Nestled against the Nanshan Mountain and located right next to Lilin Park, VPA has always been renowned as a "School of Mountain and Water." The school adopts a courtyard-style architecture, providing students with close proximity to nature right within the campus.
The school's outdoor facilities cover an area of approximately 20,000 square meters and include a soccer field, basketball court, tennis court, and track and field, providing an excellent environment for students' physical activities. Within full of tall builidings in Shenzhen's Nanshan district, our campus resembles an oasis, offering children a learning environment bathed in warm sunlight.
This place serves not only as the children's "academy" but also as a "playground." The design of the space complements the teaching, incorporating sunlight and fresh air, creating a seamless connection with nature.
It's incredibly exciting to announce that on the 8th of this month, VPA was honored with the HKIA Award - Institutional Building.
Dr. Koong and Ms. Liang, along with Mr. Frankie Lui (one of Hong Kong's top ten designers and the lead designer of VPA) and his team, celebrated this prestigious honor together!
We are sincerely grateful to Mr. Lui and his team for providing such a wonderful campus for our children. Their design, which embraces nature, redirects attention to students and teachers, has successfully built and inspired a profound understanding of self among students, promoted group socialization and collaboration, and established a deeper connection with nature.