum contribute to honing these essential skills. 

Creating Knowledge Across Contexts: 

We emphasise knowledge application across diverse subjects, fostering seamless integration. Our teachers establish close links, promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration. For instance, Mandarin and English departments collaborate on literature analysis, while Biology and Geography teachers weave in related concepts. 

Fostering Creativity and Project-Based Learning: 

We encourage creativity in using knowledge, recognising its pivotal role in innovation. Creativity is a cornerstone of our vision, with ongoing efforts to integrate it into subjects, whether through creative demonstrations of knowledge or finding inventive solutions to subject-driven challenges. Our commitment to project-based learning provides students with hands-on experiences bridging theory and application. Termly STEAM and subject-specific projects showcase how different forms of knowledge can intertwine. 

Developing Reflective Skills and Success Criteria: 

We instil the importance of reflection for self-analysis, fostering continuous improvement and self-awareness. This enables students to understand themselves as learners, optimising knowledge utilisation. Success criteria are referenced regularly, empowering students to take ownership of their learning journey, reflect on their progress, and plan their next steps.

Enhancing Mentorship and Risk-Taking:

Through mentorship programs and a culture encouraging risk-taking, we empower students to build meaningful relationships and cultivate the confidence to explore and take risks in their pursuit of knowledge. 

Providing Space for Age-Agnostic Knowledge and Competitions: 

We firmly believe that knowledge is not restricted by age. Competitions, collaborative trips, and extracurricular activities encourage collaboration and shared learning experiences among students of varying ages. These include participation in competitions such as the American Mathematics Challenge and the John Locke English competition. 

Offering Real-Life Problem-Solving Opportunities: 

Our commitment to applying knowledge to real-life problems is evident in initiatives such as Social Impact projects, Model United Nations participation, and engagement in various MIT challenges. By making learning link to the real world, we allow our students to see first-hand how powerful knowledge can indeed be. In recent weeks our students visited Tanzania, allowing them to see how much of an effect a simple thing such as smokeless stoves or a goat shed can have in changing families lives. From speaking to them on their return, I was struck by how much impact this trip had on our students.  

As Julie Henry neatly summarises in the INSIGHTS article, “The challenge, then, is leveraging our knowledge-based education systems to foster the critical thinking skills that our students need - and that will be crucial in tackling the huge global concerns we are all facing.”  I would like to thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping your child's educational experience, both inside and outside of the classroom. At NAIS Pudong, we embrace the challenge of finding innovative ways to develop our students' knowledge, ensuring they not only meet but exceed the demands of the ever-evolving world. Together, as partners in this educational journey, we are dedicated to cultivating critical thinkers, confident communicators, and lifelong learners who will make meaningful contributions to our global community. 

Click Read More below to read the INSIGHTS article 'Knowledge is power'.

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本文作者:中学校长Greg Siccardi先生

作为NAIS Pudong的中学校长,我希望与大家分享我们在不断变化的教育环境中培养批判性思维和深度学习的承诺。

《知识就是力量》这篇颇具洞察力的文章进行了一场关于记忆在教育中的作用的重要对话,这与我们的教育理念不谋而合。我在国际文凭(IBDP)课程中教授知识论(TOK)已有八年时间,在此之前,我还在批判性思维(Critical Thinking)课程学习了四年,在培养论点和辨别可靠证据方面积累了丰富的经验。尤其是 TOK,它给了我不亚于任何自助指南的力量,促使我对自己的知识以及如何向周围的人传授知识进行了深刻的反思。

为大学和 21 世纪的生活做好准备:  

作为学校的领导者,我致力于确保我们的课程与大学生活的要求和 21 世纪的挑战保持一致。为此,我们超越了传统范式。


尽管技术不断进步,但语言仍然是知识之间的基本纽带。我们不断发展对语言力量的理解,强调关键词、有说服力的论点和表达。辩论联盟(Debate League)等平台和第三学段课程中的辩论课都有助于磨练这些基本技能。




我们鼓励创造性地运用知识,认识到知识在创新中的关键作用。创造力是我们愿景的基石,我们不断努力将创造力融入各门学科,无论是通过创造性地展示知识,还是为学科驱动的挑战寻找创造性的解决方案。我们致力于以项目为基础的学习,为学生提供理论与应用相结合的实践经验。每学期的 STEAM 和特定学科项目展示了不同形式的知识是如何相互融合的。






我们坚信知识不受年龄限制。竞赛、合作旅行和课外活动鼓励不同年龄的学生之间开展合作,分享学习经验。这些活动包括参加美国数学挑战赛和John Locke英语竞赛等比赛。



正如Julie Henry在《INSIGHTS》一文中精辟概括的那样:“因此,我们面临的挑战是如何利用我们的知识型教育体系来培养学生所需的批判性思维能力——这对于解决我们共同面临的巨大全球性问题至关重要。”感谢您将塑造孩子课堂内外教育经历的殊荣托付给我们。在NAIS Pudong,我们迎接挑战,寻找创新的方法来发展学生的知识,确保他们不仅满足而且超越不断发展的世界的要求。作为教育旅程中的合作伙伴,我们致力于培养批判性思考者、自信的沟通者和终身学习者,为我们的国际社会做出有意义的贡献。

点击下方阅读原文浏览INSIGHTS文章《Knowledge is power》(知识就是力量)。


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