

It’s Christmas Time! 来最美圣诞校园共庆冬日








作为国王学校年龄最小的学生群体,PreK兔子班的孩子们排队上场,用最稚嫩的歌声为大家带来《Hello, Reindeer》,萌化了现场所有人的心。K11熊猫班的小朋友们更是化身为一棵棵圣诞树,他们随着音乐的律动,舞动着自己的小身躯,用充满信念感的表演告诉大家《I'm the Happiest Christmas Tree》。

K12小鹿班的孩子们也为音乐会的表演盛装打扮,用英文歌曲《This Little Light of Mine》传达出他们的独特光芒。小小的身影在舞台上跃动,如同一群灵动的小鹿,在音符的陪伴下,散发出温暖而积极的气息。K13 刺猬班更是通过一首《Snowflake》生动演绎出本次圣诞音乐会的主题——国王小天使,如雪花般独一无二!

随着中班的登场,整个音乐会的节日氛围更加拉满。K21猫头鹰班的小朋友们变身为可爱的圣诞老人,用充满创意的表演告诉大家《It's Christmas Time》,引发现场阵阵欢呼。K22狐狸班更是闪闪登场,为大家带来《Santa Claus is Coming to Town》,孩子们的欢笑和歌声填满了整个舞台。

作为幼儿园的大哥哥大姐姐,K31獾班在舞台上展现了令人惊喜的整齐舞蹈,演绎着经典的《Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer》。K32老鹰班的小朋友们更是毫不害怕舞台,纯真且坚定地传达着他们的心声——《All I Want for Christmas is You》!

最后,幼儿园的所有小朋友和老师为大家奉上了一场压场演出。台上的热情也点燃了台下的激情,全场大合唱《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》,传递出国王大家庭最诚挚的祝福。







校摊位的设立不仅是一场欢乐的市集,更是具有深刻现实意义的慈善行动。如家长所言“在这里,现金根本用不出去,因为这个市场上只流通King's Quid。”家长每向深圳慈善基金捐赠50元人民币,就能够获得10元King's Quid。这种独特的货币体系不仅为庆典增添了趣味性,更是植根于全体国王人坚持的慈善理念。

手持着兑换而来的King's Quid,家长和学生们在国王圣诞集市中尽情体验自由消费的乐趣。游戏摊位前聚集了大批挑战者,他们迫不及待地投身到各式游戏挑战之中。足球、棒球、扔沙袋,多样的游戏活动也为整个庆典注入了一股愉悦而活力的氛围。





除了动人的大合唱,1-3年级学生还为大家带来了一段令人惊喜的全英文戏剧表演。他们生动地展现了冬日森林里的丰富景象,从落叶飘零到候鸟迁徙,再到雪花飘落,以多彩冬日元素大声宣告 winter time is here







We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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It's that time of year again. The Christmas bells are ringing, and the market is about to start. With the sun bringing some relief from the winter cold, every inch of our campus is filled with a festive atmosphere. Strolling across the grounds, you feel the Christmas spirit all around you, and experience many magical moments.

King's Little Angels,

Unique like Snowflakes

Whenever one of our Pre-Prep students encounters a classmate, they call out their name, immediately followed by a burst of laughter. Such is the pure excitement of children at that age. At the King's Christmas Concert, our students aged 2-6 put on a remarkable performance for their audience, full of innocence and enthusiasm. Bouncing around on stage, their every step displayed the boundless energy of childhood.

King's Pre-Prep Christmas Concert

The youngest learners in the whole school, our PreK pupils (the Rabbit class) formed a neat line and walked onto the stage, where they sang “Hello, Reindeer”, melting everyone's hearts with their cuteness. They were followed by K11 (the Panda class), who had transformed themselves into little Christmas trees. Dancing to the rhythm of the music, they put on a memorable performance of “I'm the Happiest Christmas Tree”. 

K12 (the Deer class) was likewise dressed to impress, brimming with excitement during their rendition of “This Little Light of Mine”. Leaping across the stage, they resembled the agile deer for which their class is named. To the tune of the music, they injected an even greater sense of warmth and positivity into the room. K13 (the Hedgehog class) gave a vivid interpretation of the song “Snowflake” as a tribute to the theme of the concert: “We are all like snowflakes, all different in our own beautiful way!”

