
毕业季|Nemo Yu:我的代码有温度,科技的本质在于回应“人的需求”

03-06 08:16发布于江苏



2025届毕业生Nemo Yu的故事,或许能给出这个问题具象的答案。从编写代码到设计盲人饮水机,从AP满分到云南支教,他用行动证明:真正的创新者,既能驾驭科技的锋芒,亦能守护人性的温度。

Nemo Yu



如今,Nemo成功斩获罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校(Rutgers University-New Brunswick, U.S. News Top41)、弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)、明尼苏达大学双城分校(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)、密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)、宾夕法尼亚州立大学帕克分校(Pennsylvania State University, University Park)、匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)等世界知名学府的计算机科学专业的录取通知书。

Nemo Yu所获offer


进入狄邦华曜后,Nemo的编程天赋在4年间的系统性课程中全面迸发。从9年级的计算机系统导论(ICS)、10年级的网页设计(Web Design)、11年级的AP计算机原理(CSP)到12年级的AP计算机A(CSA),他一步步跨越技术的阶梯:学习基础架构、开发实用网页、研究算法逻辑,最终在复杂项目中游刃有余。而这段旅程的关键,离不开计算机老师Mr. Adeel的“反推法”教学——逆向思考编程逻辑的训练,让他不仅能写出精准的代码,更能洞察问题本质,让技术为真实需求服务。

从左至右:Nemo Yu、Jerry Hou、Mr. Adeel

在狄邦华曜的校园里,Nemo是穿梭于各大学生组织、社团的“技术顾问”。他不仅为学生会论坛开发了学术交流平台,通过增设课外活动板块连接学生的多样化需求,打造出集课程讨论、社团招募、活动发布于一体的社区网站;还为生物课的同学搭建了学科资源共享平台,为Melotea Workshop社团开发创意宣传网站。












在AP计算机科学原理(CSP)考试中,他以一场“技术普惠”的实践征服了考官。11年级的寒假,Nemo参与了学校提供的当地图书馆实习项目,在志愿服务中,他发现了书籍编号混乱导致读者检索效率低下的问题。为了解决图书馆困境,Nemo试图将其转化为CSP考试项目——用Python开发借书小程序,结合Excel数据库实现个性化推荐。从纸面原型到代码落地,每一步都得到计算机老师Mr. Adeel的细致指导。


AP 宏观经济学:5分

而在AP宏观经济学的学习中,他同样以满分证明了自己的人文视野。从分析日本GDP走势到解读财政政策,Nemo在经济学老师Mr. Rohan的引导下,将课堂知识与现实世界深度连接。当他在云南山村支教时,简陋的教室和孩子们渴望的眼神让他意识到:教育是打破地域经济壁垒的钥匙。Nemo感慨道:“经济学涉及的数据图表的背后,是无数个体的鲜活人生。将来,我希望用技术帮助更多人看见更大的世界。”














Nemo的成长轨迹中,狄邦华曜学校始终是隐形的“共行者”。Mr. Adeel用反推法点燃逻辑思维,郭异老师以数据驱动教学铸就学术基石,升学指导团队将人文洞察融入文书精髓。从AP课程到实践项目,学校始终倡导“用创新回应真实需求”,而这正是Nemo手握多所知名大学offer的深层逻辑——无论是理工科的代码,还是人文社科的思辨,最终都要回归到“为世界上更多人的需求服务”这一原点。




Nemo Yu


As ChatGPT drafts academic papers and DeepSeek unlocks the secrets of cyberspace, the world is beginning to ask: In the age of AI, what truly defines the core value of humanity?

The story of graduate Nemo Yu may offer a meaningful answer. From writing code to designing a water dispenser for the visually impaired, from earning perfect AP scores to volunteering as a teacher in rural Yunnan, Nemo has shown through action that true innovators are those who harness the power of technology while preserving the warmth of human connection.

Nemo Yu

Founding Scholar of Huayao Collegiate

Four years ago, Nemo arrived at Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan as one of its founding students—considered just an "average kid" in the eyes of others. But through the school’s rich American high school curriculum and wide range of extracurricular opportunities, this so-called "average kid" discovered a dual foundation in computer science: a sharp mastery of coding logic and a lasting focus on solving real-world challenges around him.

