IGCSE 英语部分
考察部分 Topics Covered | 词汇,语法,阅读,写作 Vocabulary; Grammar; Reading; Writing |
考试题型 Question Type | 填空题;选择题,阅读,英语作文 Fill in the blanks;Multiple choices; Reading; Writing |
考试主要内容 Key Parts | 1. 词汇:大部分侧重于中学期间的核心词汇及短语,阅读会涉及部分拓展词汇。 Vocabulary: Key vocabulary and phrases in middle school, and some more advanced vocabulary in Reading Part. 2. 语法:各种基础时态和语态(主动,被动和虚拟) ,复杂句,复合句和连词。 Grammar: Basic tenses and voices (active,passive and subjunctive), complex sentences, compound sentences and conjunctions. 3. 阅读:在规定时间内能够扫读,略读和有效提取重要信息和总结文章的能力。 Reading: In the required time period, scan and skim to get the required information. 4. 写作:分段落写作的能力,文章包括开头段,中间段和总阶段。结构和逻辑清晰,语法错误少,用词得当。 Writing: Write a complete essay with different paragraphs, introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph. The structure and logic are clear, and there are few grammatical mistakes. |
IGCSE 数学部分
考察部分 Topics Covered | 数字,代数,几何 Numbers,Algebra,Geometry |
考试题型 Question Type | 选择题 Multiple choice questions |
考试主要内容 Key Parts | 1. 数字:注重指数、根式等运算,并会利用“估值”来简化运算,且会用“科学计数法”表示结果;会完成小数、分数、百分比之间的转换以及利用其解决实际问题。 Numbers: Calculation of indexes and radicals. Convert decimals into fractions or percentages and use them to solve practical problems. 2. 代数:会进行代数表达式的化简及因式分解;注重利用函数性质解决函数相关问题;会进行线性及二次方程的求解。 Algebra: Factorization, solving linear and quadratic equations. 3. 几何:会利用二维图形的相关性质进行角度、周长及面积的运算;理解图形的变换;注重利用直线图像、二次函数图像以及三角函数图像解决相关问题。 Geometry: Problems involves angles, perimeters, and areas; Transformation of graphics. |
A LEVEL 英语部分
考察部分 Topics Covered | 词汇,语法及表达方式,阅读,写作 Vocabulary; Grammar and Expression of Ideas; Reading; Writing |
考试题型 Question Type | 词汇和语法填空题;选择题,阅读,英语作文 Fill in the blanks (Grammar and vocabulary);Multiple choices; Reading; Writing |
考试主要内容 Key Parts | 1. 词汇:大部分为雅思和托福的基础词汇,阅读会涉及部分中高级词汇 Vocabulary: Basic vocabulary in TOEFL and IELTS, and some more advanced vocabulary in Reading Part 2. 语法及表达方式:各种基础时态和语态(主动,被动和虚拟) ,复杂句,复合句和连词, 英语标点符号, 和英语写作常见错误, 包括碎片句,粘连句和悬垂修饰语等。 Grammar: Basic tenses and voices (active,passive and subjunctive),complex sentences,compound sentences and conjunctions and punctuation in English. Some common mistakes in English writing, including fragment and run-on sentence and dangling modifier. 3. 阅读:在规定时间内能够扫读,略读和有效提取重要信息和总结文章的能力。 Reading: In the required time period, scan and skim to get the required information. 4. 写作:议论文的写作,文章包括开头段,中间段和总阶段。结构和逻辑清晰,语法错误少,用词得当。 Writing: Write a persuasive essay: introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph. The structure and logic are clear, and there are few grammatical mistakes. |
A LEVEL 数学部分
考察部分 Topics Covered | 数字,代数,几何,统计与概率 Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, probability and statistics |
考试题型 Question Type | 选择题 Multiple choice questions |
考试主要内容 Key Parts | 1. 数字:注重指数、根式等运算,并会利用“估值”来简化运算,且会用“科学计数法”表示结果;会完成小数、分数、百分比之间的转换以及利用其解决实际问题。 Numbers: Calculation of indexes and radicals. Convert decimals into fractions or percentages and use them to solve practical problems. 2. 代数:会进行代数表达式的化简及因式分解,注重代数分数的化简及运算;注重利用函数性质解决函数相关问题;会求解线性方程、二次方程及不等式;会进行向量、行列式的相关运算。 Algebra: Factorization, solving linear and quadratic equations. 3. 几何:会利用二维图形的相关性质进行角度、周长及面积的运算;理解图形的变换;注重利用直线图像、二次函数图像以及三角函数图像解决相关问题。 Geometry: Problems involves angles, perimeters, and areas; Transformation of graphics. |
面试 Interviews | 家庭式面试(至少一位家长陪同学生参加) Family interview (we need at least one parent accompanied with the student) |
时长 Duration | 20-30 分钟 20-30 mins |
内容 Content | 英语口语表达能力、听力能力、沟通交流能力,例如:自我介绍、 兴趣爱好、课程方向等。 Oral English, listening skills, communication skills, such as self-introduction, hobbies, course direction, etc. |
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