
1月18日,来打卡绝美山海校园!VMA 2025年首场开放日报名预约中!

01-13 08:08发布于广东


•  Vanke Meisha Academy  •



日期:1月18日 (周六) 下午 14:20


参与方式:活动面向公众开放,当天设置学术以及艺术(分为视觉和表演艺术两大方向)课程,具体信息请参考文末【03 报名方式】,名额有限报满即止。

•  Vanke Meisha Academy  •

Vanke Meisha Academy sincerely invites you to attend our first Open Day of 2025, which will be held on Saturday, January 18th. Our campus, nestled between mountains and sea, will open its doors to showcase a decade of educational achievements and strength. On the day of the Open Day, students can participate in a variety of academic and artistic experiential courses, experiencing the charm of our classrooms. Teachers will be available for one-on-one consultations, answering all your questions.

This is an opportunity to learn about the academy and will also become a wonderful journey filled with new encounters. We look forward to your presence as we embark on a future of endless possibilities.

Date:  January 18th (Saturday), PM 14:20

Location: No. 33 Huanmei Road, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Vanke Meisha Academy

The event is open to the public, and academic as well as art courses (divided into visual and performing arts) will be offered on the day. For detailed information, please refer to the end of this message. Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first-come.

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VMA teachers will provide a comprehensive analysis of international education trends and give an overview of VMA's distinctive educational features.


The teachers will interpret the three major curriculum systems and explain the multiple resource supports that VMA provides to students.


The Director of CCO will show the multidimensional achievements of VMA and the admissions counselors will provide one-on-one Q&A sessions.


On the Open Day, academic and art demo classes will be held, and student volunteers will lead you to a campus tour.

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讲座环节 Lecture Session




招生与品牌办公室主管: 李倩欣

- Interpretation of VMA Education Philosophy

- Introduction to the Curriculum and Academic Support Admissions Information

- Admissions Information

Director of AMO: Carol Li



升学指导办公室主任: 陈冬松

Graduates Outcomes

Director of CCO: Suzy Chen

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李倩欣  Carol Li




Master's Degree: University of Glasgow, UK – Education
Bachelor's Degree: Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Campus – Law

With nearly 10 years of experience in international education, certified as a CIAFO College Admissions Advisor, Carol possesses unique insights into the international school market, admissions, branding, and student management. She has extensive experience in organizing large-scale events, successfully creating multiple major IP events. Having worked in VMA for six years, she understands the psychology of parents and teenagers, helping nearly a thousand families find the most suitable development plans for their children.


陈冬松  Suzy Chen




Master of Science, International Business, Aston University
Bachelor of Management, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, Qingdao University of Science and Technology

Ms. Chen has been working in international education field for 11 years, having accumulated profound experience in college counseling. She has a deep understanding of the higher education system of the major countries for overseas study, and has helped students admitted by top universities of US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. She is a member of IACAC and China ICAC, and used to be the panel speaker of professional college counseling conferences, such as EMW conference and China ICAC Annual conference as well. Before joining in VMA, she acted as the Deputy Director of College Counseling Center of The Second-High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, International Division.

学术体验课 Demo Class (US&UK)


 A 英语课 

英语教师:Karen Morris

A English Class

English Teacher: Karen Morris

 B 数学课 

数学科组长:Mogammad Rifat Zardad

B Math Class

Director of Academic Quality and

Learning(UK Track)/Mathematics Department Chair: Mogammad Rifat Zardad

 C 科学课 

生物课长: 申磊博士

C Science Class

Course Head of Biology: Dr. Shen Lei

* 以上课程都需自行携带文具。

All above classes require students to bring their own stationery.

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Karen Morris



During this class, Karen will introduce students to storytelling methods and techniques used by writers. Activities will focus on six-word stories and students will have the opportunity to play with the structure of their ideas, to create different effects by manipulating time and the sequence of events.

