
卓越的学生值得卓越的师资 | 祝哈罗深圳的老师节日快乐



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Jillian Carter 





Nicholas Benbow





Tessa Green




Martin Crozier

Crozier老师有着22年丰富的教学经验,其中14年担任系主任。他曾在世界各地的名校任教,包括英国的舍尔伯尼女子学校和刘易斯顿学校以及苏州的德威国际高中。Mr. Crozier毕业于杜伦大学(PGCE)和滑铁卢大学(MMT),也是数学及其应用研究所(FIMA, CMath),特许教学学院(FCCT)和皇家统计学会(GradStat)的研究员。




Yoon Foong Wong



优秀的师资背景是我们对教学质量的最好保证。哈罗深圳的教师都具备国际一流的教育背景,百分之百的教师都至少具备本科学历,且拥有教育界公认的 PGCE 或 IPGCE、QTS等教育资质。超过半数的教师拥有硕士或者博士学位。


哈罗深圳的教师们不仅具备教育热情,也拥有敏锐的眼光,能够发现并挖掘学生的天赋和才华。他们用创新的教学方法激发学生潜能,帮助他们建立与社区的联系,为教育赋予全新的定义。哈罗深圳的愿景“育以至善, 卓以领航”也在他们身上得到了充分体现。他们引领孩子们以全新的视角看世界,用富有智慧的教育书写突破与创新。







Every child comes through the school 
only once and deserves the best. 
Education is not merely about teachers 
imparting knowledge, but also 
about the interaction and experience 
between teachers and children 
every minute and every second. 
Teachers who can support children's 
individual development and 
respect their opinions are crucial 
to their growth process. 

We have a team of teachers in Harrow Shenzhen who combine Eastern and Western cultures and possess both moral character and expertise. Our teachers have been rigorously selected and screened to enter Harrow Shenzhen, engaging in high-end quality teaching with a professional and responsible attitude. In the new term, the teaching strength of Harrow Shenzhen is further consolidated.




The Autumn breeze brings refreshing air, accompanied by the fragrance of ancient laurel trees. As Teacher's Day approaches, let’s take a closer look at this group of highly educated new teachers with rich experience and noble educational ideals.

EYC Class Teacher 

Jillian Carter 

Ms Carter holds a Bachelor’s degree in Community Education from the University of Edinburgh. She gained a Post Graduate Certificate in International Education through the University of Derby and has a Special Educational Needs diploma. Ms Carter started her teaching career in Italy before moving to China, teaching in Hangzhou, Jinan and Beijing.

"Harrow is an extremely warm and welcoming environment. It is so clear to see that everyone in the school is passionate about the education and well-being of the students and gives their all every day. Harrow exudes an atmosphere of inclusivity and is always prepared and willing to go above and beyond for its students and staff. Harrow’s nurturing culture promotes creativity and diversity which makes it a school where each individual feels valued and empowered. What I love most about the Harrow ethos is that learning goes above what is learnt in the classroom and encompasses a sense of community and compassion. 

As an educator in early years, my first goal is to create and foster a safe and nurturing environment where my young students feel encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes. I aim to help build the foundations for critical thinking, problem-solving and effective communication. My passion lies in story books and phonics and giving children the building blocks for future reading where they can, independently, unlock new worlds."  

Key Stage 2 Leader

Nicholas Benbow 

Mr Benbow graduated from the University of Leeds before continuing his studies at the University of Buckingham and Liverpool John Moores University, where he completed his MA in Education. Most recently, Mr Benbow was awarded a National Qualification for Senior Leadership. 

"From the first moment I arrived at Harrow Shenzhen, I have been impressed by the caring and welcoming culture created here. Staff are incredibly helpful, and pupils are enthusiastic and clearly have a hunger for learning. There is a dedication and commitment to helping each and every student reach their potential, which is truly inspiring. I am excited to be part of the future here at Harrow Shenzhen as we continue to foster a lifelong love of learning in our children.  

