To promote the spirit of Chinese aerospace and aerospace science education, to implement the strategy of 'Revitalizing the country through science and education,' and to make active efforts in identifying and nurturing future talents in aerospace science and technology for the country and Hong Kong, the 'China Aerospace Dream' essay and creative design competition organized by Hong Kong Inspiration Education and Youth Foundation was held in Hong Kong on 31st August 2024 and seven representatives from the PSIS's Academic Team responded positively to the call.

· 深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校全体获奖学生、校方教学部代表赴香港理工大学出席颁奖典礼
It is understood that the competition attracted more than 1,500 participants from 110 schools in Hong Kong. After a fierce competition, Princeton students were fearless of the challenge, and all of them won awards, among which four students won the champion of multiple categories, one was the first runner-up, and two achieved the Merit Award:
普林云海港人子弟学校学子Esther Luo、Jemy Zhang, Isabella Xing三位获得首届「中国航天梦」太空科学应用创新创意设计比赛高小组及初中组的冠军,Nora Teng获得第三届「中国航天梦」全港征文比赛初中组冠军,Yoyo Li获初中组亚军,Henry Hu和Vincent Zhu获得初小组和高小组的优异奖。(每个赛事的初小、高小、初中及高中组別各包含:冠军1名、亚军2名、季军3名以及优异6名)
Esther Luo, Jemy Zhang, and Isabella Xing, students of PSIS, were the winners of the First Prize of ‘China Aerospace Dream’ Space Science Application Innovation and Creative Design Competition in the Senior and Junior High Schools Groups; Nora Teng was the winner of the Junior High Schools Group of the Third Prize ‘China Aerospace Dream’ Hong Kong Essay Writing Competition, and Yoyo Li was the first runner-up in the Junior High Schools Group. Henry Hu and Vincent Zhu won the Junior and Senior Groups Merit Awards. (For each competition, there are one champion, two runners-up, three third runners-up, and six merit winners in each of the Primary, Upper Primary, Junior Secondary, and Senior Secondary categories)
The Chinese Aerospace Dream has taken root in Hong Kong and gained significant influence
Organised by the Hong Kong Inspirational Education and Youth Foundation, the ‘China Aerospace Dream’ series is a major ‘aerospace extravaganza’ in Hong Kong, which not only receives strong support from institutions and organisations on both sides of the China mainland and Hong Kong, but also attracts the keen attention and love of the Hong Kong public, especially the young people.
· 中国航天科技教育论坛暨第三届“中国航天梦”全港征文及太空科学应用创新创意比赛暨航天科普教育系列启动礼于8月31日在香港九龙塘生产力大楼1楼Inno Space举行(图源:紫荆网)
According to the introduction, ‘China Aerospace Dream’ has organized two activities in Hong Kong, with a cumulative online and offline participation of more than 12,000 people. The 2024 ‘China Aerospace Dream’ series of activities has launched an ‘upgraded’ version! ‘In addition to a territory-wide essay competition with five categories ranging from junior primary to open group, a new ‘Creative and Innovative Space Science Application’ competition was launched to allow participants to form teams to design space station experiments, moon exploration, Mars migration, etc. innovatively and creatively. The competition will enable participants to form teams to design space station experiments, lunar exploration, and migration to Mars innovatively and creatively, and experts will select the winners from different disciplines and aerospace disciplines.

· “第三届‘中国航天梦’全港征文及太空科学应用创新创意比赛”全体获奖学生大合照
At the 2024 ‘China Aerospace Dream’ Launch Ceremony, Mr Xu Haisan, President of the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, said in his speech, ‘The “China Aerospace Dream” series of activities has enabled a large number of primary and secondary school students to express their aerospace dreams through the Essay Competition, which is impressive in terms of the creativity and dreams of the young people in Hong Kong.’
· 深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校全体获奖学生、校方教学部代表赴香港理工大学出席颁奖典礼
One minute on the stage, ten years of work off the stage. Behind every student's remarkable achievement is the long-term and unremitting support and cultivation of the education system of PSIS. Among the 110 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong that participated in the competition, PSIS, as the only Hong Kong people's children's school located in Shenzhen, demonstrated extraordinary strength when it sent representatives to participate in the competition for the first time, and not only did it win awards for all of its students, but also won the '3 Champions, 1 Runner-up and 2 Distinguished', and was awarded 'The Most Outstanding Participating School Award.'