Today, Nemo has received offers from several world-renowned universities, including Rutgers University-New Brunswick (U.S. News Top 41), Virginia Tech, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Michigan State University, Pennsylvania State University – University Park, and the University of Pittsburgh, all in the field of computer science.

selected offers received by Nemo Yu

These acceptances not only recognize his academic excellence but also reflect the growing importance higher education places on cultivating "technology for good"—future leaders in tech must not only solve complex problems but also carry forward a mission to serve and uplift society.

After joining Dipont Huayao Collegiate School, Nemo's talent for programming steadily blossomed over four years through a well-structured curriculum. Starting with Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) in 9th grade, Web Design in 10th grade, AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) in 11th grade, and AP Computer Science A (CSA) in 12th grade, he progressed step by step through the world of computer science: mastering basic system architecture, developing practical websites, refining his understanding of algorithms, and eventually tackling complex projects. A pivotal influence on this journey was Mr. Adeel’s “reverse engineering” teaching method, which trained Nemo to think backward through programming logic. This not only sharpened his coding precision but also deepened his problem-solving mindset—ensuring that technology always responds to real-world needs.

From left to right:Nemo Yu, Jerry Hou, Mr. Adeel

On campus, Nemo became the go-to "tech consultant" for student organizations and clubs. He built an academic exchange platform for the student council, added an extracurricular div to address student needs, and developed a community website integrating course discussions, club recruitment, and event announcements. For his biology classmates, he created a resource-sharing platform, and for the Melotea Workshop club, he designed a dynamic promotional website.

The student government forum developed by Nemo

But Nemo’s exploration wasn’t limited to software. As a core member of the game design club, he and his team moved from character concept art into experimenting with the Unity engine. Although still early in his technical studies, Nemo is already full of future plans—hoping to minor in game development at university and use AI to generate music and storylines, turning his creative ideas into reality.

Nemo discusses technical issues with his peers

in the gaming club.

In his 11th-grade year, Nemo achieved perfect scores (5) on three AP exams, the result of both his own effort and strong collaboration with his teachers and peers.

AP Calculus BC: 5

While preparing for AP Calculus BC, math teacher Guo Yi applied a "data-driven teaching method," analyzing error patterns and creating personalized practice plans for each student. This strategy paid off, with an outstanding 85% perfect score rate in the class. 

Mr. Yi Guo conducted an accuracy analysis

for each student on every question.

Beyond his own success, Nemo took his learning further by developing an automatic AP Calculus test generator and writing a math research paper on the project—using programming to enhance study efficiency while reinforcing his own understanding by helping classmates. "Technical exploration doesn’t end with code," Nemo shared. "It’s about applying logic to real-world problems."

Nemo wrote a mathematics essay titled "A Study on the Proportion of Each Section in the AP Calculus Exam."


For his AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) exam, Nemo impressed the examiners with a project centered on “technology for good.” During a school-organized winter internship at a local library(cilck to read), he noticed inefficiencies caused by disorganized book numbering. Turning this observation into his CSP exam project, he built a Python-based book borrowing app, paired with an Excel database to generate personalized book recommendations. From initial paper prototypes to final code, the entire process was guided by his computer science teacher, Mr. Adeel.

Nemo took the internship at the local library.

AP Macroeconomics: 5

In AP Macroeconomics, Nemo’s broad humanistic perspective shone through. He earned a perfect score by connecting theory with reality—whether analyzing Japan's GDP trends or exploring fiscal policies. Guided by his economics teacher Mr. Rohan, Nemo linked classroom knowledge with real-world insights. His volunteer teaching experience in a rural village in Yunnan left a lasting impact: the simplicity of the classrooms and the eager eyes of the children made him realize how education can break down regional economic barriers. "Behind the data and charts of economics are real, living people," Nemo reflected. "In the future, I hope to use technology to help more people see a bigger world."

Nemo's macroeconomics assignment

"Code can solve abstract problems, but only by working with real hardware can technology truly reach those who need it most."

During a volunteer activity designed to simulate the daily experiences of visually impaired individuals, Nemo was deeply moved by the challenges blind people face. With his vision blocked and a cane in hand, he personally experienced the difficulties of navigating ordinary tasks. One story left a lasting impression—a visually impaired person who was scalded after accidentally pressing the hot water button. Driven by empathy, Nemo decided to take action: he set out to design a practical, automatic water dispenser for the blind, using software to power hardware.

Nemo introduced the self-designed automatic water dispenser for the blind people.

