

SHBS Activity|创意比拼:宏润博源空间美化大赛

09-23 08:35发布于上海



The classroom walls have been meticulously adorned, and the dormitories have been given a more lively atmosphere by the students' arrangements. The warm environment brings not only visual comfort but also psychological stability. This past summer, the dormitory area at SHBS underwent a comprehensive renovation, with optimized space upgrades, providing everyone with a more comfortable and pleasant learning and living space.


During the CAS activity time on the afternoon of September 13, SHBS initiated the highly aniticipated annual competition for the most beautiful dormitory. The students visited the classrooms, girls' dormitories and boys' dormitories in the form of administrative classes. Each administrative class made suggestions and showed their style in the classroom layout. The walls became a scroll for the students to unfold their ideas. In the end, each administrative class classroom presented an excellent appearance.


Some classrooms are filled with celebrity posters and motivational quotes stickers, which make students more motivated to study;  some classroom are hung with beautiful ornaments, which make people feel warm; some are posted with novel clock styles, which make the layout more eye-catching; and those posters of star singers and movie and animation characters show the personality and dreams of the students; some administrative classes also place a lot of books in the classroom, and students can read in their spare time to experience the charm of words...


The layout of the girls' dormitory pays more attention to details and personalization. Each bed is a warm haven. The various photos and posters posted, and the plush dolls on the bed not only show the owner's taste, but also make the dormitory more homely, and the students live more comfortably and easily.


The green plants placed in the public area by the dorm room parents also add a touch of color to the dormitory environment. The boys' dormitory is not to be outdone. They have made the dormitory a practical and vibrant space. Although the layout of the dormitory is not as delicate as that of the girls, the traces of careful arrangement also make people feel the enthusiasm and creativity of the boys.

参观结束后,同学们积极扫码评分选票,也有不少同学在为自己的寝室和行政班拉票。After the visit, the students actively scanned the code to rate and vote, and many students canvassed for their dormitories and administrative classes.


Such activities not only beautified the learning and living environment, but also cultivated the students' sense of collective honor and creativity, demonstrated the positive campus culture of SHBS, and made everyone who participated in it feel a sense of belonging and pride.









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