4号,跟哈佛大学现任面试官Steven见面,昔日的同事见面,一起在哈佛大学校园里走走逛逛,周校说自己现在是VERITAS学校校长,而哈佛大学的校训正是VERITAS,Steven教授说,不是”Ve-ri-tas”是“Ve-ry-Tough” ,哈佛的标准对全球学子而言都是梦校,是very tough的存在!周校也跟Steven介绍了VCA的全球体系,我们VCA争取能获得哈佛更多的关注,探讨如何进哈佛的生源基地系统,添砖加瓦VCA学子的藤校申请!
In early December, Shenzhen was still warm and spring-like, while Boston was experiencing its first snowfall of the season! Our principal of VERITAS Shenzhen campus, Tom Zhou, returned to Boston to revisit old haunts and meet old friends, and was in a constant rush to meet up with old friends...
4th December, Tom met with Steven, his former colleague, current Harvard University interviewer. They walked around the Harvard University campus together and reminisced about the good old days. Tom said that he is now the principal of VERITAS Collegiate Academy, and that the school motto at Harvard University is VERITAS. Steven said: “It’s Ve-ri-tas, it’s Ve-ry-Tough!” He said that the standard of applying Harvard University is very tough for students all over the world. Tom also introduced VCA's global system to Steven, and we VCA are striving to gain more attention from Harvard and explore how to enter its system, contributing to the VCA students' Ivy League applications!

12月5日,周校跟乌干达现任王子Prince Nicholas及MIT生物科技天使投资集团公司董事长Jay会面,沟通未来学生实习和科研的可行性。朋友相聚,没有正式场合的拘谨,只有轻松惬意的坦诚,在一波波的欢声笑语中碰撞出很多新火花、新思路,为我们孩子们的实习机会拓展新途径和思路!
On December 5th, Principal Zhou met with Prince Nicholas, the current prince of Uganda, and Jay, chairman of MIT Biotech Angel Investment Group, to discuss the feasibility of student internships and research in the future. Friends gathered together, without the formal constraints of a formal setting, only relaxed and sincere, and in a wave of laughter, sparked many new ideas and new perspectives, expanding new avenues and ideas for our children's internship opportunities!
On December 6, Tom met with Professor Wendy, former admissions officer at MIT. The joy of meeting each other after a long time is reflected in the smiles. Professor Wendy is a legendary woman. In addition to being a former admissions officer of MIT, she is also a famous lawyer and professor!
And Rene, the dean of the musical theater department at Berklee College of Music, he is the original author of the musical Alice in Wonderland. As the dean of the department, Rene is still enjoy teaching students. Tom watched an evening rehearsal of the Berkeley Musical Theater students! Early edition!
Next, there are a bunch of schedules for Tom. Let's look forward to expecting the resource feast from our principal, Tom Zhou!