BCIS Awards | 祝贺曦城协同37位学子荣获AMC数学竞赛奖项

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全球最大的校际数学思维挑战活动之一 。已经有44 年历史每年有超过32 个国家、超过 1600 万名学生参与。由国际权威学术机构澳大利亚数学联合会 (AMT) 举办。
卓越奖(Prize):A-E 级别排名前0.3%
一等奖 (High Distinction): A-D 级别排名前3% / E 级别排名前5%
二等奖 (Distinction):A-D 级别排名前 20% / E 级别排名前 25%
三等奖 (Credit): A-D 级别排名前 55% / E 级别排名前 60%
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Congratulations to the students of BCIS for their excellent results in the Australian Mathematical Thinking Challenge (AMC)!
In this competition, BCIS participated in a total of 37 students and they all won the prize.
AMC is one of the world's largest inter-school mathematical thinking challenge activities. It has a history of 44 years, with more than 16 million students from more than 32 countries participating each year. Organized by the Australian Mathematical Federation (AMT), an international authoritative academic institution, the competition is divided into 5 levels of difficulty, which are suitable for students from the third grade to the third grade of elementary school. In order to facilitate the participation of Chinese students, the official Chinese and English test papers are provided. The winning rate of the competition is about 60%, which may be the international mathematical thinking challenge with the highest percentage of Chinese students winning!
Prize: A-E ranks top 0.3%
High Distinction: A-D ranks top 3% / E ranks top 5%
Distinction: A-D ranks top 20% / E ranks top 25%
Credit: Top 55% for A-D level / Top 60% for E level
Proficiency: Students whose total score exceeds the established score but have not won the Excellence Award (the score will fluctuate to a certain extent due to the difficulty of each year, and the average is 32 points)
Let's congratulate the above award-winning students, and look forward to using mathematical thinking to think about problems in the future study and life, maintaining interest and curiosity in mathematics, and achieving success in future competitions!
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