SIS & OCT Primary School Mangrove PBL Activity|SIS与华侨城小学红树林项目交流
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To continue to build relationships with the local community, Shekou International School (SIS) and OCT Primary School worked together to develop activities related to the mangrove ecological system.
As part of the SIS grade two Mandarin classes and the theme "Sharing the Planet" with the central idea 'All living things are interconnected and need each other to survive'. The activities included 'Sharing Harmony, Protecting the Green, Planting Mangrove Saplings, and Protecting the Ecology'.
Mr Xuefeng Bai
Head of OCT Primary School
Mr Reiner Van Rooyen
UP PE Teacher
Ms You Yun
Ecological Teacher
On April 25, 2024, invited by OCT Primary School, SIS grade two students and Mandarin teachers went to OCT Primary School to participate in the launching ceremony of this project. Ms You Yun, who has been engaged in ecological education for more than 20 years, and Mr Renier Van Rooyen from SIS provided a background presentation to the students. Then, SIS teachers and students visited the mangrove ecological exhibition prepared by the students from OCT Primary School. SIS students asked various questions, discussed, and exchanged thoughts with students from OCT Primary School. This launching ceremony provided students with a preliminary understanding of mangroves, and it also formed the concept of planting mangroves to protect the environment and enhanced communication with students from different cultural backgrounds.
Mangrove seedling planting activity
Ms Leda Cedo
SIS Primary School Principal
On April 29, 2024, Ms. You Yun and her team came to SIS to guide the grade two students on planting mangrove seedlings and shared ways to observe and record the growth process. The students excitedly took the mangrove seedlings home and planted them carefully. Mr. Renier Van Rooyen also planted mangrove seedlings at school for students to observe.
Celebration and sharing of
planting activities
On May 30, 2024, the grade two teachers and students of OCT Primary School came to SIS to share and celebrate this growing environmental knowledge with SIS students. Student representatives from both schools shared their experiences and understanding of the planting process. After the sharing, students committed to taking action to protect the mangrove and nature as part of their daily lives and in line with the SIS sustainability action plan.
Seaside Ecological Park Field Trip
On May 31, 2024, SIS grade 2 Chinese Bilingual Programme students visited the Mangrove Nature Reserve in the Seaside Ecological Park with OCT Primary School.
Students used binoculars to observe the branches and roots of mangroves and familiarize themselves with the natural environment of the mangroves. These activities and peer interaction have helped the students deepen their awareness of mangrove protection.
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为了推进多元文化互鉴,加强中外人文交流,深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 (SIS) 与华侨城小学(侨小)开展了一系列以“共享和谐、共护绿色、种植红树苗,守护生态”为主题红树林生态项目化学习。
2024年4月25日,受侨小的邀请,SIS二年级的全体学生以及中文老师们前往侨小参加了本次项目化学习的启动仪式。首先由从事生态教育20多年的游云老师和来自SIS的Renier Van Rooyen老师为两校的学生们开展了生动有趣的知识讲座。接着SIS的师生们参观了侨小的学生们精心准备的红树生态展览以及红树苗种植体验分享,SIS的学生们也提出了各种问题并与侨小的学生们讨论交流。这次启动仪式使学生们不仅对红树有了初步的了解,而且还形成了种植红树保护生态环境的理念,增强了学生们与不同文化背景的学生的交流能力。
2024年4月29日,游云老师及其团队来到SIS为二年级的学生们现场指导种植红树苗的方法,还分享了观察、记录红树苗生长过程的方式。学生们兴奋地将红树苗带回家悉心种植,SIS的Renier Van Rooyen老师也在学校种植了红树苗供学生们观察。
Best wishes,
Lily Lin
Primary Mandarin Teacher