Although coding was already his strength, this was Nemo’s first hands-on experience with hardware development. He envisioned a system where a camera detects the cup’s position, a stepper motor controls water flow, and voice prompts guide the user through the process. Initially, Nemo aimed to incorporate AI image recognition, hoping to train a machine learning model to accurately locate the cup. However, without access to the vast amounts of labeled data required, he pivoted to a color block recognition solution. Using the OpenCV library, he programmed the system to detect specific colors and shapes, while an infrared sensor measured the height of the cup’s rim to prevent overfilling.

The physical prototype of the automatic water dispenser

for the visually impaired designed by Nemo.

The hardware assembly came with its share of obstacles. Aligning motors with sensors required constant adjustments, and the infrared sensor often malfunctioned in bright lighting. Even a small wiring error could cause the entire system to crash. "Every hardware problem taught me just how complex real-world technology implementation can be," Nemo reflected. To overcome these challenges, he turned to online tutorials on circuit design and scoured forums for tips on assembly and debugging. After much trial and error, the first prototype of the blind-friendly water dispenser was successfully completed.

Nemo participated in the 3rd Huawei Cloud Cup "Young Developers" Artificial Intelligence Competition and won the second prize in the high school division.

But Nemo wasn’t ready to stop there. In his project documentation, he outlined his plans for future upgrades: with greater data resources and computational power available at university, he hopes to apply the YOLO deep learning model to improve detection accuracy and add features like voice alerts for water temperature, further enhancing the safety and user experience of the device.

Nemo's college application essay revealed to admissions officers a thinker who bridges worlds through technology.

From building with Lego bricks to designing a lunar settlement, he blurred the lines between imagination and reality. After experiencing life as a visually impaired person, he reimagined spatial logic from the perspective of the blind, leading to the creation of his smart water dispenser. Through his work on the student council forum project, he discovered that "within a seemingly uniform campus, each student's needs are like unique parallel universes." Behind these milestones was the careful guidance of Huayao Collegiate's college counseling team, who helped him weave together his technical skills and humanistic values into a powerful narrative of growth.

Nemo’s experience at a New York University summer program shifted his mindset from "chasing prestige" to "seeking substance." Although the courses didn’t meet his expectations, the experience helped him clearly define what he truly wanted: an academic environment that encourages deep technical exploration while embracing diverse perspectives.It was a turning point that showed him rankings and reputation are only surface-level; real growth comes from understanding and meeting one's own needs.

Some photos Nemo filmed the NYU summer program

Throughout Nemo’s journey, Huayao Collegiate has been a constant, behind-the-scenes companion. Mr. Adeel sparked his logical thinking through the Socratic method, while Mr. Guo's data-driven approach laid the groundwork for academic excellence. The college counseling team brought depth to his application essays, infusing them with humanistic insight. From AP courses to hands-on projects, the school has consistently emphasized the principle of “responding to real needs through innovation.” This philosophy is the common thread running through Nemo’s multiple offers from top universities—whether it’s writing code in STEM fields or applying critical thinking in the humanities, everything circles back to the same goal: serving the needs of more people in the world.

Today, Nemo is both a pioneer in the world of code and an advocate for global issues. The future belongs to young citizens like him—those who can dive deeply into their own passions while remaining attuned to the needs of others in a diverse, interconnected world. In an era of rapid technological change, Huayao Collegiate is shaping a new generation of scholars who use expertise to tackle complex challenges, empathy to bridge divides, and the courage to become connectors between different worlds.

In the age of AI, humanity faces an urgent question: Is the purpose of education to create "smarter tools," or to cultivate "irreplaceable human beings"?

Nemo’s story offers Huayao Collegiate's answer. He stepped into rural classrooms armed with perfect AP scores, designed hardware to improve the daily lives of the visually impaired, and consistently asked himself "Who are we innovating for?" as he explored the world of technology. Behind these actions is the school’s guiding belief: True education is not about shaping students through standardized molds—it is about empowering them to protect what is most valuable in humanity. That means using their knowledge and skills to uphold empathy for the vulnerable, curiosity for the unknown, and a lifelong commitment to asking “why we do what we do.”

Nemo Yu

In the world ahead, AI may write the code, but it will never replace the trembling hand that builds a water dispenser for the blind, nor replicate the light in a child’s eyes in a volunteer classroom. This is the lasting safeguard that education provides for humanity—the moat that no machine can cross.

Nemo Yu的故事始于一行代码







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