SIS Weekly October 20th, 2023
Hello families,
The weather has cooled off, and it feels like winter has finally arrived. For many of us, this is our favourite time of year in Shenzhen.
Parent Feedback Data
SIS has long been associated with offering a supportive learning environment for all learners. Students enjoy coming to school and feel connected to the community.
SIS employs many additional staff to ensure the campus is clean and safe. Although we have three separate campuses to manage, our team does a great job, and we appreciate you acknowledging this.
Parents may not be familiar with our process for off-campus events, which include sports, the arts and field trips. Prior to any trip off campus, the site goes through a risk assessment. Based on this risk assessment, we determine whether the visit can go ahead and what we would do if faced with an accident or other issue. Our school works closely with local authorities and International SOS, , which helps confirm that all risks have been mitigated.
家长也许不熟悉我们的校外活动流程。这些活动包括了体育类、艺术类以及实地考察(学习无边界之旅)。在进行任何校外活动之前,我们会对该地点进行风险评估。基于评估结果,我们决定可否造访此地以及在面临突发事件时的应急方案。我们与当地政府还有国际援助机构International SOS(官网:保持紧密合作,这有助于降低所有风险。
Scan here to view 'International SOS' website
扫描以下二维码进入“International SOS”官网
Parent Support Association
The PSA has been busy supporting many events on campus. Save the date for the PSA Movie Night, scheduled for Saturday 25th November.
Ski Camp in Switzerland
We are thrilled to be offering a Ski Camp in Europe again! If you are interested in your child spending their Spring Break in Switzerland, or are interested in coming yourself, please join us for a Parent Interest Meeting on November 2 at 4:00pm on the 6F at Net Valley.
Harish Kanabar
Head of School