On April 23rd, the Student Development Committee of SCCSC embarked on a special journey. Led by TAO Deputy Director Mr. Wang Gen, and Mrs Zhou Yanhan, and Yao Weiyan, our student representatives entered the gates of St. Paul's College in Hong Kong with anticipation, initiating a meaningful cultural exchange activity.
在欢迎仪式上,圣保罗男女中学校长Poon Siu Chi先生以“贵人出门迎风雨”作为开场,形象地表达了中加师生代表是学校的尊贵嘉宾。他满怀期待地表示,希望两所学校能够就未来深入交流的可能性进行探讨。
At the welcome ceremony, Mr. Poon Siu Chi, the principal of St. Paul's Collegeexpressed high hopes for in-depth discussions on the potential for future extensive exchanges between the two schools.
After learning about the history of St. Paul's Co-educational College and the Round Square activities, we took a campus tour, had lunch with the school's Round Square project committee, and participated in activities related to STEAM Technology Week.
St. Paul's
At the end of the event, teachers from both schools exchanged ideas and discussed topics such as curriculum design, further education opportunities, and the organization of future joint activities. They also expressed their desire to introduce classroom experience projects, extend the duration of activities, and enhance the exchange and friendship between the teachers and students of both schools.
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