

中英互联,紧密合作!英国柏朗思副校长来访BMH | Welcome the friend from BSUK

05-29 08:16发布于广东


5月中旬,BMH的校园迎来了来自英国的家人—— Ms Rachel Scannell!作为英国柏朗思学校负责招生的副校长,她常年在世界各地与不同地区的孩子们进行交流,对学生的升学与长足发展有着非常深刻的见解和丰富的经验。而BMH的学生们每年都有机会能够与她近距离交流,申请“优选计划”的学子们都能得到她一对一的面谈,这对于每个孩子来说都是极其宝贵的机会。

/ Ms Scannell和BMH的孩子们在一起

此次前来,Ms Scannell不仅带来了英国柏朗思学校的问候,也深入到BMH学生当中进行交流。在到达学校的首日,她与中小学的学生代表们在学校食堂共进午餐。在轻松的就餐时间,热情亲切的Ms Scannell和同学们愉快地交流,学生们纷纷向她介绍起自己在BMH的学习生活情况。


在BMH校内,“优选计划”这一直升英国柏朗思学校的通道得到了众多学生的关注。他们积极地准备CAT4测试、全英面试,为他们进一步的海外求学生活扎实铺垫。Ms Scannell此次也对BMH申请“优选计划”的学生们进行了面试,她表示很多BMH的孩子给她留下了深刻的印象,他们能够自信地使用英语进行交流,能够在保持学术优秀之外拥有更多闪光点,这也正是她和众多名校面试官所看重的。

面对并不熟悉英国课程设置和升学途径的家庭,Ms Scannell在BMH家长见面会为大家进行了清晰地讲解。如何以的方式备考GCSE,如何规划孩子高年级的学习生涯,进而考入世界一流名校,这些宝贵的经验分享一定是让每个家庭都受益匪浅的。

目前,参加“优选计划“的BMH学生已经超过70名,Ms Scannell也与很多学生进行了一对一的面试。我们也特别邀请她为我们详细讲解了“优选计划”的种种优势以及她对BMH学生的感受,相信大家都会在视频中了解到有益的信息,会让大家对孩子们的升学规划有更深刻的了解


Last week, BMH welcomed Ms Rachel Scannell, Assistant Head of Bromsgrove School UK to our school. Ms Scannell travels globally for admissions interviews with children from different countries. She brings a wealth of experience and insight into the education and development of students. Every year, BMH students have the opportunity to meet with her, even one-on-one if they have applied for the Priority Placement Programme, which is a valuable opportunity for every BMH student to gain insights into British education.

/ Ms Scannell with BMH students

During her visit, she brought messages from Bromsgrove School UK, and cordially engaged with BMH students. On her first day at the school, she had lunch with student representatives at the school canteen. Ms Scannell had very interesting conversations with the students as they shared their studies and lives at BMH.

Subsequently, she proceeded to observe our lessons. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and many students were eager to talk to her.

At BMH, the Priority Placement, a pathway for students to progress to the Bromsgrove School in the UK, has received significant interest from students. The students are actively preparing for the CAT4 test and interviews in order to study abroad.

In her interviews with BMH Priority Placement students, Ms Scannell was deeply impressed. The students demonstrated a high level of confidence in their English communication skills and exhibited a broad range of abilities beyond academic excellence, which is a key criterion for admission to top UK schools.

At the BMH Parents' Meeting, Ms Scannell provided a clear explanation to families who are unfamiliar with the British curriculum and pathways to higher education. The presentation also included advice on how to prepare for GCSEs most effectively and how to plan a child's senior school years to gain entry to the world's top schools. These are valuable insights that every family will surely benefit from.

To date, over 70 BMH students have participated in the Priority Placement, most of whom Ms Scannell has conducted one-on-one interviews with. We have invited her to provide a detailed explanation of the Priority Placement scheme and her evaluation of BMH students. We believe that the video will be useful and informative, and will help you to plan for your children's future education.


Despite being thousands of miles apart, Bromsgrove School UK and BMH have always stayed in strong connections. These connections have been developed through a number of initiatives, including visits from the UK Board each academic year, the Priority Placement Programme, the Student Ambassador Programme and the Summer School. Our community members receive great support and benefits from this connection, which we hope to continue to develop in greater depth and be beneficial to all.










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