Each grade looks a bit different, but fundamentally our goal is that we're taking these core concepts from music and then each year we're building on them. Music is more of an interactive subject where we introduce the same concepts from a very young age. And then as they get older, we just keep going deeper and deeper into the same subjects.
For example, the foundation of all our music planning has to do with the elements of music. All the teachers have those posted on the wall like all the music can be broken down into these fundamental aspects of dynamics, which is how loud or soft the music is, tempo, rhythm, melody, tamber and form. There are a few others.
So from a very young age, you start with something very simple: simple rhythms, simple melodies, maybe just two to three notes. Then as you get older, you add more pictures; you add more complexity. So that by the time they get to grade 5 students are fluent in the language of music and really taking what was just like a core fundamental concept and then turning that into actual music and musicianship on their own.
We try and balance a lot of different activities. A really big goal for us is that it's fun so that even though we have to meet both New Brunswick and PYP learning outcomes, we try really hard to make sure that we have a good variety of activities. So we're talking about games, songs that we sing, songs that we play. We've got drums, xylophones, unpitched-percussion, ukuleles and recorders for the older kids. We try and make it a diverse experience so that kids can get their hands on everything when they're young.
But in addition to that, it's not just limited to the instruments, we'll read stories; we will play games on iPads to reinforce concepts, we'll look at music technology. We just try and make sure that the kids are getting a good spread of all the different ways to engage. So that by the time they're in fifth grade, they're really thinking about the different ways that these individuals can really take music into their lives and make it their own thing.