
学生社团|茶香里的创新,Start-up "Melotea"的诞生之旅



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"Driven by an almost mystical force, I immediately wrote the first draft of my plan. The main idea was to continually sell our handmade tea desserts and make big money!"

在狄邦华曜校园的一隅,像Smile这样年轻的力量无时不刻在悄然涌动。近年来,一股复古与文化回归的浪潮席卷而来,激发了学者们对传统文化价值的再思考。Melotea Workshop的发起人Smile,是今年12年级的毕业生,一位修读AP经济学的学者,自然敏锐地捕捉到了这一趋势背后的商机。


在狄邦华曜这所鼓励创新思维的学府里,学者们天马行空的创意总能找到肥沃的土壤。Melotea Workshop的概念如同一颗种子,得益于学校的支持与导师的灌溉,迅速萌芽。

In a corner of the HC campus, the youthful energy of students like Smile is constantly bubbling up. In recent years, a wave of nostalgia and cultural revival has inspired scholars to rethink the value of traditional culture. Smile, the founder of Melotea Workshop, is a G12 graduating scholar this year, an AP Economics student, who naturally saw the business opportunity behind this trend.

She realized that although tea culture has a long history, its influence among young people was waning. As a girl from a tea-producing region, Smile returned to her hometown of Shaoxing for inspiration. This led to the creation of a creative club centered on tea, blending food, art, and online platforms to rejuvenate tea culture in a way that appeals to younger generations.

At Huayao Collegiate, a school that encourages innovative thinking, the wild ideas of scholars always find fertile ground. The concept of Melotea Workshop, like a seed, quickly sprouted thanks to the school's support and the guidance of mentor.


 Planting Dreams and Facing Challenges 




However, the gap between dreams and reality is not easy to bridge.

Initially, their passion met with cold reality: How to turn ideas into actions? How to make Melotea's voice heard in the market? The path to profitability was unclear, compounded by concerns about food safety and time management amidst busy academic schedules. These challenges made Smile and her team reevaluate their initial plans. These issues were like mountains standing in the way of their dreams.

With the mentor's help, Smile led her team in developing a feasible business model. They started with market research to understand their target audience's needs and preferences, then created an initial business plan. This plan included product development, market positioning, marketing strategies, and financial goals.

⬆️ 社团成员 All members of Melotea

● 产品开发:聚焦于结合茶元素的手作创新甜品,旨在吸引年轻人,如茶味提拉米苏与特色茶饮,同时考虑茶文化周边,如贴纸、服装等。

● 市场定位:面向追求新潮生活方式且对传统文化感兴趣的年轻消费者,通过将传统茶文化与现代甜品文化融合,打造独特的市场定位。

● 营销策略:构建官方网站与社交媒体平台,发布茶叶历史文章与茶田视频,增强文化教育与品牌故事,同时利用运动会与艺术展等校园活动进行现场售卖与互动体验。

● 财务目标:考虑到成本控制与非盈利性质,目标设定为“回本即成功”,通过精细化运营与成本核算,确保社团活动收支平衡,同时探索文化产品周边销售的额外收入渠道。

· Product Development: Focus on innovative tea-infused handmade desserts to attract young people, such as tea-flavored tiramisu and specialty tea drinks, along with tea culture-related products like stickers and clothing.

· Market Positioning: Target young consumers who seek trendy lifestyles and are interested in traditional culture by blending traditional tea culture with modern dessert culture to create a unique market position.

· Marketing Strategy: Build a website and social media presence to publish articles on tea history and videos from tea fields, enhancing cultural education and brand storytelling. Utilize school events like sports days and art exhibitions for on-site sales and interactive experiences.

· Financial Goals: Aim for "breaking even," considering the non-profit nature, by meticulous operation and cost accounting to ensure the club's activities are financially balanced, while exploring additional revenue from cultural products.


