Oct 21st 2024
SAIS Literacy in Language
SAIS 2024 Reading Carnival
This event is strongly supported by the Youth Activity Center. We want to join hands with the community to let children double the fun and meaning of reading through the charity sale or exchange of second-hand books! The money from the charity sale of books by SAIS and students will finally be donated to poor schools in November. It is hoped that the love and joy of reading and books can be passed on among children, and that they can also do good deeds of caring for others while sharing knowledge.
Family, Communicty and SAIS
SAIS Reinforces the relationship among family, school and communicty. Students' lives switch seamlessly between home, school and community. The three-party linkage ensures the continuity of education and ensures that children develop the good habit of serious reading in different scenarios.
Finally, thank you to the supporting partners of this event:
SAIS Partners
Shenzhen American International School (SAIS)
合作伙伴:辛视界青少年乐团, 杨梅红艺术教育,Scholastic学乐集团,Obido欧贝豆原版书供应商等
全国500所国际学校大全 / 3分钟匹配5-8所 / 1年名校升学备考托管服务