First week back to school in BCIS | 返校第一周

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● 按照防疫的要求,我们每天都安排了老师做晨检和午检,安保部门全员都穿戴了“防疫三件套”在校门口负责保护学生安全。学生们保持距离,进行手部消毒,测量体温后有序入校。
● 孩子们都很兴奋能够回到校园,许久不见,有的长高了,有的变壮了,有的剪短了头发,这些有关他们成长变化的小细节都让我们感到激动和喜悦。
● Catherine老师为大家上了一节特别的开学第一课,讲解了关于新型冠状病毒的知识和做好自身清洁及预防的措施。疫情不可小觑,防疫仍需谨慎!
● 午餐时间我们进一步规范了用餐流程,分年级错峰用餐,一人一桌,分散就座。
● 根据防疫要求,返校第一周必须要一天一测,保持24h的阴性健康码。为此,我们请来了布心社康的医生到校,每天下午为全校师生做核酸检测。
● 我们恢复了线下教学,同学们很快适应了线下的教学,在课堂上表现得积极且活跃。
● LTC的孩子们,在科学课上,围绕着校园,捡树枝,搭房子。他们用树叶装点,用树枝做支架,这一幅幅源于自然的画作,向我们展示着他们对世界观察后而做出的充满童趣的艺术创作。
● BCIS希望能为每一位学生营造健康、舒适、友爱、快乐的学习环境。我们希望见证孩子们的每一次成长与欢笑。恰同学少年,青春相伴,意气风发,莫辜负年少时光!
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First week back to school
Familiar figures and bright smiles, they walked back to school with their schoolbags in the morning sunshine.
● In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention, we have arranged for teachers to do morning and afternoon inspections every day. Students kept social distance, disinfected their hands, and entered the school in an orderly manner after taking their temperature.
● Long time no see, some children have grown taller, some children have grown stronger, and some children have cut their hair short. These little details about their growth and changes make us feel excited and joyful.
● Ms.Catherine gave everyone a special first class for everyone, explaining the knowledge about the COVID-19 virus and the measures to clean and prevent yourself.
● We further standardized the dining process, staggered meals according to grades, one person per table.
● According to the requirements of epidemic prevention, the first week of returning to school must be tested once a day, and a 24-hour negative health code must be maintained. We invited doctors from Buxin Shekang to the school to conduct nucleic acid tests for all teachers and students .
● We resumed offline teaching, and the students quickly adapted to offline teaching and behaved positively and actively in class.
● LTC students picked up sticks and built houses on campus in science class. They decorated with leaves and used branches as supports. These paintings originate from nature, showing us their childlike artistic creations after observing the world.
● BCIS hopes to create a healthy, comfortable, friendly and happy study environment for every student. We want to witness every growth and laughter of children.

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