
Tanzania Service Project 2025 坦桑尼亚社会服务营之旅

02-14 11:30发布于上海



NAIS Pudong students from Year 9 to Year 12 were fortunate enough to take part in the NAE Service Project in the Kilimanjaro area of Tanzania.  Annabelle S, Giselle O, Andy Z, Kevin C, Linus L and Ricky Z were joined by Olivia W from our sister school LIS Chengdu, as well as students from BIS Abu Dhabi, BIS Charlotte, BSB Shunyi, Hameline Laie, and Beau Soleil.

This service project, aside from offering students the opportunity of a lifetime to explore a beautiful part of Africa (including on a 2-day, overnight safari), is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to gain a deeper understanding of the extraordinary difficulties that the communities face.  One of our core NAIS Pudong values is to help develop consideration in our students, and there could be no better opportunity than this.

Accommodated in what can only be described as a high-end resort glamping setup (complete with beautiful gardens, orchards, football pitch and swimming pool), our students used that base to travel deep into surrounding communities to develop a cultural appreciation of life there.  These exchanges were supported by both Seeway Tanzania (www.swtz.org) and our specific partner, Umoja Tanzania (www.umojatanzania.org). 

Students from NAIS Pudong supported some families facing unimaginable hardship, building cow and chicken sheds for them (and providing animals too), and then also installing solar panels, sockets and lighting to the families to enable them both to have electricity in their home for the very first time, but also to support charging for mobile devices which are essential to allow the family to communicate and build small business.

Students took an incredible safari in Tarangire National Park, where they encountered lions, elephants, baboons, giraffe, wildebeest, warthogs, eagles, gazelle, impala, smaller monkeys, zebra and many more.  They camped for one night in the middle of the national park and were overwhelmed to have a mother elephant and her calf within 10 metres of their tents!

Other days of our trip also took us to meet the Meru tribe who introduced their community and gave some fascinating insight into the legal system, the religious mix within the villages, and the education system.  They then took us to their coffee plantation where we learned about the process from initial plant nursery right through to roasting and selling the beans.  Of course, we also got a taste too, and boy was it good coffee!

We camped again in a private reserve where students learned how to put up tents before they prepared and cooked meals for the entire group.  We don’t like to boast, but our food was apparently within the Top 3 of all expedition meals so far!  Kudos to our Head Chef from BSB Shunyi!  Students cleaned all of the dishes, tidied camp, and after a good sleep we headed back our service projects.

The final day saw students putting absolutely every inch of energy during the midday sun into digging and transporting vast amounts of soil across the school campus to help repair a very uneven football pitch, which is now good to use!  The afternoon saw a true heart-warming exchange where the local students gave speeches, performed dances (and a fashion show!), while NAE students reciprocated with group dances before passing over a large amount of gifts which were donated to the school.

Prior to departure, we saw students get very emotional as the true realization of just how much their work had meant to the local community hit home.  Undoubtedly this project has developed new friendships between schools, but also between continents, and our aim is to continue supporting the local charities as the year progresses.

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NAIS Pudong Year 9至Year 13的部分同学参加了在坦桑尼亚乞力马扎罗山地区开展的社会服务项目。参加本次项目的同学有Annabelle S、Giselle O、Andy Z、Kevin C、Linus L和Ricky Z。同行的还有成都乐盟外籍人员子女学校的Olivia W、阿布扎比英国学校、夏洛特英国学校(美国)、顺义英国学校、哈梅林国际学校(西班牙)和博索雷学院(瑞士)等其他诺德安达姐妹学校的学生。

这个社会服务项目不仅为学生们提供了一个探索非洲的难得机会(包括两天一夜的Safari巡游),也让同学们深入了解到当地社区所面临的种种问题与困难,是一次难得的经历。在NAIS Pudong, 我们的核心价值观之一就是培养学生的同理心与社会责任感,参加社会服务项目无疑是一次珍贵的教育机会。

我们的学生住在一个环境优美的露营基地(配有美丽的花园、果园、足球场和游泳池),我们利用这个基地深入周边社区,学习和了解当地文化。这些交流活动得到了 Seeway Tanzania (www.sztz.org) 和我们的合作伙伴 Umoja Tanzania (www.umojatanzania.org) 的支持。

NAIS Pudong的同学们给当地经历困难与贫穷的家庭提供帮助,为他们修建了牛棚和鸡棚(并提供牲畜)、安装了太阳能板、插座和照明设备,不少家庭是首次通电,能为他们的电器充电。

接下来,我们在塔兰吉雷国家公园(Tarangire National Park)进行了一次绝妙的野生动物巡游之旅,同学们在那里遇到了狮子、大象、狒狒、长颈鹿、角马、疣猪、老鹰、瞪羚、黑斑羚、小猴子、斑马等等。我们在公园中央露营了一晚,更幸运的是在离我们帐篷不到 10 米的地方就有一头母象和它的小象!






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