Total number of words: 351 words
President Deng Dengjiang put forward a complete concept of quality, "four more attention" is the quality of the prescriptive, "three more than 80% achieved" is the quantity of the prescriptive. The classroom is the main channel of education and teaching, and this semester will show a series of various aspects of the school's classroom culture. The purpose of this activity is to solve the doubts, difficulties, pain points, and blind spots in daily teaching, "home-cooked food is the most nourishing" and "normal classes are the most educational", focusing on "home-cooked classes", not engaging in showmanship, and taking truth-seeking, pragmatism, implementation, and effectiveness as the main criteria for judgment, and promoting the development of teaching and research activities such as collective lesson preparation, grinding, reflection, and refining of subject groups, in order to achieve the formation of a gorgeous classroom culture.
Recalling the morning of November 7th, the first session featured a captivating lesson led by Teacher Chen Sigang on the subject of "Dynamic Circuit Analysis." The class brilliantly presented a premium physics lesson under the theme of "Iterative Evolution | Inspiring Thinking."
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The "Curriculum Standards" specify that for dynamic circuits, students should be able to determine changes in certain physical quantities based on the movement of the slider on a sliding variable resistor, changes in sensor resistance, and the on/off state of switches.
In this lesson, the objective is aligned with these standards. Leveraging the characteristics of the subject, qualitative analytical thinking skills are cultivated, laying a solid foundation for future quantitative analytical thinking. Dynamic circuits are classified into two categories: switch on/off and sliding variable resistor. Each category is progressively presented through circuit diagrams, method summaries, example problem-solving steps and approaches, and independent practice by students, aiming for the mastery of these concepts.
Joint Construction
by Teachers and Students
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Teacher Chen Sigang, firstly, collaborates with students to create scenarios illustrating the principles of Ohm's Law and the relationships between resistance, current, and voltage in series and parallel circuits. Chen emphasizes skillful questioning, taking into full consideration the students' receptiveness, progressively moving from easy to challenging questions, sparking their competitiveness, and instigating a sense of resilience. This approach continuously challenges students to tackle difficult problems, keeping their attention sustained. Together, teachers and students "share" how to qualitatively and multidimensionally analyze dynamic circuits. They iterate and advance from simplicity to complexity, inspiring thinking from complexity to simplicity.
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Delve into Profound
Research and Thinking
After class, the subject group promptly conducted teaching feedback, receiving unanimous praise. Principal Deng summarized from three perspectives:
Overall Perspective: The content of this class was comprehensive, and the structure was compact. Particularly, the degree of insight and inspiration was well-managed.
Teacher's Perspective: From the teacher's standpoint, the session's design was reasonable, and the questions were cleverly crafted, aligning with curriculum standards.
Student's Perspective: Considering the varying foundational levels of students, emphasis should be placed on post-class extensions and tutoring.