解锁World Food Day密码,一起来做追“光”人!
The IB programme "co-branded" World Food Day event is here!What? What? You can exchange books for vegetables at the event?I heard that King’s babies are competing to be "light" chasers. ......Let's see how the King’s Learner Community unlocked the code for World Food Day.Let's see how the KS Learner Community unlocked the code of World Food Day and interpreted the super-subject curriculum with a focus on children's experience and development through Big Idea Teaching!
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As the old poem goes, "A grain of millet planted in spring is followed by a harvest of ten thousand seeds in autumn. World Food Day coincides with October, the year in history, after the autumn harvest. Nowadays, with epidemics, wars, extreme weather, economic downturns, followed by the global food crisis, it is hard to come by when one porridge and one meal are taken.
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IB PYP项目主张全球社区与自身息息相关,世界与我们休戚与共。金生学习者社区也不例外,我们从关心民族命运启程。
The IB PYP programme advocates that the global community has a stake in itself and the world has a stake in us. The King’s Student Learner Community is no exception, and we start by caring about the destiny of the nation.

Through the penetration of the curriculum, children take the initiative to think critically by relating the issue of famine to their own actions. What are some of the ways in which we waste food in our lives? How can we stop wasting food? The children acted as "food observers", some of them suggested that we should take less food each time or just take what we need; some suggested that we could tell the kitchen uncle to make the food more delicious, so that we could eat more; some suggested that we should share the leftover rice and fruits with our pets... ...
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All concepts are driven and implemented by actions. Children don't stop at making ideas, they take action to change their environment. Look, the children are using the post-dinner discs as a unique "learning exhibition" and a caring attitude towards the world's food problems. We welcome you to join us in this new era of "light" chasers!
To support children's enquiry, teachers collect a variety of grain seeds. Children develop their cognition through hands-on experience. They mobilise their senses of sight, smell and touch to explore, share and even learn about the origin of hybrid rice.
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In this way, the supra-disciplinary thematic inquiry is problem-centred, encouraging children to observe, ask questions and reflect positively on the issue of food, and integrating traditionally separate areas in a way that is consistent with young children's thinking.
当粮食教育与双语环境碰撞,我们依旧能感受到多元文化的独特魅力。孩子们以饮食为媒介,了解到世界各地奇妙的饮食文化,「 Food is important 」的认识由内而生。K3-B班小朋友在外教Tyler的热情带领下,还玩了“蒙眼猜美食”的游戏,用舌尖上的味蕾探索食物的不同。
When food education collides with a bilingual environment, we can still feel the unique charm of multiculturalism. The children learnt about the wonderful food cultures around the world through the medium of food, and the understanding that [ Food is important ] was born from within. K3-B children, under the enthusiastic leadership of Tyler, the foreign teacher, also played the game of "blindfolded guessing of food", exploring the differences of food with the taste buds on their tongues.
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Subject exploration in a multilingual environment, the theme of food through the English language, bring children a different perspective and enjoyable experience.
What creative connections can be made between the food that nourishes the body and the food that feeds the spirit? Look at the opening of Kings's Food and Book Exchange and Crop Fair! It's an attractive way of encouraging people to love reading, cherish food and strive to be international citizens of the world by exchanging donated books for fresh vegetables that smell of autumn. The significance of the game is further enhanced when mums and dads accompany their children to turn the vegetables they receive into delicious food.
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When a child develops a conceptual impulse from the inside out, Kings's home, kindergarden, and community form a synergy that creates a firm support to nurture the growth of this concept.
Children are the mainstay of a community of learners, who endeavour to change the world through their own effective actions in real, meaningful contexts, which, even in small ways, can be a vast epic of individual growth.King’s sees the power of this kind of education, taking a broad view of the world, and cultivating internationally minded learners who care about the world and have a sense of mission and responsibility in the smallest ways.
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