国王团队 Our Faculty
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Geoff Cocksworth
Founding Executive Principal
Carrie Cameron
Head of Prep School
James Balcombe
Head of Pre-Prep
Yang LianHong
Head of Pre-Prep
The quality of our core faculty has always been one of the key strengths of KSS. All of our teachers have professional qualifications and backgrounds in education, with an average of over 11 years of experience in the field, and over 80% of our foreign teachers are from the UK. Our Prep School faculty includes graduates from top universities in China and across the world, including from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, University of London, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Southampton, University of the Arts London, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Sun Yat-sen University.
Here at King's School Shenzhen, we adhere strictly to the teaching ethos of The King's School, Canterbury, and have set stringent requirements to select candidates that are highly talented and responsible educators who uphold the highest standards in professional practices and are devoted to honour the promise of attaining professional excellence for recruitment of teaching staff for our kindergarten. We conduct global talent searches for our candidates, and each shortlisted candidates have to undergo four rounds of rigorous interviews. Through our rigorous recruitment process, we have built a highly experienced (with an average post-qualification teaching experience of 8.5 years); young and energetic; highly educated and professional team of teaching staff. At present, all our pre-prep teachers hold teacher qualifications and have at least a bachelor's degree, of which 70% hold a master's degree in education. All our bilingual teachers have studied abroad or have experience teaching in international schools.
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