初创的Melotea Workshop面临诸多挑战,但是Smile和她的社团成员并没有被初期的挫败所击垮,反而以此为契机,进行了一场深刻的策略转型。于是,他们决定将项目的核心价值从单一的盈利转向茶文化的深度挖掘与广泛传播,以期在人们心中种下茶文化的种子,让其自然生长,结出文化的果实。

"My original idea was to make money, but after several failed attempts, the team suggested turning our grand entrepreneurial project into a non-profit organization promoting tea culture for sustainability. I accepted their advice and changed our financial goal to breaking even," Smile said with gratitude when recalling the early difficulties.

The newly founded Melotea Workshop faced many challenges, but Smile and her team were not defeated by initial setbacks. Instead, they used it as an opportunity for a profound strategic transformation. They decided to shift the project's core value from profit-making to deeply exploring and widely promoting tea culture, aiming to plant the seeds of tea culture in people's hearts, allowing it to grow naturally and bear cultural fruit.


 Growing and Overcoming Challenges 


Smile: 身为社长,我在工作坊中做统筹,规划和组织活动的工作。创办工作坊的初衷是希望更多人可以对中国文化,特别是茶文化感同身受,同时通过学科结合的方式做小小的start-up和品尝甜品的方式来放松。这几次活动中我主要负责写策划案,布置任务和设立时间节点,同时和校领导沟通、和家长交流,为工作坊争取小小的权利!






Nemo :作为Melotea社团的后勤兼码农,主要负责网站的设计和制作,我加入社团的原因主要是希望用自己擅长的东西帮助同学。


文字部,作为Melotea Workshop的灵魂创作团队,致力于茶文化的深度挖掘与普及。其中,G11的Daisy与Nancy两位才思敏捷的写手,充分发挥其文学功底,每周精心编纂文章。这些文章内容丰富多元,从茶叶的基础分类到悠久历史,再到各类茶种的细致解析,无不透露着深厚的文化底蕴。这些精心准备的内容不仅丰富了网站的知识板块,更成为了向访客传播茶文化的重要媒介,使得每一位浏览者都能在此获得知识的滋养,感受到茶文化的独特魅力。


Nancy: 我是文案,也是销售,还是甜品制作售卖什么都干点的杂工。我们部门主要是为填充网站所提供材料内容,调研世界各地不同种类的茶,加入茶文化社团是因为可以成为甜点试吃员。


同时,剪辑部扮演着视觉叙事者的角色,以镜头语言记录并传播茶文化的魅力。由G10学者Angela、Reily与G12学者Tianqi组成的剪辑团队,正以她们的精湛技艺,在自媒体平台上绽放光彩。她们不仅精心制作茶园风景的MV,捕捉茶叶生长的细微之美与自然风光,还负责剪辑记录下工作坊举办的各种重要活动瞬间,通过Vlog的形式,将Melotea Workshop的每一次成长与活动盛况生动展现给观众,让无法亲临现场的人也能感受到那份热情与文化的韵味。

Angela: 我是MeloTEA的摄影师和剪辑师。我在社团会负责拍摄和剪辑视频,同时也会帮助其他部的同学做一些事情例如做蛋糕,售卖等等。我加入这个社团是因为我对茶文化和摄影剪辑感兴趣。

Reily: 作为Melotea社团剪辑部的一名成员,近期正在为社团剪辑活动日vlog,之所以想加入该社团,是因为我个人想多多参与一些集体活动,并且锻炼剪辑技能。

Tianqi: 我的职位是摄影和售货员。主要负责拍摄有关茶叶种植、生产、销售的过程以及在宣传时销售产品。加入的原因主要是因为对茶文化感兴趣,以及想要挑战自我。







最后,食品部,作为Melotea Workshop的茶点创造中心,重要性不言而喻,其特色在于跨年级招募(G9-G12)并对烘焙爱好者敞开大门。为协调学生时间,社长Smile实施了“流动不固定”策略,扩编至15人团队,每次活动灵活选取5人,确保活动高效与个人时间管理的平衡。


To achieve their goal of spreading tea culture, Smile led the club in carefully planning and implementing a series of innovative initiatives, ensuring Melotea's tea fragrance wafted through every corner of HC.

