





"Sports Month" just ended, and in May, we have more good news - SIFC has become a member of the International School Sports League!


The good news has inspired the enthusiasm of teachers and students who love sports throughout the whole school. Next academic year, SIFC students will have sports matches with various international schools in Shenzhen every week. This league has established an outstanding cooperation mechanism for the physical education of international schools, and promoted member schools to carry out large-scale and high-level sports cooperation and exchanges. 12 international schools in Shenzhen have joined the league.

| 校内体育赛事

Sport Events in SIFC


Mr.Miguel from Spain, the leader of SIFC sports team, said: "To have the opportunity to represent our school and sports program among the international schools in our city is an amazing chance to promote and develop our sports teams and physical education courses to establish a long-term project at SIFC. Physical education is a core and main part of holistic education. It is even more essential in SIFC where students need to exercise their minds and body at the same level for integrated well-being. We are always teaching values, that is the main goal of an educator. As part of being a global citizen, it is essential to teach them how to behave in sports competitions. Physical education courses, sports clubs, and varsity teams have different targets, but all of them must be linked to cultivate comprehensive students and athletes. "

| 历次校际体育竞赛

Intercollegiate Sports Competition


SIFC has always attached great importance to the role of physical education in quality education. We hope that through this opportunity, we will strengthen the exchange and innovation of sports culture in larger communities and groups, and spread the concept of SIFC sports education. We believe that SIFC students will interpret the vitality of life and the power of youth through sports, and use this summer to show their passion in athletics and good sportsmanship.


Extending the Boundaries

of Physical Education


Under the concept of holistic education, SIFC continues to enrich the connotation of physical education and extend the boundaries of physical education.

| 深国预体育社团

SIFC Sports Club


Traditional Chinese physical education courses can no longer meet the requirements of holistic education. In the physical education class of SIFC, students can enjoy the multi-sports courses taught by Chinese and foreign teachers. Based on physical training, we improve physical functions such as cardiorespiratory endurance, coordination, strength and speed. The integration of ball games such as basketball, football(soccer), handball and volleyball not only enhance the fun of the course, but also cultivates students' sports hobbies and teamwork skills.


In addition, more than 10 sports clubs such as fitness, skateboarding, basketball, baseball, tennis, badminton, swimming, women's basketball, football, and taekwondo are running at the same time. Each semester, the school will also choose whether to set up fencing, equestrian, golf, boxing and other clubs according to the number of students in the class. In the SIFC Sports Club, there is a sport for every student.

| 丰富的体育活动

Plenty of physical activity


The enthusiasm of SIFC teachers and students for sports has created a rich sports culture and a friendly campus atmosphere. The development of colorful campus activities such as the "Olympic Games", sports month, teacher-student basketball games, teacher-student football(soccer) games, and inter-school sports competitions has made sports permeate every corner of campus life.


SIFC has successively established the Jeremy Lin-Liqun International Basketball Training Center, Modern Pentathlon Center and other special sports programs, striving to enable students to cultivate their sports interests and at the same time use this as an advantage to enter top overseas schools or develop the road to sports professionalization.



The Enlightenment and

Foundation of Lifelong Sports


"Sports are useless" and "exam-oriented sports" under China's exam-oriented education system let us reflect. We urgently need to break the deadlock of traditional physical education, lay the foundation for lifelong sports for students, and bring physical education back to the stage of life. Only in this way can we focus on cultivating students' comprehensive abilities, realize the improvement of students' personal character and thinking, and cultivate excellent talents with healthy body and mind, perfect personality, independent thinking, and strong will.

| 足球社社长 Jonas Jiang(左)

Jonas Jiang, Leader of Football Club

在一次社团采访中,深国预足球社社长Jonas Jiang同学的一番话打动了很多人:“足球改变了我的人生。以前,没有时间和资源去尝试这项运动,直到来了深国预,足球彻底改变了我——曾经孤僻的我学会了团结,明明习惯了独处却开始愿意社交,甚至成为一个团队的领袖。足球已经远远不是一项运动那么简单,它更像是一种文化、态度和精神,我希望更多人能体会到这种纯粹的热爱与快乐。”

In an interview with the club, Jonas Jiang, president of the SIFC football club, said: "Football has changed my life. Before, I didn't have the time and resources to try this sport. Until I came to SIFC, football changed me completely. I learned to unite , start socializing, and even become a team leader. Football is far from a sport, it is more like a culture, attitude and spirit, and I hope more people can experience this pure love and happiness.”


Sports cannot be measured by exams, it requires us to study, think and experience in our whole life. Just as Li Daokui, an economist and professor at Tsinghua University, said—athletes have special psychological qualities, including being good at competition, liking competition, and cooperating with others. They have gone through countless adversities, but they still have unshakable confidence and appeal.

| 师生友谊赛

Teacher-student match


Sports are an indispensable treasure on a person's growth path. The mind and character acquired through physical exercise and competition can be transferred to other areas of life. SIFC hopes that every student can continue to move forward and keep trying on the road of exploring sports love, pursue their own sports life, and draw strength from sports.











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