龙腾虎跃喜事连,博观中文小作家邀您启航新一年!| BMH Chinese Little Writer
国际青少年中文写作大赛迄今为止已经吸引了来自中国、新加坡、美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚等20个国家和地区的200多所知名国际、双语、海外公立学校的参与,累计5000余名中文母语与非母语青少年报名参赛。 在2023年的比赛中,博观30多位同学经过教师推荐和自主报名首次参赛。经过激烈的角逐,1人获得中国内地赛区中文母语小组亚军,2人获得中国内地赛区母语小组季军,多位同学荣获优异奖,收获颇丰!
In the ocean of knowledge, words are the most powerful ships, carrying our thoughts, emotions and imaginations across the boundaries of time and space. The BMH Chinese team has regarded the cultivation of students' ability to accumulate and use Chinese language and characters as the fundamental task of daily education and teaching, and on this basis, it actively promotes the comprehensive development of students' Chinese core competencies.
In the Chinese reading and essay competition of Longhua District for primary school students in the 2023-2024 school year that ended not long ago, BMH students once again achieved brilliant results. Students in the upper grades of primary school demonstrated their deep understanding of reading, life, and the world with their delicate brushstrokes, rich emotions, and unique perspectives. Lisa Chen from P5 won the first prize at the district level with her work "Impressions of Reading "Dream of Red Mansions"", and Candy Deng, Rancy Liang, Jimmy Song, and Justin Han won the second and third prizes at the district level respectively.
Through this competition, we have seen the positive impact that effective Chinese education has on students. It is the professional and attentive guidance of teachers that gives students sharper observation, richer imagination, and deeper thinking. We are proud of these award-winning students, and also proud of the BMH Chinese education achievements. We hope that students can continue to maintain their love and pursuit of literature and write a better future with words.
We eagerly hope to help students inspire their love for Chinese, maintain their pursuit of literature, use words to write a better future. Look!The 2024 International Youth Writing Competition, co-organized by BMH, is in full swing. What new highlights are there in this year’s event that can inspire your creative enthusiasm and thinking? Let’s read the following registration requirements together, participate in the activities together, enrich your experience together, and create your own value together!
The International Youth Chinese Writing Competition has so far attracted the participation of more than 200 well-known international, bilingual and overseas public schools from 20 countries and regions including China, Singapore, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, with a total of more than 5,000 native Chinese speakers and Young people whose native language is not their native language sign up to participate. In the 2023 competition, more than 30 students from BMH participated for the first time after being recommended by teachers. One student won the second place in the Chinese native language group in the Mainland of China competition, and two students won the third place in the Mainland of China competition area.