Smile: As the president, I oversee planning and organizing activities. The workshop's original intention was to help more people connect with Chinese culture, especially tea culture, and to relax by enjoying handmade desserts. During our events, I mainly handle planning, task allocation, and scheduling, while also communicating with school leaders and parents to secure small rights for the workshop!

Website Operation Dept.

First, the team established a website operation department, dedicating significant effort to create an informative and visually appealing website. 

Fiora, a 12th-grade student, took on the task of design and refinement, handling everything from finding the right domain name to optimizing content and visual effects. Her partner, Nemo, another 12th-grader, focused on the technical aspects, including coding and exploring efficient website building methods to ensure stable and smooth operations.

Fiora: As the vice president, I mainly handle the website's creation and design. I joined this workshop because I was very interested in promoting tea culture through website content and tea snacks, which was something new for me. During our events, I helped make and sell desserts, and I learned a lot and gained valuable experience. I hope our workshop continues to thrive!

Nemo: As the logistics and coder for Melotea, I am responsible for designing and creating the website. I joined the club because I wanted to help my classmates with my skills.

Editorial Dept.

The Editorial Department, the soul of Melotea Workshop, delves deep into tea culture to make it accessible. Daisy and Nancy, talented 11th-grade writers, utilize their literary skills to craft weekly articles. These articles cover a wide range of topics, from basic tea classifications and history to detailed analyses of various tea types, showcasing rich cultural heritage. These carefully prepared contents not only enrich the website's knowledge div but also serve as a vital medium for spreading tea culture, allowing visitors to gain knowledge and appreciate the unique charm of tea culture.

Daisy: I joined this club because I'm very interested in tea culture. Both tea and desserts attract me. I am responsible for researching, editing, and compiling tea culture information for the website. I also helped design the website initially. In the club, I met many like-minded friends. I hope our efforts will help more people know and love tea culture!

Nancy: I handle copywriting, sales, and making desserts. Our department provides content for the website, researching different teas worldwide. I joined the tea culture club to be a dessert taste tester.

Video Editing Dept.

The Video Editing Department serves as the visual storyteller, capturing and spreading the charm of tea culture. Composed of 10th-grader Angela and Reily, 12th-grader Tianqi, and others, the editing team uses their skills to shine on social media platforms. They create meticulous music videos of tea garden landscapes, capturing the beauty of tea leaves and natural scenery. They also document the workshop's key events through vlogs, vividly showcasing Melotea Workshop's growth and activities to those unable to attend, sharing the passion and cultural charm.

Angela: I am Melotea's photographer and video editor. I handle filming and editing videos and help with other tasks like making cakes and selling them. I joined because I am interested in tea culture and photography/editing.

Reily: As a member of Melotea's editing department, I am currently editing event vlogs. I joined to participate in group activities and improve my editing skills.

Tianqi: My roles are photographer and salesperson. I am responsible for capturing the tea planting, production, and sales process and promoting the products. I joined because I am interested in tea culture and want to challenge myself.

Design Dept.

To make tea culture more relatable to young people, the Design Department led by 11th-graders Emily and Ella created a series of tea-themed products, like stickers, T-shirts, and eco-friendly bags. These attractive and practical items incorporate tea culture into daily life, making cultural heritage accessible and not just a distant symbol.

Ella: Joining Melotea made me happy to meet and work with more people. I mainly handle promotional tasks like designing menus and posters and occasionally help set up booths. I gained team cooperation experience.

Emily: It's great to eat leftover product scraps in the club because our cakes are delicious. I highly recommend them. After joining, I was responsible for designing menus, posters, setting up booths, and promotional tasks, experiencing what it's like to work overtime in a company and gaining valuable experience.

Food Dept.

Lastly, the Food Department, the heart of Melotea Workshop, is crucial for creating tea snacks. This cross-grade team (G9-G12) welcomes baking enthusiasts. To manage students' time, President Smile implemented a "flexible schedule" strategy, expanding to a 15-person team, selecting 5 members for each event to balance efficiency and personal time management.