Education is at its best when it is considered holistically and our children are supported in their development beyond the academic. I am keen to contribute to this as a class teacher and Key Stage lead. I am excited to provide our students with opportunities to nurture and develop the fundamental values that are the foundation of a Harrow education and vital for a happy and successful life."

Upper School Head of Art and Design

Tessa Green 

Ms Greeman graduated from Goldsmiths and Helsinki University and completed her Art and Design PGCE in Bristol. She has just left SCIE to join Harrow Shenzhen; however, prior to being in China, she was Head of Art at a school in London.

"I'm a big believer in holistic education and so I've been excited already, not only to teach, but to play an active role as a form tutor, in house activities and with the Leadership and Service Activities (LSA). By helping to create an environment where students feel confident, safe and engaged, I hope to support them to become independent and creative learners and thinkers throughout their time at school and beyond."

Upper School Head of Mathematics

Martin Crozier 

Martin has 22 years of teaching experience, 14 as a Head of Department. He has taught at prestigious schools worldwide, including Sherborne Girls and Leweston School in the UK and Dulwich International High School in Suzhou. Graduating from Durham (PGCE) and the University of Waterloo (MMT), Mr Crozier is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (FIMA, CMath), the Chartered College of Teaching (FCCT) and the Royal Statistical Society (GradStat). 

"I have been very excited as a new member of staff to meet all of the Harrovians here in Shenzhen. The students are a wonderful asset to the school, so polite, well mannered and eager to learn. Their thirst for growth is tremendous.  It is clear to me that the values of courage, honour, humility and fellowship are engrained in the school, in terms of the students, and also in terms of the collegiacy of the faculties working together towards the ultimate goal of "Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership". This is a place where not only students grow, but so do the staff.

Student growth is the key driver for me as an educator and this is done through an inspiring and challenging curriculum for all of our learners, which ultimately is focused on a pathways approach to ensure that students are appropriately challenged and inspired with the mathematics that they need for future study and in their future. Focusing on developing mathematicians rather than just focusing on high scores will allow students to see how mathematics fits in the world around us."

Upper School Music Teacher

Yoon Foong Wong

Originally from Singapore, Yoon Foong received the Singapore Government Scholarship to study music at York. He obtained his teaching qualification from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and his Masters in Music from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. An experienced secondary-level teacher, Yoon Foong has taught in top schools like the Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) in Singapore, and participated in pedagogical research with the Singapore Ministry of Education, before becoming a music lecturer at the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

"As a music educator, I aim to instill in our students the love of music. First, I strongly believe in creating a supportive and inclusive musical environment that empowers students to take ownership of their music-making. By encouraging listening, creating and performing music across a wide variety of genres and cultures, I hope to foster a love for exploration and creative music-making among our students, giving more performance and creation platforms within the school, and all in all harnessing the enhanced skills and abilities of our students to forge a vibrant musical culture."

Excellent teaching qualifications are the best guarantee of our teaching quality. The teachers in Harrow Shenzhen have first-class international education backgrounds, and 100% of the teachers have at least a bachelor's degree, with many have other education qualifications recognized by the education industry such as the PGCE, IPGCE or QTS. Additionally, over 50% of the teachers hold master's or doctoral degrees. 

Overall, the teachers in Harrow Shenzhen have an average of 10 years of teaching experience, with 94% of the foreign teachers coming from the Commonwealth and the United States.

The teachers in Harrow Shenzhen have a passion for education and sharp insight, allowing them to discover and tap into students' talents and abilities. They use innovative teaching methods to stimulate student potential, help them establish connections with the community, and redefine education. The vision of Harrow Shenzhen, "EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOR LIFE AND LEADERSHIP", is clearly reflected in our teachers. They lead children to see the world from a new perspective and cultivate breakthroughs and innovations with wise education.

Thank you to all the teachers  

 dedicated to educating students. 

On this Teacher's Day, 

Harrow Shenzhen would like to 

say to all our teachers

"Happy Teacher's Day!"









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