

04-19 08:46发布于广东






Mar 27th, 2024


AP and A-level, as the two major systems for studying in English-speaking countries, are often compared together by students. However, many students only know that AP and A-level are the standardized exams of the United States and Commonwealth countries, and do not know the difference between the two in the direction of higher education, knowledge coverage, degree of difficulty, and applicable to the above.



Can AP exams be used only for U.S.-oriented applications?

AP考试是大学预科课程, 难度上面会高于A-level吗?

AP exams are college preparatory courses, are they more difficult than A-levels?


If I have only identified that I want to apply to an English-speaking system country, and have not identified a specific target country to study in, which system would be more universal for me to study?



 Introduction to the 2 Systems 


AP的全称是Advanced Placement,性质属于大学先修课程。其开发的目的是让一些学有余力的学生,能够提前学习大学阶段的知识,然后参加相应的AP考试,如果达到4-5分,基本所有的大学都可以转换大学学分,从而具备免除大学阶段学习这门课的权利。

The full name of AP is Advanced Placement, which belongs to the nature of pre-college courses. The purpose of its development is to allow some students who have the ability to learn in advance to study at the university level, and then participate in the corresponding AP exam, if you reach 4-5 points, basically all universities can be converted to college credits, so as to have exempted from the right to study this course at the university level.



A-Level is a pre-university program developed by the University of Cambridge, under the Commonwealth system, and is known as the English-language GCE. It has the widest choice of courses (more than 70 courses in total), but you can generally meet the requirements for applying to university by having grades in three courses: math, physics and economics.


 Assessment Strategy 


AP courses can be taken once a year. Each exam is divided into two parts: the first part is multiple-choice and the second part is free-response. Depending on the subject of the exam, the content of each course will vary. Students can choose the subjects according to their actual needs.AP exams are based on a 5-point scale. Generally a score of 3 or above is required to exchange for credits.


A-level students are required to take two exams in two years. A-level exams have different papers according to different subjects, for example, there are three papers in science, the first one is multiple choice, the second one is a quiz and the third one is a lab question, but no matter how many papers there are, the final paper will be converted into A *, A, B, etc.

这里需要注意的是,AP考试是加分项, 而不是必要项;但是一旦进入A-level体系,就等于“开工没有回头箭”,A-level考试是必考的标化考试。

It is important to note that AP exams are a plus, not a necessity; however, once you enter the A-level system, there is no turning back, which means students MUST take the exam.


 University Recognition 


The AP system is the most appropriate for students whose goals are clearly in the top U.S. schools. However, AP exams are not only recognized by American universities. In fact, as long as you are applying for a university in an English-speaking country, AP exams can be used as a strong reference and be included as an important part of your application. In addition, good grades can be transferred to credits, which means that taking AP exams and getting high scores is also a "relief" for the university life afterward.


The A-level program is primarily skewed towards Commonwealth countries, and the curriculum is set to be different from that required by U.S. colleges and universities. A-levels are not as competitive as APs if candidates want to make a run at a top U.S. school. The depth of study required for the course is higher, which means that the overall difficulty of the A-level will be greater.


 How to Select the Suitable System? 

 1. 升学方向 


The first factor to consider is the direction of the student's goal of furthering his or her education. If the goal is clear, riveted to rush to the United States University, then AP must be the first choice; if you go to the Commonwealth countries, A-level is the most direct; but if the student only decided to apply for the English system of the country, then it is more recommended to apply for AP exams, because the AP exams are recognized by a wider range of universities.

 2. 学术承受能力 


In terms of difficulty, there is no clear gap between the two systems in terms of difficulty, but A-level is much deeper, so AP will be relatively more cost-effective, with easy grades on the one hand, and the ability to convert credits at university level on the other.






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