中学语文课堂的有用,有趣,有效| - Expository Teaching in Secondary Chinese
今年,已经是我们在课程设计上做的第三次调整,随着时间的变化,孩子们尤其感兴趣“Chat GPT”的产生,很多学生常常会问:“我们写作文可以使用Chat GPT帮忙吗?”学校在语文课程的设计上用实践的方式让孩子自己去解答这个疑惑。
首先,我们以“睡不着更痛苦“还是”起不来更痛苦“为题目,让孩子们自选持方进行了一场课堂辩论赛,获胜的一方将作为”人类“代表队于基于Chat GPT开发的文新一言进行同一个话题的辩论,不上场的孩子则通过填写观察表格了解Chat GPT的特征,用以准备写一篇关于Chat GPT在辩论赛准备、进行阶段的一篇说明文。
通过两场辩论赛,一次认真的总结观察和在整个实践活动过程中的体验,孩子们不仅自然而然地回答了他们问我的问题,也对时下热门得Chat GPT有了更多自己的认识。
In the process of learning Chinese in juniorhigh school, expository writing occupies a significant position. It is aconsiderable challenge for students to clearly explain things and reasons,select appropriate explanation order and methods based on the purpose ofwriting and the object of explanation, and make the language accurate andconcise.
In order to help children understand, appreciate, and develop an interest in expository writing in Chinese lessons, I have laid the groundwork by guiding them to think about the close relationship between the expression of "explanation" and modern life, and trying to make them feel that expository writing is useful, interesting, and effective.
Shenzhen Nord Anglia School was founded in 2019. Therefore, in the first year of expository teaching, I used campus tours as a practical activity for expository teaching, allowing the founding students to explore the school as protagonists, understanding the panorama of the school for visiting students, parents, and teachers. During the practical activity, the students measured various areas of the school and used spatial order to reflect the overall picture of the school in drawings and essays. Then, they provided constructive suggestions for the use of various functional areas of the school and designed school visit routes for different audiences.
This kind of expository writing process gave the founding students a strong sense of participation in their specific role as founding students, while also greatly stimulating their intrinsic motivation for learning.
When I taught the second year of eighth grade, the AI boom was sweeping in, and the students often discussed their latest wearable smart devices such as electronic watches and AR glasses during breaks. With the efforts of all the Chinese teachers, we held a "Wearable Device Product Launch" based on the genre characteristics of expository writing. The students used the expository writing content they learned in class and combined it with some of their own needs in life to design their own wearable device products. For example, some students designed multifunctional masks after experiencing the pandemic; based on their usage habits, they designed magical glasses, fantastic watches, and super erasers.
The students would critique the expressions of the product presenters: whether they accurately grasped the characteristics of the target audience, whether they consciously used explanatory methods, and whether the presentation order was logical, and so on. In this context, the students gradually realized that expository writing is a genre with very wide practical use in life, very "practical".
This year marks the third adjustment we have made in curriculum design. With the passage of time, the students are particularly interested in the emergence of "Chat GPT". Many students often ask, "Can we use Chat GPT to help us write essays?" The school designed the Chinese language curriculum in a practical way to let the students answer this question themselves.
First, we used the topic "Is it more painful to not be able to sleep or not be able to get up" and let the students choose their side to participate in a classroom debate . The winning side would serve as the "human" representative to debate the same topic using a new Chat GPT developed based on the previous debate. The students who did not participate in the debate would understand the characteristics of Chat GPT by filling out an observation form, in preparation for writing an expository essay about Chat GPT in the preparation and conduct stages of the debate.
Through two debates, a thorough summary of observations, and the experience throughout the entire practical activity, the students not only naturally answered their own question, but also gained a deeper understanding of the current hot topic of Chat GPT .
Through the activity, they also gained a greater appreciation of the importance of expository writing. They discovered that in daily life, both reading and writing expository documents can effectively solve practical problems. When they realised the "usefulness" of expository writing, they naturally paid more attention to learning. Coupled with the interesting situational settings, the students made a qualitative leap from finding it difficult to start writing to attempting to express their own ideas.