Karen has been teaching English Language and Literature for almost 20 years in both England and China. This is her 7th year in China, having lived for 5 years in Suzhou before joining VMA in 2023. I love reading, baking cakes and swimming in the sea;  she also like to write stories.She has three rescue animals - a dog and two cats - and enjoy walking my dog around Dameisha Bay. VMA is a fantastic place to work and study, so we hope you enjoy your visit to our school!



Mogammad Rifat Zardad



Bachelor of Science, Mathematical Science, University of the Witwatersrand
Post Graduate Certificate in Education specializing in Mathematics Education, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Registered Educator with the South African Council of Educators (SACE)

Mr. Zardad has been in the top of his class in mathematics throughout high school and university. Rif’at has a vast knowledge of mathematical science having completed 40 modules of mathematical-based subjects throughout his tertiary education. He studied actuarial science in 2007 and completed his BSc Degree in 2012 with majors in mathematics and computational and applied mathematics. He then went on to complete his post-graduate studies in mathematics education as a result of his love for both mathematics and teaching. His love for mathematical science and education can be seen through his learner-centred approach to teaching and learning and his unique teaching style in and out of the classroom.



申磊  Dr. Shen Lei



Doctor of Science, Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Bachelor of Agriculture, Northwest A&F University, China

Dr.Shen officially started his professional career as teacher and researcher at VMA just 1 yare after VMA was launched and have developed and taught multi-level biology and relevant courses since then.While at VMA, Dr. Shen was qualified as a holder of Overseas High-Calibre Personnel Certificate and his curriculum design was hornored with Tier 1 award in an symposium organised by Yantian Institute of Education Sciences.

Prior to joining VMA, Shen completed his undergraduate education in China. After that, Shen was awarded a schorlarship from State Scholoriship Fund (China Scholarship Council) to purse PhD study in Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University in UK. His research interests focus on the effects of climate change on crops and crop production by investigating how crop cells can sense and transduce environmental signals.

艺术体验课 Demo Class (VMAA)


 A 视觉艺术课 VA 


视觉艺术教师: Louie Cabognason

Fashion Design Class(60mins)

Visual Arts Teacherr: Louie Cabognason

 B 表演艺术课 PA 

① 钢琴老师  吴晓萍 李一豪

② 中提琴老师  李扬

③ 大提琴教师  刘蔚鹏

④ 声乐老师  屠政

① Piano Teacher: Lilia Wu, Rayrmon Li  

② Voila Teacher: Yang Li

③ Cello Teacher:  Weipeng Liu

④ Vocal Teachers:  Zheng Tu

* 学生需自带乐器,钢琴除外,并准备一首曲子。(表演艺术体验课不接受现场报名)

Students need to bring their own musical instruments, except for pianos, and prepare one piece of music.(Performing Arts Demo Classes do not accept on-site registrations.)

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Louie Cabognason




He has studied fashion design related certification courses at Parsons School of Design in New York and Central St. Martin's College in London

Louie has been teaching at VMAA for 7 years. He teaches digital painting to Y1 students and AP Art History, Fashion Studio, and portfolio courses to Y2-4 students. He also serves as the coordinator for the school's annual fashion show.In the winter of 2017, Louie made her debut at New York Fashion Week and then set up an exhibition at Shenzhen Fashion Week. He has provided design for Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and the United States for 15 consecutive years, and is currently building his own product line.



吴晓萍  Lilia Wu







Master: Double master's degree in Central Conservatory of Music Piano and chamber music

Bachelor: Belarusian Central Conservatory of Music

Executive Director of the Meisha International Piano and Chamber Music Festival and Outstanding Teacher in Yantian District by Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau.

