

03-26 08:31发布于上海


    春风拂过绿茵场,彩旗与笑脸相映成趣。3月20日,上海 UEC 国际学校春季趣味运动会在全校师生的翘首企盼中拉开帷幕。本次运动会通过精彩纷呈的赛事设计,为UECer们搭建了展现体育精神与团队风采的活力舞台。  

As the spring breeze swept across the green fields, colorful flags fluttered, and bright smiles shone. On March 20th, the UEC Spring Fun Sports Meet commenced amidst the eager anticipation of all students and teachers. With a series of exciting and well-designed events, this sports meet provided UECers with a vibrant stage to showcase their athletic spirit and team camaraderie.  


Opening Address


    开幕式上,Jessie 校长向全体师生送上殷切寄语:“今天的赛场不仅是体能的较量,更是意志的磨砺。希望每一位运动员以奥林匹克精神为指引,在拼搏中突破自我,在协作中凝聚力量。友谊第一,比赛第二。”  

During the opening ceremony, Principal Jessie delivered an inspiring message to all students and teachers: "Today's competition is not just a test of physical strength but also a challenge of willpower. I hope every athlete will follow the Olympic spirit—pushing beyond their limits in competition and uniting their strength through teamwork. Friendship comes first, competition second."  

    各班师生以别开生面的 “放狠话” 环节点燃竞赛氛围。  

Students and teachers from each class heightened the competitive atmosphere with a unique "bold declarations" session, fueling the excitement for the games ahead.

Fierce Competition


    在 150 米障碍跑赛道上,选手们如敏捷的小鹿,跨越栏杆、钻过障碍,每一个动作都展现着速度与技巧的完美结合。  

On the 150-meter obstacle race track, the athletes dashed like agile deer, leaping over hurdles and navigating obstacles, demonstrating a perfect blend of speed and skill in every move.  

    超级相扑项目,身着充气道具的选手们憨态可掬却斗志昂扬,在碰撞与对抗中诠释着 "友谊第一,比赛第二" 的真谛。  

In the Super Sumo event, competitors, dressed in inflatable suits, appeared amusing yet determined, embodying the true essence of "friendship first, competition second" through their playful yet intense clashes.  


Gasps of excitement echoed from the high jump area as contestants shot into the air like arrows leaving the bow. The moment their fingertips touched the height meter, the results of the competition were instantly determined.  


The team competitions further showcased the power of teamwork in full display.  



In the "Basketball Star" event, teammates demonstrated seamless coordination, with precise passes and sharp shooting earning waves of applause.  


In the "Final Strike" challenge, a thrilling battle of strength and strategy unfolded, with every powerful hit capturing the attention of the entire audience.  


On the relay challenge track, athletes raced neck and neck, with each baton pass symbolizing not just a transfer of speed but also a legacy of trust and responsibility.  




The fun-filled arena of blindfolded battles echoed with laughter as competitors relied on their hearing to determine their opponents' positions. The crackling sound of inflatable sticks colliding mingled with the cheers of the crowd, creating a joyous symphony of excitement.


The grand finale, the tug-of-war, pushed the atmosphere to its peak. Teams from each class gripped the rope tightly, chanting in unison. Their strained arms and resolute gazes vividly displayed the spirit of perseverance and never giving up.  


This sports meet was not only a stage for athletic competition but also a grand celebration of campus culture. On the field, athletes challenged themselves and pushed beyond their limits. In the stands, cheers and applause erupted continuously. Volunteers bustled around, embodying the spirit of dedication and responsibility. When the applause of the awards ceremony filled the air, both the triumphant cheers and the tears of defeat became cherished marks in the journey of youth.  


    春季运动会虽已落下帷幕,但体育精神的火种已在每位师生心中点燃。正如 Jessie 校长所言:“运动不止于赛场,更应成为一种生活态度。”愿 UEC 学子们将赛场上的拼搏精神融入学习与生活,以强健的体魄、坚韧的意志,书写属于自己的精彩人生!  

Though the Spring Sports Meet has come to an end, the flame of sportsmanship has been ignited in the hearts of every student and teacher. As Principal Jessie aptly stated, "Sports should not be confined to the competition field—it should become a way of life." May UEC students carry the fighting spirit from the arena into their studies and daily lives, forging their own brilliant journeys with strong bodies and unyielding willpower!





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