







作为一个理科生,他在戏剧舞台上的出色表演,在国际STEM竞赛中收获的丰富奖项,以及在校内外活动中作为领导者和志愿者的活跃身影,这些在传统观念中看似"不务正业"的经历,却成为了他大学申请中的亮点,使他在众多申请者中脱颖而出。最终,Mark一举收割了罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校(U.S. News Top40)、弗吉尼亚理工大学(U.S. News Top47)、密歇根州立大学和加州大学圣塔克鲁兹分校等众多美本名校物理/工程专业的offer。

Nessus on stage was a monstrous figure of cunning and deceit. His voice, low and gravelly, dripped with evil, and his exaggerated, powerful movements seemed ready to strike at any moment, creating a sense of tension and fear among the audience.

But when Orion took the stage in the next scene, the audience felt a wave of warmth and humanity. Orion, an ordinary citizen beset by disaster, spoke with a gentle yet resolute voice, conveying his inner strength and hope.

As Huayao Collegiate School’s original production of "Hercules" drew to a close and the actors took their bows, we realized with surprise that these two contrasting characters were played by the same person. Even more astonishing, the actor behind these performances was Mark, a usually shy and straightforward STEM scholar.

This stark contrast showcases not only Mark's diverse talents nurtured at HC but also caught the attention of top American universities, highlighting a vibrant, multifaceted individual. Choosing a path that emphasizes student personality and uniqueness, Mark demonstrated his many talents throughout his growth.

As a science student, Mark’s outstanding performances on the drama stage, numerous awards in international STEM competitions, and active roles as a leader and volunteer in various activities became the highlights of his college applications. This unique blend of experiences helped him stand out, eventually earning offers from renowned universities like Rutgers University-New Brunswick (U.S. News Top 40), Virginia Tech (U.S. News Top 47), Michigan State University, and the University of California, Santa Cruz for their physics/engineering programs.

Entrance: Diverse Development and Confidence





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When Mark first stepped into the black box theater, his initial goal was just to work behind the scenes with lighting. However, drama teacher Mr. Butler saw potential in him and invited him to audition. This chance encounter marked the beginning of Mark’s drama journey. Through countless rehearsals and collaborations with peers, Mark seamlessly integrated into HC’s vibrant campus life, learning to switch between roles and undergoing profound personal growth.

Four years ago, when Mark first entered the gates of HC, he couldn’t have imagined the path to new opportunities that lay before him. During middle school at a prestigious public school, the rigorous and competitive academic environment dimmed his academic performance. Being passionate about sports, Mark decided to embrace an international school.

"I love sports and didn't want basketball and running to be just a side activity. HC offers a variety of sports, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, and badminton, with excellent facilities that exceeded my expectations," Mark explained.

Transitioning from a traditional public school to an international education system was more than just a change in educational models; it was an awakening of his potential. Regaining his confidence on the sports field helped Mark alleviate his academic anxiety. After just one semester of ESL English improvement courses, Mark was ready to face the challenges of learning in English.


Blocking: Personalized Education and Professional Choices



在注意到Mark的这一局限过后,升学老师及时与他进行了深入的对话。在交流中,老师充分了解并挖掘Mark身上的所有潜力,发现这个阳光运动少年在学术方面是一个典型的“理工科”学者。于是在G12,升学指导老师又建议Mark的AP大考科目增加一门物理(Physics),结合他的强势学科AP微积分(Calculus BC),这样可以更广泛地覆盖他在工程或物理领域的兴趣,同时维持运动方面的热爱。

“如何调整关节弯曲的角度,如何去受力并借力对抗,人体运动当中其实有很多和物理相通的部分。更进一步,无论是运动器械的设计,还是运动员伤后康复的创新技术,物理学也同样扮演着重要角色。” 升学指导主任Ms. Xijing补充道,“狄邦华曜的高中课程体系包含4个层级,整个升学过程我们都会紧密跟踪学者的学习状态和成效,并做出相应的策略调整。对于学者而言,学习过程也是一个不断探索自我,逐渐明确自身所长的过程。”



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Transferring to Huayao Collegiate in G9 meant Mark started planning for college earlier than his middle school peers. Due to his experiences with sports injuries and recovery, and his mother’s job related to basketball, Mark initially aimed for sports rehabilitation. This field combined his love for sports and interest in human science, representing his ideal lifestyle.

Recognizing Mark’s enthusiasm for sports, HC’s college counselors designed a personalized AP curriculum for him. In G11, they proposed raising his Biology course to AP level to help him meet the requirements for sports-related majors at U.S. universities. However, the extensive memorization required in Biology was challenging for Mark, a science-focused student.

