From SIS to Amazon Web Services Software Engineer
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We caught up recently with Sean Sun, class of 2019 alum now working at Amazon Web Services in Seattle, Washington. Sean graduated in 2024 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Sean at SIS graduation with classmates
Chris, Ryan and Tim
Recharting His Path:
Leap from Architecture to the
Thrill of Computer Science
Initially accepted into the CMU Architecture program, Sean realized his expectations of the course were not being met. After taking the introductory courses for the highly competitive Computer Science major, Sean successfully transferred and found he could apply his love of problem-solving more directly through mathematics and physics.
Sean at CMU graduation with friends
Sean is humble about his recent success, reflecting that it was not a straightforward journey. Sean shared that he was hesitant and felt highly stressed when he didn't find his first-choice program was what he expected, and to shift, he had to compete for limited spaces. Working hard to achieve top grades was a challenge, yet he persisted because of his belief that computer science would match his skills and interests better. Importantly, Sean said that he learned that you shouldn't fear change. Back in his senior year, when he received his university offers and was rejected from a dream choice, he felt like the world was ending, yet he saw later how it opened doors to new opportunities. Being at CMU permitted Sean to change his major based on his academic achievement in the core courses, leading to highly satisfying personal and career success.
Role at AWS:
Building Systems from Scratch
In his current role, Sean works in a database team developing computer systems from scratch. He finds this meaningful and challenging, spending the majority of his time coding, with the balance dedicated to communication for clarifying the system goals. This role draws on his strengths in problem-solving and being independently responsible yet still allows him to contribute within a team. His internship at AWS led to him being hired full-time after graduation, attesting to his impact and the value he brought even then.
Sean at his workplace - Amazon Web Services
SIS Inspired Sean's Tech Skills for a Better World
Sean at SIS graduation with Kiho
Sean credits the breadth and depth of the learning he acquired in the IBDP at SIS, particularly in his higher-level courses of Mathematics, Physics and Visual Arts, to developing his ability to tackle the most competitive program at CMU and find joy in the details of computer systems coding. A gecko from 2008-2019, Sean feels that SIS shaped him, particularly through service-learning experiences. He said it is easy for us to forget about people in need when we are so focused on our schoolwork or careers. However, his service experiences left a mark, so he thinks about his future impact and the potential areas where he can contribute to the greater good. Sean was a dedicated member and became the leader of SIS Housebuilding Club, organizing fundraising and service trips and running regular meetings with the student volunteers. Sean's long-term goal is to use his computer coding skills to contribute to reversing climate change. Although he feels he has many experiences before he is ready to tackle this, his interest in contributing to society at large was fostered through his involvement in service-oriented experiences at SIS including Housebuilding Club.
Sean with his parents and
sister Bubu, a current SIS student
Work-life balance:
Sean's Seattle Adventure
Sean is happy with his move to Seattle, a location that fondly reminds him of Taiwan, with nearby access to both mountains and sea. He loves skiing and hiking and has recently taken up pottery as a new hobby. He said his work-life balance has improved since completing his degree. With his weekends of studying behind him, he is now focused on exploring the Seattle area and going on outings with friends.
Sean hiking by the sea in Taiwan
We congratulate Sean on his achievements so far! We're pleased to see him thriving in his career and reaping the rewards of his decisions.
Sean enjoying the view at Kinzua Bridge State Park, Pennsylvania
近期,我们采访了Sean Sun,一位2019届的杰出校友。目前,Sean在华盛顿州西雅图市的亚马逊网络服务公司担任要职。他于2024年从卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)毕业,获得了计算机科学理学学士学位。
Sean认为,深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校(SIS)的国际文凭大学预科项目(IBDP),尤其是那些在数学、物理和视觉艺术等学科上的高难度课程,不仅塑造了他应对CMU激烈竞争的能力,更让他在计算机系统编码的细微之处发现了乐趣。作为2008至2019学年的校友,Sean认为SIS对他的影响深远,尤其是通过服务学习的经历。他提醒我们,在专注于学业或事业的同时,我们很容易忽视那些需要帮助的人。然而,正是这些服务经历给Sean留下了不可磨灭的印象,促使他开始思考自己未来的影响力,以及他能在哪些领域为更大的利益做出贡献。作为一位热心的成员,他不仅参与其中,还担任了SIS Housebuilding俱乐部的负责人,组织筹款和服务之旅,并定期与学生志愿者举行会议。Sean的长远目标是利用自己的计算机编码技能,为应对气候变化做出贡献。尽管他意识到自己还需要积累更多经验来解决这一全球性问题,但他对为社会做出贡献的兴趣,正是通过参与包括Housebuilding俱乐部在内的SIS服务型体验项目而培养起来的。
Sean在宾夕法尼亚州的Kinzua Bridge State公园欣赏美景
