

2024 SHBS开学典礼 Opening Ceremony | 梦想起航:新学期再攀高峰

09-09 08:24发布于上海


2024年9月3日下午,虽然头顶烈日,但是SHBS在同学们回归校园的欢声笑语中,在凉爽的礼堂里,开始了新一学期的开学典礼。本次典礼由外方校长Christopher Moses主持,副校长麻老师翻译,全校师生齐聚礼堂,迎接全新的祝福。

On the afternoon of September 3, 2024, despite the scorching sun, SHBS welcomed students back to campus with laughter and joy. The new semester's opening ceremony commenced in the cool auditorium, hosted by Principal Christopher Moses with translation by Vice Principal Ms Irene. The entire school community gathered to embrace fresh blessings.

暖场环节,首先由刘同学、梁同学和陈老师带来钢琴弦乐三重奏A Thousand Years,三位表演者用她们手中的乐器传达出乐曲中那超越时间的美,三重奏和声丰富,营造出一种梦幻般的氛围,祝福同学们以一种全新的姿态迎接挑战。

To warm up the event, Emma, Olga, and Ms. Seven first performed the piano and string trio "A Thousand Years". Their performance conveyed the timeless beauty of the music, creating a dreamlike atmosphere and encouraging students to meet the new term's challenges with a renewed spirit.


Next, Hayden, Martina, and Joanna delivered a medley of songs that set the auditorium ablaze with their rap and harmonious singing, igniting the students' enthusiasm.


Capping off the opening acts, Lucia, Kiki, Aster, and Sienna presented a diverse dance medley featuring classical Chinese, Dai, Latin, and Japanese otaku dances. This fusion beautifully reflected the blend of Eastern and Western cultures, aligning with our school's educational philosophy.


Principal Chris then delivered a welcome address for the new term, showcasing the faculty and emphasizing the importance of collaboration between teachers and students for the school's progress.


Physics teacher, Mr. Davy Zhu, spoke on behalf of the faculty, sharing his educational journey from an arts student to a physics major and his decision to teach at SHBS. He encouraged students to pursue their paths and to create some "little troubles" in life.


Student representatives, Jimmy, Ivan, and Ella, shared their growth stories and insights, motivating their peers to face the new term with resilience and courage.


The award ceremony that followed brought a tense and exciting climax to the event. SHBS offers various scholarship programs annually to inspire students to challenge themselves, engage in community activities, and excel in their studies. The announcement of the winners was met with rounds of applause and cheers, recognizing their efforts and potential. Awards were also given to parents for their active cooperation with the school over the past year, acknowledging the significant achievements of our joint educational endeavors.

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In his speech, Principal Bowen Chen praised the students and teachers who participated in the Global Youth Gobi Desert Trekking Challenge, bringing home the prestigious Hercules trophy for the school. He emphasized the importance of trying new things, persevering through challenges, and achieving success through determination.


The opening ceremony concluded amid thunderous applause as students moved to their homeroom classes for bonding activities. Returning and new students got to know each other, sharing their holiday experiences and goals for the new term. Homeroom teachers imparted their final advice and blessings before the term began, organizing engaging interactive activities to mark the students' return to campus life.

文 | Lucas Zou (G10)

图 | David Kong (G12), Thea Wu (G11)

排版 | Jang









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