"During her studies abroad, Lilia Wu represented her school in various university-level activities, government and embassy events. With nearly a decade of study in the Russian tradition, her repertoire is extensive, with a particular emphasis on tone color, musical interpretation, and performance, as well as an in-depth understanding of composers and their works. This has allowed her to vividly showcase the characteristics and style of the Russian school. She has participated in numerous large-scale solo piano, duo piano, and chamber music performances.Teacher Wu excels in professional piano instruction and guiding students for admissions to English-speaking countries, particularly the United States. She can inspire and move students through music, and in recent years, her students have been admitted to prestigious institutions such as the Juilliard School, New England Conservatory, Eastman School of Music, Johns Hopkins University, Manhattan School of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, Cleveland Institute of Music, and the Royal Academy of Music in the UK.Due to her outstanding teaching achievements, she has been invited multiple times to serve as a judge at major piano competitions across China and even in other parts of Asia. She continues to integrate teaching with performance, leading her students toward growth and progress."



李一豪  Rayrmon Li





Master's degree: London Conservatory of Music, UK
Bachelor's degree: New England Conservatory of Music

Young pianist and piano teacher at VMAA, member of the Chinese Musicians Association, examiner for the Guangdong Province Musicians Association, and secretary-general of the Piano Culture Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Public Culture Promotion Association. Graduated from the London College of Music, UK, and the New England Conservatory of Music in the United States, under the tutelage of the renowned pianist and educator Prof. Mengjie Liu. Has won first prizes in the Asian Chopin International Piano Competition (Concerto Category), the Asian Piano Open Competition, among others.



李扬  Yang Li




李扬老师于2009年作为英国皇家音乐学院的天才儿童,在英国Purcell School完成高中学业。2011年获奖学金赴曼哈顿音乐学院攻读学士,在校期间获邀参加多种艺术节和获得多重奖项。

2015年,她以全额奖学金进入耶鲁大学音乐学院攻读硕士学位,2017年被纽约Stony Brook大学以全额奖学金以及助教资格录取攻读博士学位,师从马友友丝绸之路乐团的中提琴手Nick Cord 和Emerson弦乐四重奏的Lawrence Dutton。同年获得拉丁美洲排名第一的交响乐团Orquesta Filarmónica de Jalisco的邀请作为客席中提琴副首席随团演出,随后作为中提琴手正式与乐团签约。

Master's degree: Yale University School of Music
Bachelor's degree: Manhattan Conservatory of Music

Teacher Li Yang completed his high school education at Purcell School in the UK in 2009 as a gifted child at the Royal Academy of Music, under the guidance of viola professor Ian Jewel. In 2011, he was awarded a scholarship to pursue his undergraduate degree at the Manhattan Conservatory of Music in New York. He studied under renowned educator Patinka Kopec, the teaching assistant of Pinchas Zukerman. During his time at school, he was invited to participate in various art festivals and received multiple awards, including the Lilian Fuchs Chamber Music Competition and the Zukerman Young Artist Program Youth Artist Festival in Ottawa, Canada. In 2015, he entered the Yale School of Music with a full scholarship to pursue a master's degree under the guidance of Italian performer Ettore Causa. In 2017, he was admitted to Stony Brook University in New York with a full scholarship and teaching assistant qualification to pursue a doctoral degree, under the guidance of violist Nick Cord from the Silk Road Orchestra led by Yo Ma and Lawrence Dutton from the Emerson String Quartet. During this period, the self composed quartet was selected for the Emerson String Quartert Institute and personally guided by four teachers including Emerson. In the same year, he was invited by the top ranked symphony orchestra in Latin America, Orquesta Filarm ó nica de Jalisco, to perform as a guest viola vice principal with the orchestra. Later, as a violist, he officially signed a contract with the orchestra.



刘蔚鹏  Weipeng Liu


刘蔚鹏老师先后毕业于印第安纳大学和耶鲁大学,师从著名大提琴家Janos Starker和Aldo Parisot。他曾先后担任费耶特维尔市交响乐团大提琴首席、杰克逊交响乐团大提琴声部首席。他曾应邀出席多个著名的音乐节,包括:Lazlo Varga庆祝活动,美国加州富勒顿市大提琴节,在2011与2012年,两次获得全额奖学金,参加阿斯本音乐节并担任歌剧乐团的首席。自2016-2019年乐季间,他在广州交响乐团担任助理大提琴首席一职。

Mr. Liu Weipeng graduated successively from Indiana University and Yale University, where he studied under renowned cellists Janos Starker and Aldo Parisot. He has served as principal cellist of the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and the Jackson Symphony Orchestra. Invited to numerous prestigious music festivals, including the Lazlo Varga Celebration and the Fullerton Cello Festival in California, USA, he was awarded full scholarships in both 2011 and 2012 to attend the Aspen Music Festival, where he also led the opera orchestra as principal. From the 2016-2019 season, he held the position of Assistant Principal Cellist at the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra.



