Grand Opening of NAIS’ Refurbished Swimming Pool - 新游泳馆正式开启使用
Although it’s been in use by our students since early January, we were delighted to formally open our newly refurbished swimming pool this week. The 25m pool facility – used for Physical Education sessions, After School Activities, and outside of school hours by the community – provides an outstanding facility for students, staff and parents to develop their swimming skills and technique, and all of this is now provided in a brand-new, contemporary building, complete with new showers and changing facilities.
Principal Diane Vaughan said “Our school has been incredibly well equipped for many years now, but our continued commitment to investment in both new and refurbished facilities for our students is evident. The pool facility follows recent investment in brand new sound and video equipment in our Performing Arts Centre, a whole range of new equipment and furniture in classrooms across the campus, a brand new library and fitness centre, and a range of other aesthetic improvements across the site.”
The grand opening was attended by staff, parents and members of the school’s swim teams, all of whom received a gift bag to celebrate their status as the inaugural swim team members at the time of this launch. Also here to officially cut the ribbon was the Regional Managing Director of China International Schools for Nord Anglia, Dr Terry Creissen OBE.
We look forward to expanding the use of our facilities across campus over the coming weeks and months so that everyone associated with NAIS Pudong can make use of them.
虽然我们的学生从一月初就开始使用新翻修的游泳池,但我们很高兴本周能正式开放。这个 25 米长的标准短池将用于体育课和课外活动,为学生、教职员工和家长提供了学习和练习游泳的绝佳场所。
校长Diane Vaughan说:"多年来,我们学校的设施一直非常完善,我们承诺为学生持续投资新建设施和翻新原有设施。继为表演艺术中心购置全新的音响和视频设备、校园各处教室的一系列新设备和家具、全新的图书管和健身房以及整个校园的整体美化工程之后,我们又为学生翻新了游泳馆。“
学校的教职员工、家长和游泳队成员出席了本次的启动仪式,游泳队的成员们都收到了一个礼品袋,以庆祝他们正式入选游泳队。诺德安达集团中国区域总监Terry Creissen OBE 博士也出席了剪彩仪式。
