02-20 08:45发布于广东
Nurturing Curiosity at Moi
在沐育宝贝,我们坚信好奇心是终身学习的基石。正因如此,我们采用了 “好奇探索法”,这是一种培育孩子们天生的好奇心、创造力和独立性的教育理念。
At Moi Early Development we believe that curiosity is the foundation of lifelong learning. That is why we have embraced the Curiosity Approach, a philosophy that nurtures children’s natural sense of wonder, creativity, and independence.
Rather than relying on structured lessons and plastic toys, we create beautiful, engaging environments filled with real life objects, natural materials, and open ended resources. This allows children to explore, investigate, and make sense of the world in their own unique way.
我们将书籍融入 “好奇探索法”,把它们作为探索、发现和以儿童为主导的学习的起点。我们不只是简单地讲故事,而是通过实践体验、开放式讨论和互动游戏让故事鲜活起来。
We integrate books into our Curiosity Approach by using them as a springboard for exploration, discovery, and child-led learning. Rather than simply reading stories, we bring them to life through hands-on experiences, open-ended discussions, and interactive play.
通过 “好奇探索法”,我们赋予孩子们提问、冒险和尝试的能力。我们不会直接给出答案,而是鼓励他们批判性思考、解决问题并自主找到解决方案。这有助于培养他们的自信心、韧性以及对学习的热爱,这些品质将伴随他们一生。
Through the Curiosity Approach, we empower children to ask questions, take risks, and experiment. Instead of offering quick answers, we encourage them to think critically, problem-solve, and discover solutions on their own. This builds confidence, resilience, and a love for learning that will stay with them for life.
A calm and enriching environment helps children feel secure and valued. Our spaces promote mindfulness, patience, and self-regulation, allowing children to develop emotional intelligence and a deep sense of well-being. Whether through sensory play, nature exploration, or quiet reflection, we give children the time and space to develop at their own pace.
Thank you
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