

SIA课堂 | 在英国文学课堂上感受经典十四行诗的魅力

10-08 08:37发布于广东



在新哲Kevin老师的British Literature(英国文学)课堂上,学生们成功挑战高难度英文文学——以格律严谨、语言精炼著称的十四行诗,通过作诗和朗诵,让这一古典文学形式在现代课堂焕发了新的活力。


十四行诗(Sonnet),这一源于意大利并在文艺复兴时期达到巅峰的诗歌体裁,以其严谨的韵律和结构闻名于世。十四行诗以其精巧的形式和深刻的内涵,成为了文学史上一颗璀璨的明珠。从莎士比亚的《Sonnet 18》到约翰·济慈的《On First Looking into Chapman's Homer》,每一首十四行诗都是诗人情感与智慧的结晶。









One Day, We Will Find the Paradise 

By: Yushan

British Literature Class C

They are not flowers to be plucked at will

Meant to bloom freely, but now bound by chaos 

The soil is soaked with innocent blood 

They rest, forever in a place of peace

Desire destroys all echoes of joy

With Darkness spreading unchecked and unhealed Trapped in abyss and their youth drains away

All that they see is barren and demons

Please do not let them drown in swirling fears 

They too deserve lives full of their own light If the soul’s awakening can’t touch hearts

It will lead to a war of endless dark 

A nightmare they wish never to relive

If none speaks, we know where paradise lies?

Eternal Gaze 

By: Terry Zhu

British Literature Class C

The setting sun painted the streets with a rosy hue 

When gentle breezes stirred, her fragrance filled the air In my eyes, nothing remains but her alone

As she passed by, my soul and heart were no longer there 

Thousands of stars witnessed the sparks ignited by our souls 

She held me closer till our eyes met

The stars began to twinkle in her eyes

The way that she looked at me I can never forget 

Though time may fade colors of the dawn 

The thrill of our first gaze shall never wane

We kept this love in a photograph 

Where our eyes never closing, free from pain

Dear girl, are you just a passerby or the heroine of my life’s story?

Let not imperfect end mar the beauty of the journey.


By: Nami Huang

British Literature Class C

Ou cradled me gently in your arms 

The heart has been taken by me to fly 

After that, your love was my charms 

Your back is the tree in front of me

It kept me out of the sun and the rain 

All the sadness and fear flee

Blood and love bind us in a chain I unfurl the pedals and grow,

You drop the leaves and become old 

When the last scene of sunset, 

The silver hair on your head

I hope the time to hold

You always stand in front of me and be my shed 

Though the new sun rises and leaves

Our souls and love will weave

Anchored in Friendship 

By: Winslet Zhang

British Literature Class D

Through every laugh and tear we've shared our way, 

In whispered talks beneath the starry skies.

You’ve been my harbor on every troubled day, 

And with you, even sorrow quickly flies.

We’ve walked through storms and hugged in sunny rays, Our secrets kept like treasures, deep and true.

In life’s wild maze, you guide me through the haze, 

And I’d be lost if I’m not be with you.

When doubts arise and fears begin to creep, 

You’re there to expel the worries in my mind.

With you, I’ve found a friendship broad and deep, 

A bond that’s strong, stable, and kind.

So here’s to us, to all the days we’ve known, 

Together, we will never walk alone.

From the Perspective of a Falling Leaf 

By: Clair Lin

British Literature Class C

In wistful grace, I leave the branch’s hold 

To twirl in the golden light, a fainting spell 

With every gust, a story told

As autumn weaves it’s mystic shell. 

I gleam in the air, a twinkling star

In twilight’s glow, where music hums. 

I dance past realms where dreams are

And kiss the ground where silence drums. 

The world below, a canvas vast and wide 

Where shadows play and sun rays beam. 

My journey paints the earth with colors tied 

To passing time and starts that salty stream. 

At last, I rest where time and wonder meet

A leaf, a tale, where autumn’s touch is sweet.

A Week 

By Eric Yang

British Literature Class D

Beneath the sun, we play and laugh so free 

We shoot hoops, share jokes, and savor treats

But Monday comes, my heart at school gate beats 

The road to school, a path of endless pain.

Goodbyes to family and friends left behind. 

First step inside, freedom starts to wane.

In class, with friends, to homework, I’m confined. 

From eight to five, my schedule tightly packed, 

Calculus tests and tasks I truly dread.

I long for Friday, energy is sapped.

Night study hours, my mind feels nearly dead. 

Pack up my things, the bus will take me home.

With music, dreams of holidays I roam.

Whispers of Thoughts 

By: Amy Geng

British Literature Class D

Lying on my bed, yet I cannot sleep, 

My mind is more active than I want.

A magic spring seems to open and pour 

Like movie lines, flashing through my mind.

A test paper that engages both the mind and the eye 

My soul is enjoying the approval of my friends.

A handsome boy that comes with gentle mind; 

His smile, like sunshine, melts the winter’s ice.

A fear strikes, while I was daydreaming in the classroom, Wonder why I was chosen, to give the answer.

Being with my friends gives me sanity; 

While I want to freeze them, hold them tight. 

My eyelids grow heavy, my mind become slow.

Open eyes again with Sendelta’s fantasy ruining ring

The Clutch 

By: Jayson Liu

British Literature Class D

Valorant’s battlefield, shadows dance with fire 

Where agents clash and strategies unfold.

The timer tick down, and tensions peak higher.

A story at skill and nerve in moment bold.

Decisive round, all eyes upon play, 

One stands alone, the last one in the team.

With every breath, the game begun to sway. 

A clutch is whispered in a desperate dream

The spike is ticking, time slips through their hand.

On steady aim precision leads the fight 

Each shot came time, as hope ignites the land.

In silence break, a victory in sight.

The team erupts, the match finally won.

In Valorant, A legend is begun.

Storyteller’s Story 

By: Richard Cai

British Literature Class C

Beneath the lights, the storyteller stands 

The words from the stage, both rich and rare.

With every breath, a world blooms from his hands, 

And every pause holds magic in the air.

His voice, a river that winds through time and space, Reflects the lives of those who never defeat.

Their tragedies, joys, their tears, their warm embrace, The dreams under the shadow, everything he created.

The stage, the vessel for his art,

Transforms into a kingdom where truth and lies, 

Twining the listener’s heating heart.

The mirror held to every watcher’s eyes. 

Although the story ends, the echoes stay,

The life still survival, the story won’t fade away.



SIA课堂 British Literature





“Medicine, Engineering, Business, these are noble pursuits; important for sustaining life. But poetry, anger, sadness, romance, love; these are the things that we stay alive for.” ——Mr Kevin









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