Seeing this, his counselors had an in-depth conversation with him, discovering Mark's strengths as a STEM scholar. They suggested he add AP Physics to his G12 courses, along with his strong subject, AP Calculus BC. This would broaden his interest in engineering or physics while maintaining his passion for sports.

There are many overlaps between physics and human movement, from adjusting joint angles to resisting and leveraging force. Physics also plays a key role in designing sports equipment and developing innovative rehabilitation techniques,” said Ms. Xijing, the Head of College Counseling. “Our high school curriculum offers four levels, and we closely monitor each student’s progress, making strategic adjustments as needed. For students, learning is a journey of self-discovery and identifying their strengths.”

With 83 flexible and diverse high school courses, Mark had the space to explore and adjust, realizing that delving deeper into physics and engineering could eventually lead to a career in sports medicine. This widened his professional horizons significantly.

At HC, education is not a one-way street but a vast network of choices and opportunities. College counseling is integral, highlighting the diverse and flexible educational paths and the school’s commitment to fostering personalized growth. Here, every student is given the chance to explore their interests and future careers, and Mark's academic journey is a testament to this educational philosophy.


Rehearsal: STEM Exploration and Academic Solidification





到了关键的第三年,也是最后一次参赛机会,Mark引领团队进行了策略调整,增加了擅长英文论述写作以及归纳总结的2名队员,与自己的数学能力进行互补,最终成功跃升至前25%的行列,获得了荣誉提名(Honorable Mention)。

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As a natural sports enthusiast, Mark’s love for cycling extended beyond speed and sweat to the aerodynamics of road bike design. This unique interest led him to explore the fields of physics and engineering deeply. From creative LEGO constructions to precision model making, winning the Shanghai Youth Robotics Challenge, and participating in a research project at Brown University, every step showcased his passion for engineering.

Huayao Collegiate’s distinctive teaching methods benefited Mark's academic exploration. The flexible class grouping allowed him to learn from a variety of teachers, each with unique teaching styles that deepened his understanding. 

For instance, in AP Chemistry, Mark participated in a project on reaction rates, designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results, which taught him both chemical kinetics and the scientific method.

Mark’s pursuit of STEM went beyond mere interest; it was a journey of continuous self-improvement. From G9 to G11, he participated in the HiMCM High School Mathematical Modeling Contest, competing fiercely with his team. In the first two seasons, they didn’t rank in the top 50%. 

However, for the final year, Mark led a strategy shift, adding team members skilled in English writing and summarization to complement his math skills. This adjustment led them to the top 25%, earning an Honorable Mention.


Wings: The Stage as Therapy



康复的过程是漫长而艰辛的,医生预计需要长达小半年的时间,这意味着Mark不得不暂时告别他热爱的运动场。然而,生活的车轮并未因此停滞,戏剧成为了他内心的避风港。在身体恢复仅允许行走的初步阶段,他就迫不及待地回到了《Cyber City》的排练现场,与同伴们对台词和动作,时而也会停下来探讨角色的情感变化。


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During the eagerly awaited application season, Mark faced an unexpected challenge—an incident during a badminton match led to a temporary sidelining. 

Mark’s mother quickly contacted the school, and during his surgery and recovery, the school provided significant support, with counselors helping him refine his application materials and ensuring each submission showcased his strengths and potential.

Recovery was long and arduous, but drama became his sanctuary. When he could only walk during the early stages of recovery, he eagerly returned to rehearsals for "Cyber City," engaging in discussions about character emotions and lines with his peers.

Drama provided an outlet for his self-expression and passion when he couldn’t fully participate in sports, embodying HC’s holistic education philosophy.


Monologue: Passing on Resilience and Dreaming Big





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“Speaking of resilience, I remember a volunteer teaching experience. At a remote elementary school, the poor conditions were striking, but I began teaching science and sports. Using the knowledge from HC, I made lessons fun and engaging, helping the children experience the joy of science and sports. Seeing their eager eyes reminded me of my own pure love for learning.”

In his final interview, Mark expressed his gratitude and hopes for his alma mater. "I’ve seen HC’s resilience during the pandemic, and I’m grateful for the vibrant and balanced learning environment it provided.

 I hope the school continues to cultivate outstanding students, helping them find their passions and bravely pursue their dreams."

Mark’s journey illustrates a passionate, goal-oriented, and compassionate young man. We wish him smooth sailing and a bright future.










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