Dear members of PSIS,
We are excited to announce some uplifting news: on December 22, 2024, PSIS officially received accreditation from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), becoming an authorized IB World School for the Primary Years Programme (PYP). This is not only the result of our collective efforts but also a shared honor for every member of the Princeton Skylake community.
· Final Authorization Letter from IBO
Reflection and Achievements
回顧過去,我校始終秉持「立品立人、止於至善」的校訓,致力於培養具有健全人格、中英兼擅、开物创新、全面發展的國際化複合型人才。此次IB PYP項目的認證,是對我們教育理念和教學質量的最高肯定。成為IB世界學校,意味著我們以教育標準為標杆,不斷學習借鑒,不斷提升自身的辦學品質和水準。
Looking back, our school has always upheld the motto “Excellent Personality in Pursuit of Excellence”, focusing on cultivating well-rounded, bilingual, and internationally-minded talents with innovative thinking rooted in understanding and exploration. The successful accreditation of the IB PYP is the highest affirmation of our educational philosophy and teaching quality. Becoming an IB World School means that we align ourselves with world-class educational standards, continuously learning from best practices and striving to enhance our own educational quality and level.
左右滑動查看IB PYP 結題展圖集
左右滑动查看IB PYP 結題展學生作品集
左右滑動查看IB PYP 探究圖集
·IB PYP項目戶外研學 | IB PYP Field Trip
Looking Ahead
As we look to the future, we are filled with confidence and determination. Guided by the IB philosophy and curriculum, we anticipate that every PSIS student will possess solid academic capabilities and will be able to face future challenges with confidence. We will continue to explore and innovate with an entrepreneurial mindset, promoting sustainable development in education.
· IB PYP 工作坊 | IB PYP Workshop
Under the visionary leadership of PSIS leadership team and the coordination of our experienced teaching and administrative teams, members of PSIS have demonstrated unprecedented creativity and execution. We successfully completed the process of becoming an official IB World School in just 15 months, a remarkable achievement compared to the usual 24 to 36 months. This is not only a victory in terms of speed but also a triumph of innovation that embodies the Princeton Skylake Educational Model.
Gratitude and Outlook
Best wishes!
Management Team of Princeton Skylake International School for Hong Kong Students (Shenzhen)
December 24, 2024
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