· 深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校被主办方授予「最杰出参与学校奖」称号
This achievement proves that PSIS possesses a forward-looking strategic vision and educational philosophy and profoundly understands and practices the fundamental value of solid education in cultivating future talents. The school has deeply rooted the core truth of education in every student's learning, thinking, and growth. After time's accumulation and efforts, it has ushered in today's glorious moment when the water has come to the surface.
The emphasis on ‘AcademicExcellence’ and ‘Integration of Science and Innovation’ enables students to shine in this event and protects them in their future life paths.
PSIS provides high-quality international education by adopting the Hong Kong Curriculum as the leading curriculum, implementing the curriculum based on the Hong Kong English Primary School and English Secondary School Curriculum, and developing an in-depth learning model based on the IB curriculum system. Under the guidance of the school's highly integrated and fully open curriculum and teaching philosophy, the school aims to cultivate future talents who are 'Based in the Bay Area and have a global outlook.'
· PSIS Science 课堂
在本年度「中国航天梦」全港征文比赛中,我校学子Nora Teng获得第三届「中国航天梦」全港征文比赛初中组冠军,Yoyo Li获初中组亚军,Henry Hu和Vincent Zhu获得初小组和高小组的优异奖。四位学生代表能一举斩获佳绩离不开学校对学生学术能力的重视和培养。
In this year's 'China Aerospace Dream'Dream Essay Competition, our student Nora Teng won the Champion of the Junior Group of the 3rd 'China Aerospace Dream'Dream Essay Competition, Yoyo Li was the First Runner-up of the Junior Group, and Henry Hu and Vincent Zhu won the Merit Prizes of the Junior Group and the Senior Group. The success of the four student representatives is attributed to the school's emphasis on developing students' academic abilities.
据深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校教学主任Lan介绍:“在准备比赛的过程中,征文大赛的指导老师们会在题目分析解读和文章主旨思路上利用学业指导时间及业余时间予以专业的辅导。”执教4-5年级语文学科的Emily 老师表示:“这次参赛的结果还是很公平公正。代表参赛的同学对于此次征文比赛的兴趣很强,主动对参赛作品进行了多次的修改和调整,最后也都完成得不错。”
According to Ms. Lan, the Director of Academics at PSIS, ‘In preparation for the competition, the essay contest instructors will use their academic guidance time and spare time to provide professional counseling on topic analysis and interpretation and the main ideas of the essays.’ Ms Emily, who teaches Year 4-5 Chinese Language, said, ‘The competition results were fair and just. The students in the competition were very interested in the essay competition. They took the initiative to make several revisions and adjustments to their entries, which were all well done.

· Nora Teng获得第三届「中国航天梦」全港征文比赛初中组冠军颁奖现场
在本次「中国航天梦」首次亮相的太空科学应用创新创意设计比赛中,我校学子Esther Luo、Jemy Zhang, Isabella Xing一举夺魁,获得首届「中国航天梦」太空科学应用创新创意设计比赛高小组及初中组的冠军。“初出茅庐”便“一鸣惊人”,这令人惊叹的成绩得益于普林云海扎实全备的科创教学体系。
Esther Luo, Jemy Zhang and Isabella Xing won the first ‘China Aerospace Dream’ Space Science Application Innovation and Creative Design Competition, winning the first ‘China Aerospace Dream’ Space Science Application Innovation and Creative Design Competition in the senior and junior high school groups. ‘This amazing achievement is attributed to the solid and comprehensive science and creativity teaching system of PSIS.

· Esther Luo 获得首届「中国航天梦」太空科学应用创新创意设计比赛小高组冠军颁奖现场
“科教融合”是深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校创校之初确立的教学方针,通过从幼儿教育和基础教育开始,小学 1-5 年级结合 IB PYP 超学科主题探究,6-9 年级采用项目制、小组合作进行学科推进,厚植科创探究土壤。
‘Integration of science and education’ is the teaching policy established at the beginning of PSIS. It starts with early childhood education and basic education, combining IB PYP with super-subject thematic inquiry in primary school grades 1 to 5, and adopting the project system and small group cooperation in advancing the subjects in grades 6 to 9 to thickly plant the soil of science and creativity inquiry.

· Jemy Zhang和 Isabella Xing 获得首届「中国航天梦」太空科学应用创新创意设计比赛初中组冠军颁奖现场
据执教深圳市普林云海港人子弟学校G6-9年级Science学科的外籍教师 Chris 自豪地表示:“在与学生讨论参赛题目时,我和学生们统一都选择了最难的部分,同时也是最吸引人的“太空碎片”主题,这极大地激发了团队的积极性。其实一开始我们并没有抱着获奖的期待,但当看到学生们全力以赴的参赛心态,以及不断超越自我的冲劲时,我认为在那一刻她们就已经获得成功了,比赛的结果也同样证明了这一点。”
According to Chris, an expatriate teacher who teaches Science in G6-9 at PSIS, he is proud to say, 'When discussing the topic of the competition with the students, the students and I unanimously chose the most difficult part of the competition, which was also the most fascinating, the topic of "space debris." This was a great motivation for the team. We didn't expect to win at the beginning. Still, when we saw the students' dedication to the competition and their drive to excel, I thought they had already succeeded at that moment, and the results of the competition proved it.'
· Jemy Zhang、Isabella Xing 在PSIS外籍教师 Chris 指导下,所选择的Space debris (太空碎片)主题的参赛作品整体展示
As the first International School for Hong Kong Students in Futian, PSIS has always been moving forward on the education integration and development road between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. This award is a positive attempt by the school to promote the sharing of educational resources between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and to cultivate innovative talents. In the future, we will adhere to the school motto of ‘Building Character, Building People, Stopping at Perfection,’ continue to implement the ‘Princeton SkyLake Education’ training model, pass on Chinese culture, build up national self-confidence, and cultivate our students to become talents with a heart for their home country, an international outlook, and a vision for the future.
We invite more families concerned about education and international cultivation in the Bay Area to come to PSIS and explore more education possibilities with us on 28 December 2024 at the Campus Open Day.