屠政  Zheng Tu 




屠老师近年来以独唱演员的身份登上了许多国际音乐节的舞台:伦敦国际早期音乐节、罗西尼歌剧艺术节、伦敦艺术歌曲节、奥地利利林费尔德音乐节等,在许多重要演出场地留下足迹,如英国巴比肯中心、北京国家大剧院、纽约联合国总部、热那亚歌剧院等。多次举办“德奥艺术歌曲独唱会”以及“中国声乐作品独唱音乐会”。曾经出演过的歌剧有:莫扎特《费加罗的婚礼》《女人心》《蒂托的仁慈》,普契尼《蝴蝶夫人》《燕子》,比采《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《采珠人》《铂斯的美丽少女》,威尔弟《弄臣》,梅诺蒂《领事》,沃恩·威廉姆斯《音乐小夜曲》,卡里西米《耶夫特》。同时他也是英国西德尼·佩里基金会赞助艺术家以及英国约瑟芬·贝克体系艺术家。艺术歌曲领域巨匠格雷汉姆·约翰逊(Graham Johnson)先生称赞其“一个年轻的费舍尔·迪斯考。

Master's degree: Master of Music (MMus) and Master of Music Performance (MPerf) from the City Hall School of Music and Drama in the UK

Bachelor's degree: School of Arts, Xiamen University

In recent years, Mr. Tu has appeared on the stages of many international music festivals as a solo singer, including the London International Festival of Early Music, the Rossini Opera Festival, the London Song Festival, and the Lillifeather Festival in Austria. He has performed at significant venues such as the Barbican Centre in London, the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing, the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and the Genoa Opera House, among others. He has repeatedly hosted solo recitals featuring German and Austrian art songs, as well as solo concerts presenting Chinese vocal compositions. His opera credits include Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro, Così fan tutte, and La Clemenza di Tito, Puccini's Madama Butterfly and La Rondine, Bizet's Roméo et Juliette, Les Pêcheurs de Perles, and La Jolie Fille de Perth, Verdi's Rigoletto, Menotti's The Consul, Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music, and Carissimi's Jephte. Furthermore, he is a sponsored artist of the Sidney Perry Foundation in the UK and an affiliated artist with the Josephine Baker system in Britain. The esteemed master of art songs, Graham Johnson, hailed him as "a young Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau."




扫码报名 Scan the QR Code

The Open Day speech is open for registration to all grade levels of students and their parents. Families with children below Grade 5 will be reviewed for participation based on the remaining capacity of the event. 



The academic courses are open to current G8-G9 students. Visual arts courses are also available to G8-G9 students with a prerequisite of foundational art skills. Performing arts courses admit students from G5 to G10, requiring a certain level of artistic background. A registration fee of 100 yuan is applicable. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 



Scan the QR code via WeChat, fill in the application details, and submit. The Admissions Office will review your submission within 3-5 working days, following which you will receive an SMS notification confirming your successful registration. Parents applying for experience classes, please be available to answer calls as our Admissions staff will contact you to verify class details. Spaces for these classes are limited and registration will be closed once full. Please select classes according to actual needs. We will inform you of check-in details for the event via text message or phone call; please ensure your communication devices are accessible.(Performance Arts Demo Classes do not accept on-site registrations.)

电话 TEL:0755-66618494、66618495、66618508、66618497 (艺术专线),周末请致电13889912087。





Uncover the mysteries of international education, savor the joy of acquiring new knowledge. Here, meet a better you. See you in VMA on January 18th!











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