As K2 took to the stage, the excitement level in the room rose another notch. The students of K21 (the Owl class) had all dressed up as little Santa Clauses, and creatively brought across their message that “It's Christmas Time”, to great applause from the audience. K22 (the Fox class) sparkled with their rendition of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, filling the stage with laughter and song. 

As some of the oldest children at King's Pre-Prep, the Badgers of K31 treated those in attendance to a delightful dance routine, set to the tune of that Christmas classic, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”. Last but not least were the students of K32 (the Eagle class), who danced fearlessly, performing “All I Want for Christmas is You” with sincerity and determination in equal measure!

Finally, all of the children and teachers of King's Pre-Prep crowded onto the stage for one final act. The excitement on stage had ignited the excitement of the audience, and every voice present joined in to convey a heartfelt message of celebration from all at King's: “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”!

King's Christmas Market, 

a celebration like no other!

The King's Prep and Senior Christmas celebrations began with a Christmas meal. Delicious turkey, tasty hot chocolate, scrumptious gingerbread, wherever you looked you would find the flavours of Christmas.

This year's Prep and Senior Christmas celebrations were truly splendid. From the school choir to the Senior band, from the ten market stalls to the fully-English Christmas play put on by Grade 1-3, from the outdoor games to the indoor House activities, the day was all about sharing happiness with each other. In a scene straight from a fairy tale, we celebrated the joys of winter together.

King's Christmas activity highlights

Among the dizzying array of items on sale, several market stalls stood out, because their proprietors were our own G2 students. In manning these creatively-planned stalls, the students were tasked with being purchasing experts, being skilled salespeople, and having a keen eye for profit all at once. The little shopkeepers deployed tactics like “buy one get one free”, and “buy several and get a free gift bag” to boost sales. Seeing a commercial mindset ignited in their child brought a smile to many a parent's face that day.

The school's Christmas market was not just about having fun. At least as important was the money we raised for charity. As one parent remarked, “at this market I have no use for cash, because the only currency accepted here is the King's Quid.” Each parent who donated fifty rmb to the charity Captivating received ten King's Quid in return for the market. This innovative currency system was not only designed to make the event more interesting, but was also rooted in the charitable aspirations of the King's School community. 

With freshly-minted King's Quid in hand, our students and parents were free to enjoy the Christmas market to their heart's content. Crowds gathered in front of the games stalls, unable to contain their excitement at the thought of playing such thrilling games. The various games involving footballs, baseballs, and cornhole bags added joy and energy to the atmosphere of the day.

We even brought in claw machines! Doesn't that sound like fun?

Our students turned our main courtyard into a stage for their musical performances, making for a unique winter concert for all present. Our Senior School students radiated confidence despite the gusts of cold wind, strumming and blowing and singing in unison. With a mix of musical skill and sheer enthusiasm, they made a winter's day feel like a spring scene.

Our prep students likewise expressed their seasonal wishes in song. Each sparkling like the star on top of a Christmas tree, their singing formed another magical moment to mark their time at King's. 

In addition to their choral performance, Grades 1 through 3 also impressed with their fully-English Christmas play. They vividly portrayed the rich scenes of a winter forest, falling leaves giving way to migrating birds, followed by snowflakes drifting through the air, all the elements of a colourful winter's day coming together to loudly announce: winter time is here!

Behind each activity there is a team of hardworking people. From the front desk to behind the scenes, parents and teachers were helping out, working together to achieve our joint goal of creating an unforgettable experience for our children. In fact, as some of you may know (at least, you think you know), Santa Claus is not actually real. Every present and every surprise comes from someone who loves you very much. In the spirit of Christmas, let us feel the deep sense of camaraderie that unites all of us, and cherish these moments brought to us by our love for one another. 

Winter is here, and spring must soon follow.

Henceforth the days will get longer, and the nights shorter.

Let's say goodbye to cold and dark, and welcome warmth and light.

May everywhere it touches, bask in the light of stars.

May we have the courage to pursue true love, and cherish every day we have.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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