Dreams Start at NAIS Pudong 上海英国学校浦东校区:梦想从这里起航
Our values are clear that we aim to develop creative, confident, and considerate students who are prepared for their futures, and where better to start building that confidence than with our youngest students. From the first moment they enter our school, they access our incredible Early Years teaching and learning spaces, all filled with activities that spark fun roleplay, collaboration, and encourage our students to dream.
While Early Years children may not fully understand the concept of what their future holds, we make sure that there are no barriers to their imagination. We often hear children saying that they want to be doctors, pilots, scientists, teachers, firemen, etc and our intent is to always embrace that for as long as it’s meaningful to that individual.
Over the coming weeks we’ll share with you a range of stories from alumni, all of whom talk about their dreams when they were younger, how NAIS Pudong supported them in school, and ultimately, where their post-education career pathway has taken them. We’ll start next week with Lily Nazarian, a NAIS Pudong 2019 Alumnus and University of Michigan graduate. For now though, please enjoy the first of our videos showcasing our wonderful young learners, for whom Dreams have already Started Here, at NAIS Pudong.
在接下来的几周里,我们将会和您分享一系列来自毕业校友的故事,他们都将会谈及他们年轻时的梦想,NAIS Pudong如何支持他们以及最终他们的职业道路将他们带向何处。下周我们将从Lily Nazarian开始,她是2019届校友,同时也是密歇根大学的毕业生。现在,请欣赏我们的首个视频,展示我们优秀的小学员们——他们的梦想已经在NAIS Pudong开始了。