"I often worry deep down that team members might not finish tasks on time or procrastinate. I'm hesitant to push them too much, fearing it might affect team harmony and motivation," Smile said regarding the club's workload. "However, every time, my team completes tasks with amazing efficiency and quality, making me proud and grateful."


 Baking and Spreading Culture 

在实践中,Melotea Workshop团队经历了从青涩到成熟的蜕变。首次在校园运动会上的小试牛刀,尽管面临了提拉米苏因天气过热意外融化、准备时间紧张等突发状况,团队成员展现出了惊人的应变能力和团队协作精神。


5月21日是世界茶文化日,与Sierra老师艺术展的携手合作,更是为Melotea Workshop的发展史添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。这次合作不仅是一次简单的活动联办,它代表了文化与艺术领域的深度融合,展现了茶文化在现代审美中的独特魅力。

展览中,Melotea Workshop精心布置的茶文化展区,与狄邦华曜学者们的扎染作品、书法、国画及自制茶具交相辉映,营造出一种跨越时空的文化对话。通过与参观者互动点茶的体验环节,Melotea Workshop不仅传递了茶文化的深厚底蕴,也让参与者在艺术氛围中体验到茶的静谧与雅致,极大地扩展了品牌的认知度与影响力。

这次文化联动不仅让团队成员对茶文化的理解与传播有了更深的认识,也成功地将Melotea Workshop的品牌形象推向了更广阔的舞台,为后续的文化传承与创新实践奠定了坚实的基础。

通过像Melotea Workshop这样的社团活动,学者们得以将个人兴趣与学术追求相结合,探索未知领域,实现自我价值。这些经历不仅丰富了他们的校园生活,更为他们的未来发展奠定了坚实的基础。


在这个充满活力和机遇的校园里,每一位学者都有机会成为自己故事的主角,书写属于自己的精彩篇章。让我们期待Melotea Workshop以及所有学生社团在未来能够继续发光发热,创造更多的可能。

Through practice, the Melotea Workshop team evolved from inexperienced to mature. Their first small trial at the school sports day faced unexpected challenges like tiramisu melting due to heat and tight preparation time. The team displayed impressive adaptability and teamwork.

Faced with challenges, Smile and her members didn’t retreat but instead found more creativity and resilience, such as freezing tiramisu to save it and quickly adjusting sales strategies, ultimately completing their task under limited conditions. During this process, the team gained valuable practical experience and felt the selfless support and warm encouragement from the HC community. Students, teachers, and even school staff helped, making everyone appreciate the power of the collective.

May 21, World Tea Culture Day, in collaboration with teacher Sierra’s art exhibition, marked a significant milestone in Melotea Workshop’s development. This collaboration wasn’t just a simple joint event; it represented a deep integration of culture and art, showcasing tea culture’s unique charm in modern aesthetics.

The exhibition featured a tea culture display meticulously set up by Melotea Workshop, alongside HC scholars’ tie-dye works, calligraphy, traditional paintings, and handmade tea sets, creating a cross-temporal cultural dialogue. Through interactive tea-making experiences with visitors, Melotea Workshop conveyed the rich essence of tea culture, allowing participants to experience the tranquility and elegance of tea amidst the artistic atmosphere, greatly expanding brand recognition and influence.

This cultural collaboration not only deepened the team members’ understanding of tea culture but also successfully pushed Melotea Workshop’s brand to a broader stage, laying a solid foundation for future cultural heritage and innovative practices.

Through activities like Melotea Workshop, scholars combine personal interests with academic pursuits, explore unknown fields, and realize self-worth. These experiences enrich their campus life and lay a strong foundation for their future development.

Huayao Collegiate will continue to support and encourage students' innovative spirit, providing necessary resources and guidance to help them turn creativity into reality, nurturing them to become future innovators and leaders.

In this vibrant and opportunity-filled campus, every scholar has the chance to be the protagonist of their story, writing their own exciting chapters. We look forward to Melotea Workshop and all student clubs continuing to shine and create more possibilities in the future.


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