Assembly in September
Jeffery Benjamin
在近年来校园安全意识不断增强的背景下,杜绝校园霸凌已成为每所学校必须严格执行的使命。作为协和社区的高年级学长学姐们,上周三林校区的学生们迎来了本学期首个反霸凌主题集会。这场意义深远的活动由我们三林校区心理咨询室的唐老师(Blair Tang)主持,她从三个关键维度引导学生们深入探讨了霸凌问题:霸凌的定义、霸凌行为的成因,以及在面对霸凌时我们应如何保护自己和支持他人。
With the increasing awareness of the importance of campus safety in recent years, it has always been a strict requirement for every school to prevent bullying. As senior studnets of the SUIS community, students at Sanlin campus participated in their first Anti-bullying Assembly this semester. This gathering was led by Ms. Blair Tang, the Mental Health Counsellor of Sanlin Campus. We discussed the theme of bullying with students from three perspectives: what is bullying, why there is bullying, how we protect ourselves and support others when facing bullying.
During their primary and middle school years, students have been exposed to numerous educational lectures and class meetings on the topic of bullying. Therefore, in this assembly, Ms.Tang chose to let the students define bullying for themselves and share their personal understanding of the term. Some students believe that bullying is making sarcastic and biting remarks to others, some see it as physical harm to others, and others consider even a one-time insulting remark as an act of bullying.
Although everyone has a different understanding of bullying, they all revolve around two core keywords: intentionally and continuously. Ms. Tang pointed out that only by truly understanding the meaning of bullying can we avoid arbitrarily labeling others' behaviour and also stand up against bullying with more confidence. Through such discussions, students not only deepen their understanding of bullying but also begin to ponder: what is the motivation behind the bully's actions.
After pondering on what constitutes "bullying," Ms.Tang continued to challenge the students to move on to the next step, analysing the motive behind the act of bullying, that is, why people bully others. The students' answers varied, with some thinking it stems from loneliness, others believing it is because the perpetrator finds it fun, and some students suggesting that there might be no reason at all for the bully to harm others.
‘No one heals himself by wounding others.’
As part of social skills, students need to take the initiative to say no to those who bully them, express their feelings, and ask for respect from the other party.
呼吁每一位学生和老师都加入到“R U OK”的集体承诺中来。当你注意到有老师或同学似乎不太开心或显得有些忧愁时,请勇敢地走上前,用一句简单的“Are you OK?”来表达你的关心和支持。
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